z = 1:100:length(d); sd = ones(length(z),6); for k = 1:length(z); sd(k,:) = d(z(k),:); end clear k z figure; hold; scatter(sd(:,3),sd(:,2),75,sd(:,4),'filled') plot(coast(:,1),coast(:,2),'k','LineWidth', 2) colorbar('eastoutside') ylim([29 37]); xlim([-125 -117]); title('0903JD - Surface Temperature \circC') xlabel('longitude') ylabel('latitude') grid on figure; hold; scatter(sd(1:2843,3),sd(1:2843,2),75,sd(1:2843,5),'filled') plot(coast(:,1),coast(:,2),'k','LineWidth', 2) colorbar('eastoutside') ylim([29 37]); xlim([-125 -117]); title('0903JD - Surface Salinity PSU') xlabel('longitude') ylabel('latitude') grid on contour3m(sd(:,3),sd(:,2),sd(:,4),10) [x y] = meshgrid( min(sd(:,3)):.1:max(sd(:,3)) , min(sd(:,2)):.1:max(sd(:,2)) ); %minimum value:increment:maximum value of x and y axis grid [xi,yi,zi] = griddata(sd(:,3),sd(:,2),sd(:,4),x,y,'cubic'); %gridding the temperature data to the above grid. %‘cubic’ or any other interpolation methods can be used figure; hold; contourf(xi,yi,zi,'LineWidth', 2); %plotting the contour plot(coast(:,1),coast(:,2),'k','LineWidth', 2) colorbar('eastoutside') ylim([29 37]); xlim([-125 -117]);