/****************************************************************************** FILE: nmea_gps.cnt This control file is used with the nmea_gps program to convert NMEA-formatted GPS fix files to a columnar text format suitable for use with the codas3/adcp/nav programs, and/or to Mat-file format for Matlab. In the latter case, the data are edited according to the given criteria prior to output. INPUT: NMEA-formatted GPS fix files text file of ensemble times as decimal day (adcpsect .nav) or time range and sampling frequency OUTPUT: 1. if requested, text file (.gps) with the following columns: a. fix time, in decimal days b. longitude, in decimal degrees c. latitude, in decimal degrees d. no. of satellites used e. quality index f. horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) g. 0, since no dopN h. 0, since no dopE i. 0, since no dopV j. altitude 2. if requested, one or more Mat-files (.mat or .m?? if more than one) with the following arrays: a. fix time, in decimal days b. longitude, in decimal degrees c. latitude, in decimal degrees d. no. of satellites used, if requested e. horizontal dilution of precision, if requested ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: [ YMD_BASE: < yy/mm/dd for decimal day conversions > ] { 00/01/01 } (THIS SHOULD BE THE STARTING DATE OF YOUR DATA) [ TIME_RANGE: < ALL | yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss to yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > ] OR [ TIME_FILE: ] [ MESSAGE: < GPGGA | LGGGA | ??GGA > ] < default is ??GGA--first two characters don't > < matter. An alternative option is needed only > < if your data stream has both GPGGA and LGGGA > [ REQUIRE_CHECKSUM ] < some messages have checksums, some don't > [ OUTPUT_ASCII_FILE: < none | root for output ASCII filename > ] [ OUTPUT_MAT_FILE: < none | root for output Mat-filename > [ max_HDOP= < max. allowed HDOP for Mat-file output > ] [ subsamples= < fix sampling rate for Mat-file output > ] [ max_mat_array_size= < maximum no. of fixes per Mat-file > ] { only needed for PC-Matlab (no virtual memory) } [ SAVE_NUM_OF_SAT { output no. of satellites info. to Mat-file } ] [ SAVE_HDOP { output HDOP info. to Mat-file } ] [ GAP_INCLUDED { output bad fixes to Mat-file as NaNs } ]] end { must always precede INPUT_GPS_FILES: } INPUT_GPS_FILES: { list in chronological order } < NMEA-formatted GPS fix filename > . . . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ YMD_BASE: 96/10/24 /* this must be the starting date of your data, or data segment */ TIME_FILE: tbbd.nav REQUIRE_CHECKSUM OUTPUT_ASCII_FILE: tbbd.gps OUTPUT_MAT_FILE: nmeagps1 subsamples= 50 max_HDOP= 6 SAVE_HDOP SAVE_NUM_OF_SAT GAP_INCLUDED end INPUT_GPS_FILES: ../transect/9602078n.019 ../transect/9602078n.020 ../transect/9602079n.000 ../transect/9602079n.001