REM ********************************************************** REM PROGRAM *************MERG-TCE.BAS************************* REM ********************************************************** REM Program to merge .table file with cudls and or endeco file REM KMP 2MAR93 CLS 0 REM Merge table with cudls or endeco? 5 PRINT "Do you want to merge the table data with" PRINT "C = cudls data or E = endeco data" INPUT core$ REM Check for correct input. If wrong then recycle. IF core$ = "E" THEN GOTO 7 ELSEIF core$ = "e" THEN GOTO 7 ELSEIF core$ = "C" THEN GOTO 7 ELSEIF core$ = "c" THEN GOTO 7 ELSE PRINT "try again": PRINT : PRINT : GOTO 5 END IF REM Input files to be merged 7 PRINT "Input path and name of table file. " INPUT "example c:\tmp\9210\ >", n$: PRINT IF core$ = "C" OR core$ = "c" THEN xx$ = "cudls" IF core$ = "E" OR core$ = "e" THEN xx$ = "endeco" PRINT "Input path and name of the ", xx$, " file. " INPUT "example c:\tmp\9210\sum10 >", o$: PRINT REM Output files PRINT PRINT "Input a path and prefix for the two output files." PRINT "example c:\tmp\9210\cc9210 " INPUT "Output files will be named cc9210a.out and cc9210b.out >", k$ l$ = k$ + "b.out" m$ = k$ + "a.out" blank$ = " ": REM Blank line in the output files. c1 = 0: REM set counter to zero REM open files for input and output OPEN m$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 OPEN n$ FOR INPUT AS #2: REM ieh table file OPEN o$ FOR INPUT AS #3: REM cudls file OPEN l$ FOR OUTPUT AS #4 DO WHILE NOT EOF(2) ON ERROR GOTO 100 10 LINE INPUT #2, a$: REM Read table file. c2 = 0: REM Set first pass counter to zero (true) REM Internal read date and time from table file tyr$ = MID$(a$, 15, 2) tmo$ = MID$(a$, 17, 2) tdy$ = MID$(a$, 19, 2) tutc$ = MID$(a$, 22, 4) PRINT : PRINT : PRINT "start" PRINT tyr$, tmo$, tdy$, tutc$ IF c1 = 1 GOTO 50: REM Dont read culds data on this loop. 20 LINE INPUT #3, b$: REM Read cudls file. REM Internal read date and time from cudls file IF core$ = "C" OR core$ = "c" THEN cyr$ = MID$(b$, 10, 2) cmo$ = MID$(b$, 2, 2) cdy$ = MID$(b$, 5, 2) chour$ = MID$(b$, 15, 2) cmin$ = MID$(b$, 18, 2) PRINT cyr$, cmo$, cdy$, chour$, cmin$ END IF REM Internal read date and time from endeco file IF core$ = "E" OR core$ = "e" THEN cyr$ = MID$(b$, 9, 2) cmo$ = MID$(b$, 1, 2) cdy$ = MID$(b$, 4, 2) chour$ = MID$(b$, 12, 2) cmin$ = MID$(b$, 15, 2) PRINT cyr$, cmo$, cdy$, chour$, cmin$ END IF REM Convert cudls date and time to utc. chr = VAL(chour$) + 8 PRINT chr IF chr >= 24 THEN chr = chr - 24 cday = VAL(cdy$) + 1: REM This makes midnight = the next day cdy$ = STR$(cday) REM Takes care of problem converting between real and string with numbers REM like 08. IF cday < 10 THEN cdy$ = "0" + STR$(cday) END IF END IF chour$ = STR$(chr) cutc$ = chour$ + cmin$ PRINT cutc$ REM Compare table and cudls date 50 IF VAL(tyr$ + tmo$ + tdy$) > VAL(cyr$ + cmo$ + cdy$) THEN GOTO 20 END IF IF VAL(tyr$ + tmo$ + tdy$) < VAL(cyr$ + cmo$ + cdy$) THEN PRINT #1, a$: PRINT #4, blank$ c1 = 1: REM If table < cudls date then read next table and dont read cudls. GOTO 10 END IF REM Assume if table date is not < or > cudls date then they are =. REM IF VAL(tyr$ + tmo$ + tdy$) = VAL(cyr$ + cmo$ + cdy$) THEN REM Compare cudls and table utc IF VAL(tutc$) = VAL(cutc$) THEN PRINT #1, a$: PRINT #4, b$ c1 = 0 GOTO 10 END IF REM If the table and cudls time and not equal then search for the closest REM time less than the table time. IF c2 > 0 GOTO 70 IF VAL(tutc$) < VAL(cutc$) THEN PRINT #1, a$: PRINT #4, blank$ c1 = 1 GOTO 10 END IF 70 IF VAL(tutc$) > VAL(cutc$) THEN ct1$ = cutc$: REM Store the last cudls time. btemp$ = b$: REM Store the last cudls data line. c2 = 1: REM Counter=0 means first pass. Cudls time may be > tabel time. GOTO 20 END IF PRINT #1, a$: PRINT #4, btemp$ LOOP 100 CLOSE END