/* PRODUCER DEFINITION FOR WEPOCS 3 CTD-BOTTLE SAMPLES Data set ID is given by 32 characters, where the first 8 are used for the instrument name (in this case, the vessel-mounted ADCP's) and the rest are currently unassigned and may be used for anything */ DATASET_ID ROS /* Producer ID is given by 32 characters: 2-character country code, 2-character institution code, 2-character platform code, and 4-character instrument code; the rest are currently unassigned and may be used for anything */ PRODUCER_ID 32R2MW0000 /* As of now there is just one type of block directory. */ BLOCK_DIR_TYPE 0 /* Profile directory can be of type: 0 - only time key is in directory (for fixed installations) 1 - time and position keys (for moving installations) 2 - time and depth range keys 3 - time, position, and depth range keys */ PROFILE_DIR_TYPE 3 /* DATA TYPE DEFINITION FOR ADCP DATA here we define the data associated with this type of data set id value_type data_name offset scale units */ PROFILE_VAR 0 SHORT DEPTH 0 1 m PROFILE_VAR 1 USHORT TEMPERATURE -10 1.E-3 C PROFILE_VAR 2 USHORT SALINITY 0 1.E-3 ppt PROFILE_VAR 3 USHORT OXYGEN 0 1.E-3 ppt PROFILE_VAR 10 FLOAT P 0 1 dbar PROFILE_VAR 16 USHORT PO4 0 1.E-2 u_mol/l PROFILE_VAR 17 USHORT NO3 0 1.E-2 u_mol/l PROFILE_VAR 18 USHORT NO2 0 1.E-2 u_mol/l PROFILE_VAR 19 USHORT SiO2 0 1.E-2 u_mol/l BLOCK_VAR 35 STRUCT CONFIGURATION_1 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 37 STRUCT ANCILLARY_1 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 52 USHORT POTENTIAL_TEMP -10 1.E-3 C /* STRUCTURE DEFINITIONS */ DEFINE_STRUCT CONFIGURATION_1 3 ELEM 12 TEXT ship_name none ELEM 12 TEXT cruise_id none ELEM 24 CHAR unused none DEFINE_STRUCT ANCILLARY_1 4 ELEM 1 USHORT station none ELEM 1 USHORT num_bottles none ELEM 1 USHORT max_depth none ELEM 18 CHAR unused none