/****************************************************************************** FILE: set_top.cnt This control file is used with the set_top program to indicate the topmost bin for which data are considered good. If speed_threshold is positive, the flag will be set for profiles when the ship was underway, that is, when the speed was greater than or equal to speed_threshold. If speed_threshold is negative, then the flag will be set for on-station profiles--those with speeds less than the absolute value of speed_threshold. Profiles are additionally specified by time_range. INPUT: CODAS ADCP database OUTPUT: updated CODAS ADCP database (access_variables.first_good_bin reset to new value) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: dbname: < input CODAS database name > speed_threshold: < underway limit in m/s > ref_bin_range: < start bin > to < end bin > { ref. layer for underway test } first_good_bin: < first good bin number > time_ranges: { list of time ranges to process } < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > to < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > . . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dbname: prc4 speed_threshold: 2.0 ref_bin_range: 2 to 10 first_good_bin: 2 time_ranges: 88/04/23 01:32:45 to 88/04/23 04:17:45 /*****************************************************************************/