%% Imported 0711SCIMSSRAW.xls %% Saved as 0711SCIMSRAW.mat load 0711SCIMSRAW %% Check flow rate figure; plot(s0711(:,5)); %% Pump operating at below 1 l/m, data culled. [i,j] = find (s0711(:,5) >= 1); s0711 = s0711(i,:); %% Fixt figure; plot(s0711(:,5),'o'); %% Check position data figure; plot(s0711(:,4),s0711(:,3)) %% Bad lat long [i,j] = find (s0711(:,3) <= 50); s0711 = s0711(i,:); %% Fixt figure; plot(s0711(:,4),s0711(:,3),'o') %% Check time figure;(plot(s0711(:,2))); %% Someone set the clock sback for DST... FUCKER! clear i j close all %% Import CTD and Bottle salts %% Joined all CTD files and culled to SCIMS variables