/****************************************************************************** FILE: fix_temp.cnt This control file is used with the fix_temp program to implement a soundspeed correction for two possible conditions set in the DAS by the start.cnf: 1) The DAS was set to calculate soundspeed using the transducer temperature and a fixed salinity. Here one compensates for errors in the soundspeed due to transducer temperature errors. 2) The DAS was not set to calculate soundspeed from the transducer temperature, but from a fixed soundspeed. Here one can compensate for errors in manual input of soundspeed to the DAS. Fix_temp adjusts the transducer temperature and soundspeed used, and recalculates all variables that have been calculated using the the original soundspeed: ancillary_1.snd_spd_used, U, V, W, and error velocities, for timerange(s) in a CODAS database. A temperature correction may be specified either as a constant offset to be added to the original value, or the correct temperature itself, replacing the original. INPUT: CODAS database OUTPUT: CODAS database with corrected temperature, etc. true_temperature = original_temp + offset_temperature will be applied in velocity correction, where original_temp is the temperature original recorded in the ping data file. Willa Zhu 03-07-1990 Modified Mon 07-09-1990 by EF; new parameter original_soundspeed is the soundspeed that was input to the DAS if the DAS was not set to calculate soundspeed from temperature, or 0 otherwise. In the former case one can compensate for errors in manual input of soundspeed to the DAS; in the latter one compensates for errors in the soundspeed due to temperature errors. Modified to add offset_temperature input parameter (WZ, 06/10/91) Modified to allow temperature & salinity values to be provided in external text files of ADCP times and values (JR, 01/15/92) Modified documentation (JF, 97/05/22). Added true_soundspeed= option (EF, 00/06/09) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: dbname: < CODAS database name > year_base= < 4-digit base year for decimal day if any input below is from a file, and if a year boundary is crossed > original_soundspeed= < soundspeed that was input to the DAS if DAS was not set to calculate soundspeed from temperature > { set to 0 otherwise } offset_temperature= < no. of degrees to add to original temperature > { set to 0 if using true_temperature } true_temperature= < file of true temperatures at ADCP times > {or} < a constant reasonable for the cruise > { either used only when offset_temperature is set to 0 } true_salinity= < either a constant reasonable for the cruise > {or} < file of true salinity interpolated to ADCP times > true_soundspeed= end { this 'end' must precede the time_ranges: list } time_ranges: { one of the following } < all > { or } { list of YMDHMS time pairs } < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > to < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > . . { or } < @tr_filename > { where tr_filename is a file of timeranges } { Note: Instead of setting an unused option to zero, you may omit it entirely. This leads to a simpler, clearer control file. } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dbname: ../adcpdb/ademo original_soundspeed= 1500.0 /* set to this value in DAS */ offset_temperature= -1.3512 /* using CTD to correct the ADCP record */ true_salinity= corrsal.dat /* interpolated from CTD stations */ end time_ranges: all /* 93/04/09 00:02:00 to 93/04/10 23:58:00 */ /*****************************************************************************/