/****************************************************************************** FILE: load_ctd.cnt This control file is used with the load_ctd program to load CTD rosette data from ASCII files into a CODAS database. The ASCII files must conform to either the NODC or WHOI format. INPUT: 1. ASCII files of CTD rosette data The WHOI format has 7 header lines that look like this: SHIP PR CRUIS 5 STAT: 1 C#: 0 DATE 88-10-17 TIME: 815 Z LAT 18 20.23 LG 122 24.81 MAX. PRS= 321. DB DEPTH= 370. M AVER 2.0 INST 10 RATE 31.00HZ OBS= 161 FMT(F7.1,2F8.4,F6.2,I6) PRES TEMP SALT OXYG QUAL The NODC format header looks something like: SHIP PR CRUIS 5 STAT: 1 C#: 0 DATE 88-10-17 TIME: 815Z ETIME: 915Z LAT 18 20.23 LNG 122 24.81 MAX. PRS= 321. DB DEPTH= 370. M AVER 2.0 INST 10 RATE 31.00HZ DATA 161 PRES TEMP SALT OXYG QUAL The header is followed by lines of data with the ff. columns: a. pressure b. temperature c. salinity d. oxygen e. quality 2. producer definition file OUTPUT: CODAS CTD database (*.blk files) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: DATABASE_NAME: < output CODAS database name, 5 chars or less > DEFINITION_FILE: < input producer definition filename > FORMAT: < WHOI | NODC | WOCE > { input ASCII file format } SHIP_NAME: < none | ship name > { none = use 2-char NODC code } { ship name = 11 chars or less } START_PRESSURE: < smallest value for pressure, in dbar > MAX_PRESSURE: < largest value for pressure, in dbar > PRESSURE_INCREMENT: < increment > { START_, MAX_ & _INCREMENT define grid } ASCII_FILE(S): { list of ASCII input files } < input CTD rosette data filename > . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DATABASE_NAME: ../ctd_db/c5cs /* CTD, cruise 5, China, shallow */ DEFINITION_FILE: ../ctd_db/ctd.def FORMAT: WHOI SHIP_NAME: XYH14 /* Xiangyanghong #14 */ START_PRESSURE: 1 MAX_PRESSURE: 501 PRESSURE_INCREMENT: 2 ASCII_FILE(S): ../ctd_asc/prc5001.dat ../ctd_asc/prc5002.dat ../ctd_asc/prc5003.dat ../ctd_asc/prc5004.dat ../ctd_asc/prc5005.dat ../ctd_asc/prc5006.dat ../ctd_asc/prc5007.dat ../ctd_asc/prc5008.dat ../ctd_asc/prc5009.dat ../ctd_asc/prc5010.dat /*****************************************************************************/