93/02/01 - JR - vector.c added new option arrowhead_factor which allows user to specify factor by which to proportionately size the arrowhead; changed MAXNUMFILES and MAXLONLAT to smaller values for PC environment to fix stack overflow problem; changed arrow routine to draw circle instead of arrow also if velocities result in an arrowlength that is less than the arrowhead length (not only when velocity is 0). 93/02 - EF - vector.c added capability to create several plots with one control file by adding the "make_plot" and "add_plot" options 93/04/27 - JR - vecsub.c fixed bug in axis() and mapaxis() that used fabs instead of abs on nc parameter. This caused the legend labeling (Velocity (cm/s)) to disappear from the plots. (I don't know how it used to work in the first place, unless the fabs() was less picky under old versions of the C compiler?) 94/05/20 - EF - vector.c Changed the way the longitude range is handled, so that negative longitudes are no longer automatically increased by 360. Instead, longitudes exceeding the lon_range: minimum are increased and those exceeding the lon_range: max are decreased. First, the input min and max are checked, and if the min exceeds the max (e.g. 170E to 170W, so min is 170, max is -170), then the max has 360 added to it. Added two new options: first_subplot, last_subplot. first_subplot before a make_plot or add_plot command turns off the "showpage" postscript command; last_subplot turns it back on. Use first_subplot to start a series of subplots on a single page, last_subplot to end the series. I have NOT done anything about the Postscript bounding box comments; these still pertain to the individual subplots, not to the whole page of subplots. 94/08/01 - JR - fixed bounding box calculations and page count to accommodate Eric's changes above 94/11/17 - SB - major revisions to add new features, including mercator projection, labels on plots, plot array, more user control on legend, etc. see codas3/vecplot/vector.doc for details control file options have been radically changed 94/11/25 - SB - added options for changing title font/size 95/04/18 - JR - fixed map drawing routines to work for any lon_range between -180 to 720 degrees; note: lon_range should cover no more than 360 degrees 95/05/16 - JR - extract: did some code reorganization made necessary because of the changes to drawmap.c routines--separated out some routines (connect, axis_crossed) to mapsub.c so extract can continue to use these; - vector: fixed problem in tick labelling due to roundoffs when step size is not integral; this required redefinition of the remainder function (frem) using long ints. 95/10/26 - EF - vector: fixed bug in bounding box lower left Y coordinate calculation - vecsub and vector: replaced "op_get_trans" with "op_get_param" plus additional steps to do the translation. Translation in place simply is not possible with the option processing system as it is now designed, unfortunately. Option processing requires functions that have as arguments a function pointer, an integer, and a character pointer. To do a translation, one would need an additional pointer to the name list array; there is no way to get around this (short of using global variables), and one can't simply put a pointer in the place where the integer should be.