import PySimpleGUI as sg import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime # import ReadCTDFiles as rf from zipfile import ZipFile import configparser as cp import os from shutil import copy2 import errno import glob import sys from collections import Counter import string cfg = 'MARINA_CRUISE' # Specifies which configuration to read from config file. You can have one for the ship and one or more for testing. cfile = r'Q:\Marina_testing\ctdconfig.ini' # Config file to fill in default values ship_dict={ 'DAVID STARR JORDAN': 'JD', 'SALLY RIDE': 'SR', 'BOLD HORIZON': 'BH', 'ROGER REVELLE': 'RR', 'SPROUL': 'SP', 'SHIMADA': 'SH', 'OCEANUS': 'OC', 'LASKER': 'RL' } def convertCoords(ll): #Convert latitude and longitude to decimal values llarr=ll.split(" ") decll=f"{(int(llarr[0])+float(llarr[1])/60.0):.6f}" return decll def writeLog(hdr_dict, mrk_df, cesl_fname): # Not Sure what this file is for yet, but keeping it just in case foutput = cesl_fname # If file already exists, remove it, otherwise we'll end up appending stuff to existing file. if os.path.exists(foutput): os.remove(foutput) with open(foutput, 'a') as f: linest = hdr_dict['Station'].split(" ") # split so we can put a comma between line and station shipcode=ship_dict.get(hdr_dict['Ship'], 'Invalid ship name') # If invalid, edit shi_dict above to add the correct name hdr1 = hdr_dict['Cruise'][0:-2]+','+f"{int(hdr_dict['Cast'])}"+','+f"{linest[0]},{linest[1]}"+',,,'+hdr_dict['NMEA_UTC_FMT']+','+hdr_dict['declat']+','+hdr_dict['declon']+',CTD,FROM PYTHON,'+hdr_dict['Operator']+',,,,0\n' f.write(hdr1) hdr2 = ' 0, '+hdr_dict['System_UTC']+','+hdr_dict['Latitude']+','+hdr_dict['Longitude']+f",{hdr_dict['System_UTC']},"+hdr_dict['Ship']+f',{shipcode},'+hdr_dict['Cruise']+','+hdr_dict['Station']+','+hdr_dict['Cast']+','+hdr_dict['Operator']+','+hdr_dict['Cast_type']+',,,,,,,,,,,,\n' f.write(hdr2) #Iterate over rows of the mrk dataframe for index, md in mrk_df.iterrows(): line = f"{index+1:>2}, {md['timestamp']} ,,,{md['depSM'].strip()},{md['t090C'].strip()},{md['sal00'].strip()},{md['sigma-é00'].strip()},,,,{md['sbeox0ML/L'].strip()},{md['v0'].strip()},{md['v1'].strip()},{md['v2'].strip()},,,,,,,,,\n" f.write(line) def writeSLog(hdr_dict, mrk_df, slog_fname, prd={}): # To be read in by CESL foutput = slog_fname # If file already exists, remove it, otherwise we'll end up appending stuff to existing file. if os.path.exists(foutput): os.remove(foutput) with open(foutput, 'a') as f: linest = hdr_dict['Station'].split(" ") # split so we can put a comma between line and station hdr1=f"{hdr_dict['Cast'].zfill(4)},{hdr_dict['Cast']}, CalCOFI {hdr_dict['Cruise'][0:-2]},{hdr_dict['Ship']},,{hdr_dict['Nav_date_FMT']},{hdr_dict['declat']},{hdr_dict['declon']},{linest[0]},{linest[1]},{hdr_dict['Cast_type']},,,,,,,,,,,,,\n" f.write(hdr1) f.write("Nisk,Sample,Depth,Temp,Salt,Flask,O2 T,Salt,Nuts,Chl,Phyto,Prodo,DIC/pH,NCOG,JOSI,TOC,Size,Comments,Niskin,Depth,FCM,Pico,Nano,Micro,HPLC,POM,TOC,Size,Phyto,Prodo,Comments\n") #Iterate over rows of the mrk dataframe for index, md in mrk_df.iterrows(): istr=str(index+1).zfill(2) if(str(index+1) in prd ): # Is this a prodo bottle? prodo = prd[str(index+1)] else: prodo='' if float(md['depSM']) > 200: line=f"{istr},{istr},{float(md['depSM']):.1f},{md['t090C'].strip()},{md['sal00'].strip()},,{istr},{istr},,,,{prodo},,,,,,,{istr},{float(md['depSM']):.1f},,,,,,,,,,,\n" else: line=f"{istr},{istr},{float(md['depSM']):.1f},{md['t090C'].strip()},{md['sal00'].strip()},,{istr},{istr},{istr},,,{prodo},,,,,,,{istr},{float(md['depSM']):.1f},,,,,,,,,,,\n" f.write(line) def readProdosFile(fname): # Only done for prodo casts prodos=[] with open(fname, 'r') as f: for line in f: prodos.append(line.strip()) # Discard first two line prodos=prodos[2:] # Get Count for each bottle number cdict=dict(Counter(prodos)) # Create dict and return it prodos_bls={} for k in cdict: prodos_bls[k] = k+string.ascii_lowercase[0:cdict[k]] return prodos_bls def readHdrFileAndNav(fname, navname) : # Collect info from .hdr and .nav files hdr_dict = {} with open(fname, 'r') as f: for line in f: uline = line.upper() if "UPLOAD" in uline: hdr_dict['UploadTime'] = line.split("=")[1].strip() continue if "NMEA UTC" in uline: hdr_dict['NMEA_UTC'] = line.split("=")[1].strip() hdr_dict['NMEA_UTC_FMT'] = datetime.strptime(hdr_dict['NMEA_UTC'], '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p') # reformat date as MM/DD/YYYY continue if "SYSTEM UTC" in uline: hdr_dict['System_UTC'] = line.split("=")[1].strip() hdr_dict['System_UTC_FMT'] = datetime.strptime(hdr_dict['System_UTC'], '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p') # reformat date as MM/DD/YYYY continue if "NMEA LATITUDE" in uline: hdr_dict['Latitude'] = line.split("=")[1].strip() continue # Might not need these long and lat, we're overwriting them from nav file anyway if "NMEA LONGITUDE" in uline: hdr_dict['Longitude'] = line.split("=")[1].strip() continue if "SHIP" in uline: hdr_dict['Ship'] = line.split(":")[1].strip() continue if "CRUISE" in uline: hdr_dict['Cruise'] = line.split(":")[1].strip() continue if "STATION" in uline: hdr_dict['Station'] = line.split(":")[1].strip() continue if "CAST:" in uline: hdr_dict['Cast'] = line.split(":")[1].strip() continue if "OPERATOR" in uline: hdr_dict['Operator'] = line.split(":")[1].strip() continue if "TYPE" in uline: hdr_dict['Cast_type'] = line.split(":")[1].strip() continue with open(navname, 'r') as fn: for line in fn: if 'C:' in line: continue else: linearr = line.split(',') hdr_dict['Nav_date']=linearr[0].strip() hdr_dict['Nav_date_FMT']=datetime.strptime(hdr_dict['Nav_date'], '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%m/%d/%Y,%I:%M %p') # reformat date as MM/DD/YYYY hdr_dict['Latitude']=linearr[1].strip() hdr_dict['Longitude']=linearr[2].strip() break # Get decimal values for lat/lon hdr_dict['declat'] = convertCoords(hdr_dict['Latitude']) hdr_dict['declon'] = convertCoords(hdr_dict['Longitude']) return hdr_dict def readMarkFile(fname): # Collect data from .mrk file # This file alternates between lines of data and lines of mark info, from which we only need the datettime stamp. mrk_array = [] data_array = [] lnum=1 with open(fname, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line[0:4] == 'mark': mrk_array.append(line.split("is")[1].strip()) else: if lnum ==2: headers=line # Column headers else: if lnum > 3: data_array.append(line.strip()) lnum += 1 # convert data_array (which is an array of strings) to a dataframe for easier access df = pd.DataFrame([sub.split(",") for sub in data_array]) df.columns = [cn.strip() for cn in headers.split(",")] # add column names to dataframe df['timestamp'] = mrk_array return df def MergeFilesForPrint(path, cruise, cast, dest_file): # Merge .hdr, .nav and .bl files in path for a given cruise and cast into a single .prn file # First, check if dest_file already exists; if yes, ask if user wants to overwrite if os.path.exists(dest_file): ow = sg.popup_yes_no(f'{dest_file} already exists! Overwrite?') print(f'User clicked {ow}') if ow == 'No': return 1 # Check if input files exist hdr_file = os.path.join(path, f"{cruise}{cast}.hdr") if os.path.exists(hdr_file) == False: raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, f"Can't find {hdr_file}") nav_file = os.path.join(path, f"{cruise}{cast}.nav") if os.path.exists(hdr_file) == False: raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, f"Can't find {nav_file}") bl_file = os.path.join(path, f"{cruise}{cast}.bl") if os.path.exists(hdr_file) == False: raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, f"Can't find {bl_file}") filenames = [hdr_file, bl_file, nav_file] try: with open(dest_file, 'w') as outfile: for fname in filenames: with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8', errors='replace') as infile: for line in infile: if not line.startswith('#'): #skip comments outfile.write(line) except PermissionError as err: sg.popup_ok(f"You don't have permission to access these files!", line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') except Exception as err: sg.popup_ok(err, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') else: return 0 def WriteConfigFile(cfg, inputs, pop=True): # Create or update the configuration file # inputs is a dictionary of values from the GUI screen # cfg is the configuration name ('SHIP' for shipboard configuration, else developer-specific) config = cp.ConfigParser() if config.has_section(cfg): # replacing existing section for opt in inputs: config.set(cfg, opt, inputs[opt]) else: # adding new section config.add_section(cfg) for opt in inputs: config.set(cfg, opt, inputs[opt]) # save configuration with open(cfile, 'w') as CF: config.write(CF) if pop: sg.popup_ok('Successfully wrote config file', cfile, line_width=90 ) return 0 def CopyFilesToQ(path, npath, cruise, cast): # Copy CTD files to network drive mrkdir = os.path.join(npath, 'Mrk') # destination directory if not os.path.isdir(mrkdir): print(f"Cannot find {mrkdir}, using {npath} as destination directory") mrkdir = npath copyfiles = {} copyfiles['blfname'] = f"{cruise}{cast}.bl" copyfiles['navfname'] = f"{cruise}{cast}.nav" copyfiles['hdrfname'] = f"{cruise}{cast}.hdr" copyfiles['mrkfname'] = f"{cruise}{cast}.mrk" copyfiles['xmlfname'] = f"{cruise}{cast}.xmlcon" copyfiles['hexfname'] = f"{cruise}{cast}.hex" ret = 0 for fname in copyfiles: src = os.path.join(path, copyfiles[fname]) try: copy2(src, mrkdir) except Exception as err: print(f"{err} copying file {src} to {mrkdir}") ret = 1 continue return ret def ZipTheFiles(path, flist, dest_file): # Zip all the files in flist to dest_file # path is the directory where the source files are count = 0 if len(flist) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, 'CTD files not found. Check path settings and try again.') with ZipFile(dest_file, 'w') as zip: for filename in flist: fpath = os.path.join(path, filename) try: zip.write(fpath) except Exception as e: success = False sg.popup_ok(e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') else: success = True count += 1 return success, count LABEL_SIZE = 20 config = cp.ConfigParser() if not os.path.exists(cfile): sg.popup_ok(f'Missing config file {cfile} ', line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') try: # Get default setting from the config file except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok('Problem reading config file ',e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') sg.theme('light blue 6') # Add a touch of color # All the stuff inside your window. try: layout = [ [sg.Text('CalCOFI CTD Backup Tool', justification="center", font=("bold", 24), size=30)], [sg.Text(f'Using configuration {cfg}', justification="center", font=("bold", 18), size=30)], [sg.Text('Cruise YYMM', tooltip="CalCOFI cruise designation (ie 2107), NO SHIP CODE", size=LABEL_SIZE, justification='right'), sg.Input(default_text=config[cfg]['CruiseYYMM'], key='Cruise')], [sg.Text('CTD Data Path', size=LABEL_SIZE, justification='right', tooltip="Local CTD Data Directory, usually C:\\YYMMSS or C:\\YYMM\\ no ship code"), sg.InputText(default_text=config[cfg]['CTDPath'].zfill(3), key='CTDPath')], [sg.Text('Cast Number', size=LABEL_SIZE, justification='right', tooltip="Processing Number aka Order Occupied"), sg.InputText(default_text=config[cfg]['CastNumber'], key='CastNum')], [sg.Text('Flash Drive Path', size=LABEL_SIZE, justification='right', tooltip="Local Zip Backup location, in case Q: is not connected"), sg.InputText(default_text=config[cfg]['FlashPath'], key='FlashPath') #sg.Checkbox(default=True, text='On', key='FlashOn') ], [sg.Text('Cruise Data Path', size=LABEL_SIZE, justification='right', tooltip="Cruise base data path(Q:\\CODES\\YYYY\\YYMM\\) but can be local -- this where unzipped files will be copied, adding 'CTD' to path"), sg.InputText(default_text=config[cfg]['CruisePath'], key='CruisePath')], #sg.Checkbox(default=True, text='On', key='CruiseOn')], [sg.Text('LOG Data Path', size=LABEL_SIZE, justification='right', tooltip="Cruise base data path(Q:\\CODES\\YYYY\\YYMM\\) but can be local -- this where CESL log files will go, adding 'LOGS' to path"), sg.InputText(default_text=config[cfg]['logpath'], key='LogPath')], [sg.Text('Local Zip Data Path', size=LABEL_SIZE, justification='right', tooltip="Local data path for cruise Zip file, usually C:\\TEMP\\"), sg.InputText(default_text=config[cfg]['ZipPath'], key='ZipPath')], #sg.Checkbox(default=True, text='On', key='ZipOn')], [sg.HorizontalSeparator(p=(0, 15))], [sg.Checkbox(default=False, text='Auto-backup', tooltip="Click this to set up automatic backup, otherwise click [Zip Backup] to archive", key='auto')], [sg.Button('Create/Update config', tooltip="Save values from this screen to config file"), sg.Button('Zip Backup', tooltip="Edit the cast number to the value you want, then click this button to continue"), # sg.Button('Batch Backup', tooltip="Back up all the casts, with a separate zip file for each cast"), sg.Button('Quit')], [sg.Text('CTD Backup, once configured, will back up Seabird CTD data files to the local hard drive, flash drive and network drive. Using the .mrk, .nav and/or .hdr file, it will create a sample log file for use with the CalCOFI Electronic Sample Log (CESL).', relief='sunken', border_width=3, font='bold', pad=3, size=(52, 10))] ] except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok('Problem creating GUI ',e, 'Please check config file settings.', line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') def doBackup(CTDPath, Cruise, CastNum, file_path, out_path, log_path, slog_path, net_path, prodo_path, isgui): try: filelist = glob.glob(file_path) # Get list of all files in file_path except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok(e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') else: goodsave=False try: caststr=CastNum.zfill(3) [fret, fnum] = ZipTheFiles(file_path, filelist, out_path) # zip to flash drive [fret1, fnum1] = ZipTheFiles(file_path, filelist, local_path) # zip to local disk ret1 = CopyFilesToQ(CTDPath, net_path, Cruise, caststr) if ret1 == 1: sg.popup_ok('There was a problem copying files to the network drive', net_path, 'Please check settings and try again', line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Warning') try: mfile = os.path.join(CTDPath,f"{Cruise}{caststr}.mrk") mrk_df = readMarkFile(mfile) except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok(f'Error reading mark file at {mfile}', e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') return goodsave try: hfile=os.path.join(CTDPath,f"{Cruise}{caststr}.hdr") nfile=os.path.join(CTDPath, f"{Cruise}{caststr}.nav") hdr = readHdrFileAndNav(hfile, nfile) except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok(f'Error reading hdr or nav file in {CTDPath}', e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') return goodsave if os.path.exists(prodo_path): prd=readProdosFile(prodo_path) else: prd={} try: writeLog(hdr, mrk_df, log_path) writeSLog(hdr,mrk_df, slog_path, prd) except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok(f"Couldn't write log files to {CTDPath}",e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') return goodsave except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok(e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') else: CastNum = str(int(CastNum)+1).zfill(3) # increment cast number inputs['castnumber'] = CastNum if isgui: window['CastNum'].update(CastNum) WriteConfigFile(cfg, inputs, False) # update config file with new cast number goodsave=True if goodsave: ret = sg.popup_ok(f'Successfully zipped {fnum} CTD files.', # '.hdr .nav and .bl merged into .prn file', f'Backup: {local_path}', f'Flash drive: {out_path}', # f'Print File: {prn_path}', f'CESL Log: {slog_path}' , 'Please turn off the Seabird Deck Unit and unplug the ISUS NO3 battery.', font='Helvetica 18 italic bold', background_color='light yellow', title='Success!', line_width=90) return goodsave if __name__ == "__main__": # If auto flag not set in config file and -g option not given, create the GUI flag = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else '-a' if config[cfg]['auto'] == 'NO' or flag.lower() == '-g': # Create GUI and collect the inputs window = sg.Window('CTD Backup Tool v.2021 Python', layout) # Event Loop to process "events" and get the "values" of the inputs while True: event, values = Cruise = values['Cruise'] CastNum = values['CastNum'].zfill(3) CTDPath = values['CTDPath'] FlashPath = values['FlashPath'] CruisePath = values['CruisePath'] LogPath = values['LogPath'] ZipPath = values['ZipPath'] Auto = 'YES' if values['auto'] else 'NO' inputs = { 'cruiseyymm': Cruise, 'castnumber': CastNum, 'ctdpath': CTDPath, 'flashpath': FlashPath, 'cruisepath': CruisePath, 'logpath': LogPath, 'zippath': ZipPath, 'firstbottle': config[cfg]['firstbottle'] if 'firstbottle' in config[cfg] else 'DEEP', 'auto': Auto } if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Quit': # if user closes window or clicks quit break elif event == 'Create/Update config': try: cfgret = WriteConfigFile(cfg, inputs) except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok('Error writing config file ', e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') else: file_path = os.path.join(CTDPath, f"{Cruise}{CastNum.zfill(3)}*.*") out_path = os.path.join(FlashPath, f'{CastNum.zfill(3)}.zip') # flash drive #prn_path = os.path.join(CruisePath, f"{Cruise}{CastNum.zfill(3)}.prn") # print file log_path = os.path.join(LogPath,f"{Cruise}{CastNum.zfill(3)}.csv") # Log file slog_path= os.path.join(LogPath,f"{Cruise}{CastNum.zfill(3)}Log.csv")# SLog file (For CESL) net_path = os.path.join(CruisePath,'CTD') # network drive where unzipped files get copied prodo_path = os.path.join(CruisePath, 'PRODO', f'PRD{CastNum.zfill(3)}') # prodo file to look for local_path = os.path.join(ZipPath, f'{CastNum.zfill(3)}.zip') # local dir print('The Origin Path is ', file_path) print('The destination path for .zip file is ', out_path) # print('The destination path for .prn file is ', prn_path) Don't need this file anymore print('The destination for the log file is ', log_path) print('The destination fo SLog file is ', slog_path) # Create the prn file, it will be zipped with all the other files # try: # res=MergeFilesForPrint(CTDPath, Cruise, CastNum.zfill(3), prn_path) # except Exception as e: # sg.popup_ok(e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') # continue # else: # if res == 1: # continue try: filelist = glob.glob(file_path) # Get list of all files in file_path except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok(e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') else: doBackup(CTDPath, Cruise, CastNum, file_path, out_path, log_path, slog_path, net_path, prodo_path, True) window.close() else: # Use values from config file print('Running automatic CTD Backup...') print(f'Configuration {cfg} from config file {cfile}') try: CTDPath = config[cfg]['ctdpath'] Cruise = config[cfg]['cruiseyymm'] CastNum = config[cfg]['castnumber'] FlashPath = config[cfg]['flashpath'] CruisePath = config[cfg]['cruisepath'] ZipPath = config[cfg]['zippath'] Auto = config[cfg]['auto'] except Exception as e: sg.popup_ok('Check config file settings', e, line_width=90, button_color="red", title='Error') inputs = { 'cruiseyymm': Cruise, 'castnumber': CastNum, 'ctdpath': CTDPath, 'flashpath': FlashPath, 'cruisepath': CruisePath, 'zippath': ZipPath, 'firstbottle': config[cfg]['firstbottle'] if 'firstbottle' in config[cfg] else 'DEEP', 'auto': Auto } file_path = os.path.join(CTDPath, f"{Cruise}{CastNum.zfill(3)}*.*") out_path = os.path.join(FlashPath, f'{CastNum.zfill(3)}.zip') # flash drive #prn_path = os.path.join(CTDPath, f"{Cruise}{CastNum.zfill(3)}.prn") # print file net_path = os.path.join(CruisePath, 'CTD') # network drive where unzipped files get copied prodo_path = os.path.join(CruisePath, 'PRODO', f'PRD{CastNum.zfill(3)}') # prodo file to look for print(f'PRODO FILE IS {prodo_path}') log_path = os.path.join(CruisePath, f"{Cruise}{CastNum.zfill(3)}.csv") # Log file slog_path= os.path.join(CruisePath, f"{Cruise}{CastNum.zfill(3)}Log.csv") # SLog file (For CESL) local_path = os.path.join(ZipPath, f'{CastNum.zfill(3)}.zip') # local dir #print('Merging hdr, nav and bl files for printing...') #res = MergeFilesForPrint(CTDPath, Cruise, CastNum.zfill(3), prn_path) doBackup(CTDPath, Cruise, CastNum, file_path, out_path, log_path, slog_path, net_path, prodo_path, False) sys.exit(0)