08/31/89 - JR - PING2MAT, NAV2MAT, & relevant .M files: moved to new subdirectory \CODAS3\ADCP\PING2MAT as part of reorganization to keep ADCP database programs under ADCP subdirectory. - MATLAB.DIR: updated to reflect this change in subdirectory content 09/19/89 - JR - SAVEMATX.C: modified to store arrays in either row-wise or column-wise fashion depending on the setting of the imagf flag in the parameter list 09/21/89 - JR - SAVEMATC.C: added tonan_f() 10/27/89 - JR - SAVEMATX.C: fixed bug introduced in 9/19/89 modification: nbytes did not get properly initialized in the case of saving 't' (text) types--resulting in a random # bytes written to .MAT file 12/18/89 - JR - *.C: removed #define MACHINE_TYPE -- relocated to MATFILE.H - SAVEMATC.C: bug in SUN statement: nbytes should be mat_ptr->nbytes (line 81) 06-29-90 - JR - *.C: switched to use "common.h" if needed 93/02/22 - JR - savematx.c: modified to transpose any row-rise arrays to column-wise for compatibility with Matlab v. 4.0 95/05/04 - JR - matlab/matlab4/list.m added 2nd condition to line: ibot = find(abs(BOTTOM) < LGB' & abs(BOTTOM) < NBINS); to fix a problem ('Index exceeds matrix dimensions') that occurs when user sets DEFAULT_NBINS to less than the configuration number of bins in setup.m 95/12/09 - EF - matlab/matlab4/to_(day,sec,date).m New vectorized versions; major bug fixed in to_date; new option added to to_date so that 95/12/09 - EF - matlab/matlab4/to_(day,sec,date).m New vectorized versions; major bug fixed in to_date; new option added to to_date so that it can output either string or matrix forms. it can output either string or matrix forms.