/* File: setpmask.cnt Control file for providing options to the setpmask program. Setpmask opens a database, gets the dpmask, "ors" the existing dpmask with the new set of bit options as provided in this control file, and then puts the dpmask back into the database. run as setpmask setpmask.cnt P.Caldwell 3/feb/95 --------------------------------------------------------- Control file options dbname: {database name} block_range: {range of blocks for setting new mask bits in form --- to ---, ie. 2 to 100 Block numbering as 0 to (N-1) where N is the largest block file number. For the max block, add 1 (because the test is for all blocks less than max), ie. range: 0 to 5 sets mask for blocks 00 thru 04. Eliminating the line defaults to all} dpmask_codes: {list of codes that will have bits set } {for a list of bit codes see codas3/doc/dpmask.doc} TIME_CORRECTED {list of options} TRANSDUCER_ORIENTATION COMPASS_ERROR TRANSDUCER_BEAM_ANGLES SOUND_SPEED_VEL_COR SOUND_SPEED_DEPTH_COR GLITCHES_REMOVED GLITCHES_CORRECTED BOTTOM_SOUGHT BOTTOM_MGB MGB_SET DEPTH_RANGE_COR RELATIVE_PROFILES REFERENCE_VELOCITIES VEL_TO_ABSOLUTE VEL_TO_REF_LAYER POSITIONS_OPTIMIZED NAV_SOURCE_GPS NAV_SOURCE_TRANSIT NAV_SOURCE_LORAN NAV_SOURCE_OMEGA NAV_SOURCE_RADAR NOT_TIME_CORRECTED {inverse - deactivate mask codes } NOT_TRANSDUCER_ORIENTATION NOT_COMPASS_ERROR NOT_TRANSDUCER_BEAM_ANGLES NOT_SOUND_SPEED_VEL_COR NOT_SOUND_SPEED_DEPTH_COR NOT_GLITCHES_REMOVED NOT_GLITCHES_CORRECTED NOT_BOTTOM_SOUGHT NOT_BOTTOM_MGB NOT_MGB_SET NOT_DEPTH_RANGE_COR NOT_RELATIVE_PROFILES NOT_REFERENCE_VELOCITIES NOT_VEL_TO_ABSOLUTE NOT_VEL_TO_REF_LAYER NOT_POSITIONS_OPTIMIZED NOT_NAV_SOURCE_GPS NOT_NAV_SOURCE_TRANSIT NOT_NAV_SOURCE_LORAN NOT_NAV_SOURCE_OMEGA NOT_NAV_SOURCE_RADAR end end ----------------------------------------------------------*/ dbname: f0992 block_range: 0 to 20 dpmask_codes: TRANSDUCER_ORIENTATION GLITCHES_REMOVED BOTTOM_SOUGHT BOTTOM_MGB RELATIVE_PROFILES end end