ADCP Navigation: SMOOTHR reference_file: a_sr.nav refabs_output: a_sr.ref output: filter_hwidth= 0.020800 min_filter_fraction= 0.500000 max_gap_ratio= 0.050000 max_gap_distance= 50.000000 max_gap_time= 30.000000 ensemble_time= 120.000000 max_speed= 5.000000 min_speed= 1.000000 iterations= 5 fix_to_dr_limit= 0.000500 Rejected refabs at time 310.986695 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 310.988084 with ratio = 0.200000 There are 2 segments for position integration. Optimization iteration 1 of 5 Segment 1 of 2 Time range: 310.69781 to 310.98669 Index range: 3 through 210 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 207 0.118 0.053 0.004 -0.004 0.355 -2.31 4.46 75 9 2 207 -0.490 0.040 0.003 -0.621 -0.366 -3.28 3.12 15 75 Segment 2 of 2 Time range: 310.98947 to 311.87836 Index range: 213 through 852 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 640 -0.595 0.034 0.001 -0.759 -0.396 -4.77 5.81 58 111 2 640 0.494 0.032 0.001 0.282 0.634 -6.64 4.42 584 551 Optimization iteration 2 of 5 Segment 1 of 2 Time range: 310.69781 to 310.98669 Index range: 3 through 210 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 207 0.000 0.053 0.004 -0.122 0.237 -2.31 4.46 75 9 2 207 -0.002 0.040 0.003 -0.130 0.122 -3.24 3.12 15 75 Segment 2 of 2 Time range: 310.98947 to 311.87836 Index range: 213 through 852 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 640 0.004 0.034 0.001 -0.162 0.200 -4.85 5.71 58 111 2 640 0.002 0.032 0.001 -0.207 0.144 -6.59 4.49 584 551 Optimization iteration 3 of 5 Segment 1 of 2 Time range: 310.69781 to 310.98669 Index range: 3 through 210 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 207 -0.000 0.053 0.004 -0.123 0.236 -2.31 4.46 75 9 2 207 -0.000 0.040 0.003 -0.129 0.124 -3.24 3.12 15 75 Segment 2 of 2 Time range: 310.98947 to 311.87836 Index range: 213 through 852 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 640 0.001 0.034 0.001 -0.166 0.196 -4.87 5.67 58 111 2 640 -0.000 0.032 0.001 -0.209 0.142 -6.59 4.49 584 551 Optimization iteration 4 of 5 Segment 1 of 2 Time range: 310.69781 to 310.98669 Index range: 3 through 210 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 207 -0.000 0.053 0.004 -0.122 0.236 -2.31 4.46 75 9 2 207 -0.000 0.040 0.003 -0.129 0.124 -3.24 3.12 15 75 Segment 2 of 2 Time range: 310.98947 to 311.87836 Index range: 213 through 852 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 640 0.000 0.034 0.001 -0.167 0.195 -4.87 5.67 58 111 2 640 -0.000 0.032 0.001 -0.209 0.142 -6.59 4.49 584 551 Optimization iteration 5 of 5 Segment 1 of 2 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) 310.70198 -15 52 310.70336 7 87 310.70475 44 88 310.70614 73 79 310.70753 101 67 310.70892 141 62 310.71031 190 62 310.71170 236 52 310.71309 207 24 310.71448 177 -4 310.71586 159 -38 310.71725 158 -72 310.71864 169 -105 310.72003 155 -129 310.72142 123 -121 310.72281 87 -97 310.72420 60 -75 310.72559 37 -57 310.77697 -30 -48 310.77836 -33 -66 310.77975 -40 -89 310.78114 -51 -119 310.78253 -59 -120 310.78392 -44 -93 310.78531 -35 -71 310.78670 -29 -51 310.79503 -52 -3 310.79642 -64 8 310.79781 -65 35 310.79919 -71 63 310.80058 -83 92 310.80197 -113 115 310.80336 -122 124 310.80475 -94 106 310.80614 -74 72 310.80753 -60 27 310.90058 -44 -41 310.90197 -55 -57 310.90336 -67 -75 310.90475 -86 -94 310.90614 -99 -98 310.90753 -91 -93 310.90892 -75 -78 310.91031 -56 -58 310.91169 -32 -41 310.91725 45 28 310.91864 85 39 310.92003 80 49 310.92142 60 58 310.92281 37 62 310.92419 24 55 310.95753 58 30 310.95892 84 36 310.96031 114 41 310.96169 122 49 310.96308 111 50 310.96447 89 43 310.96586 65 34 310.96725 42 28 Segment 1 of 2 Time range: 310.69781 to 310.98669 Index range: 3 through 210 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 207 -0.000 0.053 0.004 -0.122 0.236 -2.31 4.46 75 9 2 207 -0.000 0.040 0.003 -0.129 0.124 -3.24 3.12 15 75 Segment 2 of 2 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) 311.03531 -42 -29 311.03669 -69 -30 311.03808 -98 -37 311.03947 -127 -41 311.04086 -144 -33 311.04225 -153 -15 311.04364 -121 1 311.04503 -82 6 311.04642 -58 8 311.06447 -60 3 311.06586 -90 3 311.06725 -123 2 311.06864 -160 3 311.07003 -167 -6 311.07142 -155 -14 311.07281 -132 -11 311.07419 -117 -8 311.07558 -91 -5 311.07697 -67 -1 311.13669 50 18 311.13808 70 20 311.13947 96 22 311.14086 132 25 311.14225 174 26 311.14364 195 27 311.14503 187 11 311.14642 146 -0 311.14781 107 -8 311.14919 73 -10 311.15058 51 -7 311.24086 -26 52 311.24225 -37 75 311.24364 -50 96 311.24503 -64 106 311.24642 -56 100 311.24780 -41 76 311.24919 -31 53 311.26308 34 -59 311.26447 48 -80 311.26586 65 -106 311.26725 79 -136 311.26864 80 -143 311.27003 49 -129 311.27142 33 -97 311.27280 26 -70 311.38114 -40 34 311.38253 -49 51 311.38392 -60 68 311.38530 -76 90 311.38669 -82 102 311.38808 -69 90 311.38947 -50 66 311.39086 -34 47 311.40753 60 19 311.40892 68 18 311.41030 52 15 311.41864 -53 -18 311.42003 -71 -25 311.42142 -75 -21 311.42280 -55 -16 311.45197 47 -28 311.45336 61 -40 311.45475 63 -44 311.45614 65 -52 311.45753 66 -64 311.45892 72 -81 311.46030 77 -100 311.46169 59 -97 311.46308 37 -80 311.46447 22 -61 311.56725 -31 42 311.56864 -35 52 311.57003 -43 70 311.57142 -55 89 311.57280 -59 95 311.57419 -54 86 311.57558 -48 71 311.57697 -37 54 311.63808 55 -47 311.63947 82 -67 311.64086 100 -87 311.64225 104 -91 311.64364 95 -101 311.64503 71 -107 311.64641 46 -87 311.64780 26 -67 311.64919 16 -48 311.74919 -39 38 311.75058 -54 56 311.75197 -72 80 311.75336 -87 127 311.75475 -71 142 311.75614 -56 134 311.75753 -51 122 311.75891 -44 105 311.76030 -31 83 311.76169 -22 62 311.76308 -18 49 311.79503 36 -52 311.79641 52 -79 311.79780 67 -113 311.79919 86 -157 311.80058 108 -209 311.80197 79 -157 311.80336 55 -114 311.80475 35 -78 311.80614 19 -49 Segment 2 of 2 Time range: 310.98947 to 311.87836 Index range: 213 through 852 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 640 -0.000 0.034 0.001 -0.167 0.195 -4.87 5.67 58 111 2 640 0.000 0.032 0.001 -0.209 0.142 -6.59 4.49 584 551 seg i0 i1 n nfix 1 3 211 208 207 2 213 853 640 640 seg t0 t1 x0 x1 y0 y1 stdx stdy n_fix 1 310.69781 310.98669 -117.2281 -117.3483 32.6719 33.0425 49 44 207 2 310.98947 311.87836 -117.3554 -118.5546 33.0523 32.3466 32 35 640