/****************************************************************************** FILE: adcpsect.cnt This control file is used with the adcpsect program to extract ADCP data for specified sections along a cruise track from a CODAS database, perform the desired calculations, and write the result to text and Matlab files. The sections are specified as time ranges. This particular version is used to extract the ship velocity relative to the reference layer. This is also the most verbose version of the documentation and contains all the options possible as well as a longer description of the matlab output. INPUT: CODAS database OUTPUT: 1. text file (.nav file) with following columns: a. profile time (in decimal days) b. zonal velocity relative to reference layer (in m/s) c. meridional velocity relative to reference layer (in m/s) 2. text file of statistics--mean (.sta file) 3. Matlab files a. _uv.mat contains array "uv" with two columns for each ensemble, first u and then v. The row corresponds to the depth grid. b. _xy.mat contains array "xyt" with a column for each ensemble, and three rows: longitude, latitude, decimal day; and vectors "z" and "zc" with the depth grid and the grid interval centers, respectively. (NOTE: When no depth regridding is done, these vectors are filled with zeros and the "number of depths" in the uv variable will be ndepth + 1. The first row (depth) in uv will be filled with NaNs and should be ignored. Row two has the first actual bin depth. Determining depths with no regridding: DAS recorded bins depths can be seen using showdb, or by using the following formula: z=tr_depth + blank_length + (bin_length + pls_length)/2 + bin_length*[0:num_bins-1] Typical values of xducer_depth (5m), blank_length (4m), bin_length (8m), pls_length (16m) may be found in CONFUGURATION_1 in showdb. This example would yield center depths of z=[5+4+12:8:end] or [21:8:end]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: dbname: < CODAS database name > output: < output filename > step_size: < number of profiles to advance > ndepth: < number of depth bins to read and process > time_ranges: < combined or separate or single > {"combined" averages all time ranges together; "separate" averages data within each time range; "single" causes output for each profile within each time range, so there is no temporal averaging at all.} year_base= < base year for decimal days > option_list: [ verbose ] { prints debugging and auxiliary output } [ underway? < no | yes limit= <3> > ] { limit in m/s } [ pg_min= <30> ] [ AGC_margin= <10> ] [ skew_limit: agc_limit= <100> max_velocity_difference= <0.8> ] { m/s } [ reference: { choose only one of the following: } < reference_bins <5> to <20> | none | final_ship_ref | nav_position | nav_velocity | bottom_track | dir_position > ] [ navigation: { output in .nav text file } { choose one or more of the ff. then 'end' } [reference_bins <5> to <20>] {bin range; first bin is 1} [final_ship_ref] [nav_position] [nav_velocity] [bottom_track] [dir_position] end ] [ detide: filename: < file from atide.prl interface to TPXO.3 > ] { ascii file with columns: } { decimal day (ensemble times) } { decimal longitude } { decimal latitude } { predicted tide U, mm/s} { predicted tide V, mm/s} { predicted tide h, mm } [ rotate: < ship_coordinates | n > ] { where is the angle in degrees, old x-axis to new x-axis } [ ctd: dbname: < CODAS CTD database name > ] [ regrid: < integrate | interpolate | centered_average | average | per_grid_interval > < depth | svan | pot_svan | sigma_theta | sigma_t > { one of the last 4 only if the ctd: option has been selected } < grid number= <50> origin= <16> increment= <8> | grid_list number= < 5> boundaries: <20> <40> <60> <80> <100> > ] [ contour: { output in .con text file } < latitude | longitude | time > < middle | mean > minimum_npts= <10> units= <0.01> ] [ vector: { output in .vec text file } minimum_npts= <10> ] [ transport: { output in .trn text file and _tr.mat Matlab Mat-file } minimum_npts= <10> units= <1.e6> { for Sverdrups } direction= < all | left | right | along > ] [ sequential_cor: { output in .cor text file } bin_range: <3> to <40> ] { starting from 1, inclusive } [ ascii: { output in .sub text file } [ minimum_percent= <0.50> ] {%ensembles in time range with good data } end ] {less than this, mean U/V is set to 99999} [ statistics: { output in .sta text file } [ mean ] [ variance ] [ extrema ] [ norm_extrema ] [ indices ] [ all ] units= <0.01> end ] [ flag_mask: < bit-mask > { bit-mask is any one or more of those defined in . adcpflag.h; these cumulatively indicate which . criteria to consider in flagging profile bins . as bad prior to calculations. Use this option end ] if you want flagging other than the default ALL_BITS } end { list time ranges: one of the following} < all > { or } { list of YMDHMS time pairs } < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > to < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > . . { or } < @tr_filename > { where tr_filename is a file of timeranges } { such as the output of timegrid } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dbname: ../adcpdb/ademo output: ademo /* must be <= 5 chars. for DOS */ step_size: 1 /* must be 1 for navigation */ ndepth: 20 time_ranges: separate year_base= 1993 option_list: pg_min= 30 navigation: reference_bins 5 to 20 end statistics: mean units= 0.01 /* cm/s instead of default m/s */ end flag_mask: ALL_BITS end end all /* 93/04/09 00:02:00 to 93/04/10 23:58:00 */ /****************************************************************************/