{$R+} {Range checking on} {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on} {$S+} {Stack checking on} {$I+} {I/O checking on} {$N-} {numeric coprocessor} {$M 65500,16384,655360} {Default stack and heap} {**************************************************************************** ** PROGRAM CODES ** ** ** ** Purpose : Entry of CalCOFI hydrographic data for processing by SSurf ** ** Fortran programs. ** ** Input : Raw hydrographic data from forms filled during CalCOFI ** ** stations. ** ** Output : Formatted raw data files for calculations and merging into ** ** data reports by SSurf programs. ** ** Method : User call appropriate routine and enters values using the ** ** number pad. Therms & salts are saved as individual files. ** ** Nutrients, Chloros, & O2s are saved into single files which ** ** are split after calibration/blank values are calculated. ** ** ** ** JRW version 2.64 20Jan93 ** ****************************************************************************} program Codes (input, output); uses Crt, DOS, KeyTTT,FastTTT,WinTTT,IOTTT, MiscTTT, StrngTTT, DirTTT, MenuTTT; const maxrec = 75; sp2 = ' '; sp3 = ' '; BlankCell = ' '; type Data = text; holdfile = array [1..maxrec] of string; Info = record Cruise, ship, Fluor, Path, InName, OutName : string; end; var header : Data; ProgPath : string; BadInput : boolean; onechar : char; I, J, K, L : integer; Code, count : integer; Fr, Fs : real; ch, YN : char; DirInfo : SearchRec; Offset : real; response : integer; stop, quitit, closeTS, closefile, goodinput, exiit, newfile : boolean; helpres : string; query : char; holddata : holdfile; Store : info; {$I ErrorWin} {$I Choices} {$I Error} { Instruct} { Info} {$I StrpBlnk.pas} {$I Appndfil} {$I CheckFil} {$I ChckNFil} {$I calhead} {(var temparray : holdfile; Kind : integer; var RunOne : boolean; var StartNum : integer; var EndNum : integer; PNum : string; Liine : integer);} {$I chop} {(datafil : string; subdir : string; datatype : integer);} {$I editor.pas} {$F+} {$I FKeys} {(Ch : char; FieldID : integer; var ReturnStr : string);} {$I MakLngth.pas} {$I AddZeros.pas} {(var ProcessNo : string);} {$I AddSpaces.pas} {(var ProcessNo : string);} {$I Entered.pas} {(paath : string; var cnt :integer);} procedure menu(var cruisei : info);forward; {$I whattodo.pas} {(var goodinput, YN, closefile, newpage, exiit, quitit)} {$I Wea.pas} {(var Cruisei : info;} {$I StaCst.pas} {(var Cruisei : info; var holddata : holdfile);} procedure TAS; begin end; {$I edhead.pas} {(var chngstore : info);} {$I cstinf.pas} { (var proc : string; var cast : string);} {$I Therm.pas} {$I SALT.pas} {$I Chl} { (var holddata : holdfile);} {$I Nut}{(var holddata : holdfile);} {$I OTwo}{(var holddata : holdfile);} {$I Prodo2.pas} {$I ChopPrdo.pas} {$I Menu.pas} {$F-} begin {main} Moused := false; ClrScr; ProgPath:= 'C:\codes'; Stop := False; for I := 1 to maxrec do holddata[i] := ''; {......................... BEGIN CALCULATIONS ..........................} Exiit := False; assign(Header, ProgPath+'\codes.hdr'); reset(Header); {opens input file for reading} readln(header, store.Cruise); if ((store.Cruise = '')or(store.Cruise = '1')) then begin edhead(store); end else begin Readln(header, store.Ship); Readln(header, store.Fluor); readln(header, store.Path); end; close(header); repeat Menu(store); until Exiit; ClrScr; end. {main}