/****************************************************************************** FILE: OCEANDAT.DEF USAGE: Edit this file to create a producer definition file for CODAS */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DATASET_ID: Data set ID is given by 32 characters, where the first 8 are used for the instrument name (in this case, the vessel-mounted ADCP's) and the rest are currently unassigned and may be used for anything. CODE INSTRUMENT ------- ---------- ADCP-VM vessel-mounted ADCP ADCP-BM bottom-mounted ADCP ADCP-MO moored ADCP XBT XBT CTD CTD CTD-ROS CTD with bottle samples ACOUS_DS acoustic dropsonde (Pegasus, WH) IES inverted echo sounder MCM moored current meter SSP sub-surface pressure gauge TIDE tide gauge If what you need is not in the list, make up your own. I (Eric Firing) would appreciate being consulted if you do this, since I would like to maintain a standard list. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DATASET_ID ADCP-VM /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PRODUCER_ID: Producer ID is given by 32 characters: 2-character country code, 2-character institution code, 2-character platform code, and 4-character instrument code; the rest are currently unassigned and may be used for anything Use NODC codes to set your own producer id to replace this: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRODUCER_ID 32R2MW0001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The BLOCK_DIR_TYPE: As of now there is just one type of block directory, so leave this next line alone: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BLOCK_DIR_TYPE 0 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PROFILE_DIR_TYPE: Profile directory can be of type: 0 - only time key is in directory (for fixed installations) 1 - time and position keys (for moving installations) 2 - time and depth range keys 3 - time, position, and depth range keys Substitute the number that suits your application: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROFILE_DIR_TYPE 3 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DATA_LIST: The following is an attempt to set some standard id numbers for common oceanographic data types. You do not have to use this scheme, but using it will help later with data exchange and with software development. Note that the id numbers are also given in the C header file, DATA_ID.H. If possible, please use these data id numbers, names, and units. You are free to change the access_types, value_types, offsets, and scales. You can leave all these in, or leave only the ones you need, and/or change some of these, and/or define your own. For example, you might want to use id numbers above 71 for processed data types that do not fit the categories given here. access_types are: UNUSED - the data is not part of the database PROFILE_VAR - the data varies from profile to profile in the block BLOCK_VAR - the data varies in value/length from one block to another. value_types are: CHAR - character type (1 byte) BYTE - signed 1 byte (-128 to +127) UBYTE - unsigned 1 byte (0 to +255) SHORT - signed 2 bytes (-32768 to +32767) USHORT - unsigned 2 bytes (0 to +65535) LONG - signed 4 bytes (-2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647) ULONG - unsigned 4 bytes (0 to 4,294,967,295) FLOAT - signed 4 bytes (-1.0e38 to +1.0e38) DOUBLE - signed 8 bytes (-1.0e38 to +1.0e38) COMPLEX - 8 bytes: 4-byte real and 4-byte imaginary STRUCT - record-type of any size (elements may be of any value_type) TEXT - null-terminated character string (use CHAR for non-null- terminated character sequences) The following are just for an example. You should include whatever you will need for a given dataset. Remember that there is no need to try to include everything imaginable in a single dataset, since CODAS gives you easy simultaneous access to several separate datasets. access_type id value_type data_name offset scale units -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BLOCK_VAR 0 SHORT DEPTH 0 1 m UNUSED 1 USHORT TEMPERATURE -10 1.E-3 C UNUSED 2 USHORT SALINITY 0 1.E-3 ppt UNUSED 3 USHORT OXYGEN 0 1.E-3 ppt UNUSED 6 STRUCT OPTICS 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 7 UBYTE AMP_SOUND_SCAT 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 8 SHORT U 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 9 SHORT V 0 1.E-3 m/s UNUSED 10 SHORT P 0 1 dbar UNUSED 11 STRUCT TEMP_SAMPLE 0 1 none UNUSED 12 USHORT SALINITY_SAMPLE 0 1.E-3 ppt UNUSED 13 USHORT OXYGEN_SAMPLE 0 1.E-3 ppt UNUSED 14 STRUCT NUTRIENT_SAMPLE 0 1 none UNUSED 15 STRUCT TRACER_SAMPLE 0 1 none UNUSED 20 SHORT OCEAN_DEPTH 0 1 m UNUSED 21 STRUCT WEATHER 0 1 none UNUSED 22 STRUCT SEA_SURFACE 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 32 CHAR PROFILE_COMMENTS 0 1 none BLOCK_VAR 33 CHAR BLOCK_COMMENTS 0 1 none UNUSED 34 SHORT PROFILE_FLAGS 0 1 none BLOCK_VAR 35 STRUCT CONFIGURATION_1 0 1 none BLOCK_VAR 36 STRUCT CONFIGURATION_2 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 37 STRUCT ANCILLARY_1 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 38 STRUCT ANCILLARY_2 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 39 STRUCT ACCESS_VARIABLES 0 1 none UNUSED 40 SHORT DEPTH_SAMPLE 0 1 m UNUSED 41 USHORT SIGMA_T 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 42 USHORT SIGMA_THETA 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 43 USHORT SIGMA_Z 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 44 USHORT SIGMA_2 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 45 USHORT SIGMA_4 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 46 USHORT SPEC_VOL_ANOM 0 1.E-9 m3/kg UNUSED 47 USHORT THERMOSTERIC_ANOM 0 1.E-9 m3/kg UNUSED 48 SHORT DYNAMIC_HEIGHT 0 1.E-3 dyn_m UNUSED 49 SHORT BVF 0 1.E-5 /s UNUSED 50 SHORT SOUNDSPEED 1500 1.E-2 m/s UNUSED 51 SHORT TIME_FROM_START 0 1 s UNUSED 52 USHORT POTENTIAL_TEMP -10 1.E-3 C UNUSED 53 FLOAT CONDUCTIVITY 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 54 SHORT W 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 55 SHORT ERROR_VEL 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 56 UBYTE PERCENT_GOOD 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 57 UBYTE PERCENT_3_BEAM 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 58 UBYTE SPECTRAL_WIDTH 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 59 SHORT U_STD_DEV 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 60 SHORT V_STD_DEV 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 61 SHORT W_STD_DEV 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 62 SHORT EV_STD_DEV 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 63 BYTE AMP_STD_DEV 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 64 SHORT RAW_DOPPLER 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 65 SHORT RAW_AMP 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 66 STRUCT RAW_SPECTRAL_WIDTH 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 67 UBYTE BEAM_STATS 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 68 STRUCT NAVIGATION 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 69 STRUCT BOTTOM_TRACK 0 1 none UNUSED 70 SHORT U_LOG 0 1.E-3 m/s UNUSED 71 SHORT V_LOG 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 75 STRUCT USER_BUFFER 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 76 STRUCT ADCP_CTD 0 1 none /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Structure Definitions: Enter the definitions for variables used above, if any, that are of type STRUCT_VALUE_CODE. Also, if any of their elements are of type STRUCT_VALUE_CODE, enter definitions for those elements. */ DEFINE_STRUCT CONFIGURATION_1 23 ELEM 1 FLOAT avg_interval s ELEM 1 SHORT compensation none ELEM 1 SHORT num_bins none ELEM 1 FLOAT tr_depth m ELEM 1 FLOAT bin_length m ELEM 1 FLOAT pls_length m ELEM 1 FLOAT blank_length m ELEM 1 FLOAT ping_interval s ELEM 1 SHORT bot_track none ELEM 1 SHORT pgs_ensemble none ELEM 1 SHORT ens_threshold none ELEM 1 SHORT ev_threshold mm/s ELEM 1 FLOAT hd_offset deg ELEM 1 FLOAT pit_offset deg ELEM 1 FLOAT rol_offset deg ELEM 1 FLOAT hd_misalign deg ELEM 1 FLOAT pit_misalign deg ELEM 1 FLOAT rol_misalign deg ELEM 1 FLOAT freq_transmit Hz ELEM 1 SHORT top_ref_bin none ELEM 1 SHORT bot_ref_bin none ELEM 1 FLOAT scale_factor none ELEM 1 FLOAT heading_bias deg DEFINE_STRUCT ANCILLARY_1 10 ELEM 1 FLOAT tr_temp C ELEM 1 FLOAT snd_spd_used m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT best_snd_spd m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT mn_heading deg ELEM 1 SHORT pgs_sample none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned1 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned2 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned3 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned4 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned5 none DEFINE_STRUCT ANCILLARY_2 24 ELEM 1 FLOAT avg_fwd_speed m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT avg_stbd_speed m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT std_fwd_speed m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT std_stbd_speed m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT avg_u_rel m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT avg_v_rel m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT avg_w_rel m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT last_temp C ELEM 1 FLOAT last_heading deg ELEM 1 FLOAT last_pitch deg ELEM 1 FLOAT last_roll deg ELEM 1 FLOAT mn_pitch deg ELEM 1 FLOAT mn_roll deg ELEM 1 FLOAT std_temp C ELEM 1 FLOAT std_heading deg ELEM 1 FLOAT std_pitch deg ELEM 1 FLOAT std_roll deg ELEM 1 SHORT ocean_depth m ELEM 1 SHORT max_amp_bin none ELEM 1 SHORT last_good_bin none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned1 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned2 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned3 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned4 none DEFINE_STRUCT ACCESS_VARIABLES 8 ELEM 1 SHORT first_good_bin none ELEM 1 SHORT last_good_bin none ELEM 1 FLOAT U_ship_absolute m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT V_ship_absolute m/s ELEM 1 SHORT user_flag_1 none ELEM 1 SHORT user_flag_2 none ELEM 1 SHORT user_flag_3 none ELEM 1 SHORT user_flag_4 none DEFINE_STRUCT BOTTOM_TRACK 3 ELEM 1 FLOAT u m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT v m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT depth m DEFINE_STRUCT NAVIGATION 4 ELEM 1 DOUBLE loran_lat deg ELEM 1 DOUBLE loran_lon deg ELEM 1 DOUBLE loran_vel knots ELEM 1 DOUBLE loran_dir deg DEFINE_STRUCT USER_BUFFER 12 /* In line above, set USER_BUFFER 12 for 1281_type, or 10 for 1021_type */ ELEM 1 SHORT version none /* comment out above line if it is 1021_type */ ELEM 1 SHORT max_avgs none ELEM 1 SHORT first_bin none ELEM 1 SHORT n_bins none ELEM 20 SHORT avg_uv mm/s ELEM 1 SHORT set deg*E-1 ELEM 1 SHORT drift kts*E-2 ELEM 1 SHORT position_source none ELEM 1 SHORT dr_time s ELEM 1 STRUCT fix none ELEM 1 LONG time s ELEM 1 STRUCT gps_status none /* comment out above line if it is 1021_type; also comment out the structure definition for GPS_STATUS. */ DEFINE_STRUCT fix 21 ELEM 1 SHORT ref_u mm/s ELEM 1 SHORT ref_v mm/s ELEM 1 SHORT ref_count none ELEM 1 SHORT sat_id none ELEM 1 LONG pc_time s ELEM 1 LONG fix_time s ELEM 1 LONG lon sec*E-2 ELEM 1 LONG lat sec*E-2 ELEM 1 LONG antenna m*E-1 ELEM 1 SHORT dr_dist nm*E-2 ELEM 1 SHORT dr_dir deg*E-1 ELEM 1 SHORT sigma_lon m ELEM 1 SHORT sigma_lat m ELEM 1 BYTE used none ELEM 1 BYTE q1 none ELEM 1 BYTE q2 none ELEM 1 BYTE q3 none ELEM 1 BYTE elevation deg ELEM 1 BYTE iterations none ELEM 1 BYTE dop_count none ELEM 1 BYTE spare none /* The following structure definition is not needed and may be commented out if the 1021 user buffer is used. */ DEFINE_STRUCT gps_status 14 ELEM 1 SHORT received none ELEM 1 BYTE nsat none ELEM 1 BYTE quality none ELEM 3 BYTE track_status[3] none ELEM 1 BYTE state none ELEM 1 BYTE mode none ELEM 1 BYTE hdop none ELEM 1 SHORT dopN none ELEM 1 SHORT dopE none ELEM 1 SHORT dopV none ELEM 1 SHORT OscBias m/s*E-1 ELEM 1 SHORT V Kts*E-2 ELEM 1 SHORT U Kts*E-2 ELEM 1 SHORT altitude m*E-1 DEFINE_STRUCT ADCP_CTD 4 ELEM 1 STRUCT last_count none ELEM 1 STRUCT ensemble_total none ELEM 1 STRUCT session_total none ELEM -16 STRUCT unused none DEFINE_STRUCT last_count 4 ELEM 1 LONG conductivity none ELEM 1 LONG temperature deg ELEM 1 LONG depth m ELEM 1 LONG time none DEFINE_STRUCT ensemble_total 4 ELEM 1 LONG conductivity none ELEM 1 LONG temperature deg ELEM 1 LONG depth m ELEM 1 LONG time none DEFINE_STRUCT session_total 4 ELEM 1 LONG conductivity none ELEM 1 LONG temperature deg ELEM 1 LONG depth m ELEM 1 LONG time none