echo off cls echo  echo dBASE III PLUS VERSION 1.1 echo HARD DISK UNINSTALL PROCEDURE echo  echo The UNINSTAL procedure allows you to remove a copy of dBASE III echo PLUS and dBASE ADMINISTRATOR from your hard disk. echo  if "%1==" goto Help for %%f in (C:,c:,D:,d:,E:,e:,F:,f:,G:,g:,H:,h:,Y:,y:) do if %1.==%%f. goto START for %%f in (I:,i:,J:,j:,K:,k:,L:,l:,M:,m:,N:,n:,O:,o:,P:,p:,Z:,z:) do if %1.==%%f. goto START for %%f in (Q:,q:,R:,r:,S:,s:,T:,t:,U:,u:,V:,v:,W:,w:,X:,x:) do if %1.==%%f. goto START goto BADDRIVE :START if "==%2" goto DBASE if %2.==DBA. goto DBA if %2.==dba. goto DBA goto Help :DBASE echo dBASE III PLUS will be uninstalled from drive %1 echo  yn Y N 30 Do you want to continue (Y/N)? if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto DBASE1 goto END :DBASE1 if not exist %1dbase.exe goto NotXit echo  echo Removing files from drive %1 . . . echo  del %1dbase.exe del %1dbaseinl.ovl del %1dbase.msg if exist %1config.db del %1config.db if exist %1config.sys del %1config.sys del %1dbase.ovl del %1assist.hlp del %1help.dbs echo  echo dBASE III PLUS has been successfully uninstalled. echo  goto End :DBA echo dBASE ADMINISTRATOR will be uninstalled from drive %1 echo  yn Y N 30 Do you want to continue (Y/N)? if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto Ad1 goto END :Ad1 if not exist goto NotDBA if exist dba.lod goto AD3 :AD2 echo  echo Insert the Administrator #1 disk in drive A echo  pause echo  if not exist dba.lod goto AD2 :AD3 echo Erasing files from drive %1 . . . echo  del del %1dbase.msg if exist %1help.dbs del %1help.dbs if exist %1assist.hlp del %1assist.hlp if exist %1protect.exe del %1protect.exe del %1dba.ovl if exist del if exist %1login.db del %1login.db %1 del \dbnetctl.300\*.vdw del \dbnetctl.300\*.com del \dbnetctl.300\*.hcl del \dbnetctl.300\dba.ctl del \dbnetctl.300\dba.lod a: echo  echo dBASE ADMINISTRATOR has been successfully uninstalled echo  goto END :Help echo You entered the command incorrectly. The correct syntax is: echo  echo "UNINSTAL " To uninstall dBASE III PLUS. echo  echo "UNINSTAL DBA" To uninstall dBASE ADMINISTRATOR. echo  echo Uninstall is aborted. goto End :NotXit echo  echo dBASE III PLUS does not exist in the destination drive. goto ABORT :NotDBA echo  echo dBASE ADMINISTRATOR does not exist in the destination drive. goto ABORT :BADDRIVE echo  echo Invalid drive letter specified. Uninstall is aborted. echo  goto Help :ErrDBA echo  echo dBASE ADMINISTRATOR uninstall has been aborted. echo  goto END :ABORT echo Uninstall is aborted. echo  :End