91/08/09 - JR - lstblock.c: modified to put the 2 header lines within /* */ also 91/09/18 - JR - delblk.c: Reduced from 6 to 4 options. Modified to 'dbmove' only if the end of the user range has not been reached (otherwise, can cause error messages when range ends exactly at database end). 91/09/23 - JR - *.c: Extended file names from 40 to 80 characters 91/10/24 - JR - lst_prof: Modified to print bad fixes as 1E38 instead of 5965.232 93/10/12 - JR - mkblkdir: Modified to allow conversion of databases to a different machine other than HOST_ENVIRONMENT. The control file recognizes the option 'DESTINATION', which defaults to HOST_ENVIRONMENT if not used. Use of option routines necessitate using an 'end' after specifying DB_NAME, PRD_NAME, and DESTINATION, prior to listing the BLOCK_FILE and SD_NAME, if any. 94/06/20 - JR - mkblkdir: Modified to make use of producer definition file optional; user can instead specify the following options: DATASET_ID, PRODUCER_ID and BLOCK_DIR_TYPE instead of PRD_NAME 94/08/02 - JR - chtime: Modified to set the TIME_CORRECTED bit in the data processing mask. It currently used the dpmask.h bit definitions for ADCP databases in codas3/adcp/include, which has the rightmost bit as the TIME_CORRECTED bit. If we do start defining masks for other types of databases (non-ADCP), we should consistently continue this practice (rightmost bit = TIME_CORRECTED). 94/12/01 - JR - mkblkdir: Eliminated PRODUCER_ID option in control file; this information is not needed to create a new block-dir file. Made PRD_NAME, DATASET_ID and BLOCK_DIR_TYPE purely optional by assigning defaults: DATASET_ID = ADCP-VM and BLOCK_DIR_TYPE = 0. 95/02/03 - JR - mc0.c and mc0.h: moved the #define statements (AS_IS, etc.) from mc0.c to mc0.h where it should belong (in conjunction with letting the load transect program use the convert_array_* and copy_byte routines). 95/02/16 - JR - mc0.c: modified copy_byte to allocate a temporary buffer in case the dest and src args are the same; this makes it possible to call the convert_array_* routines to perform conversion in place. 95/02/17 - PC - chprodid: new program for modifying the PRODUCER_ID in a CODAS database; during creation, this field is initialized from the producer definition file and may have not been properly set--hence this utility program. Sample control file is codas3/cntfiles/chprodid.cnt. 95/05/08 - PC - asc_dump.c, blk_asc.c: fixed code to remove Turbo-C warnings about unused variables, missing prototypes, etc. JR - chprodid.c: fixed code to remove Turbo-C warnings about unused variables and missing cast