08-08-89 - HZ - PROFSTAT.C to create MAT file(s) for statistic results of given variables. 08-16-89 - JR - PROFSTAT.EXE recompiled to use updated DB_L.LIB because of bug fix in DBSRCH by time (see SOURCE\UPDATE.DOC for details) 09-08-89 - JR - PROFSTAT.CNT put underscore in control file parameter keywords consisting of 2 or more words 09-22-89 - HZ - STN_UDW.M & STNUDWPL.M added to this subdirectory 12-21-89 - EF - PROFSTAT.C Flexibility added: if depth information is lacking, the array index will be substituted. 12-26-89 - JR - PROFSTAT.C The program was updated so that it does not fail with search before beginning. Now that the large memory model is required anyway, we can open the database with directories in memory. 06-29-90 - JR - PROFSTAT.C added prototypes for functions 07-02-90 - JR - PROFSTAT.C added flexibility to use pressure if depth is not available removed auto initialization of mat file names ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08-15-90 - JR - profstat.c, profstat.cnt: added variable option "flag_mask" to allow user to indicate which bits in the PROFILE_FLAGS to consider when flagging profile bins prior to calculation 02-12-91 - JR - profstat.c: changed so flag_mask defaults to ALL_BITS if not specified as an option in the control file 02-23-91 - JR - profstat.c: modified test of get_code() result (BADINT instead of -1) 02-25-91 - JR - profstat.c: deleted new_extension() function -- already in ioserv lib 11-18-91 - JR - profstat.c: saved all mat-file variables as either double or text to make mat-files easily portable 08-08-94 - MZ - recompiling: add one more parameter BEAM_STATS in data_lst.h file and re-compile the profstat program. No change for profstat.c. 96/01/25 EF - profstat/profstat.c: Revised to call get_data_list_index in dbget_n.c instead of using the fixed list in include/data_lst.h. As a result, profstat can now access any named array.