ADCP Navigation: SMOOTHR reference_file: a_sr.nav refabs_output: a_sr.ref output: filter_hwidth= 0.020800 min_filter_fraction= 0.500000 max_gap_ratio= 0.050000 max_gap_distance= 50.000000 max_gap_time= 30.000000 ensemble_time= 300.000000 max_speed= 5.000000 min_speed= 1.000000 iterations= 5 fix_to_dr_limit= 0.000500 Rejected refabs at time 286.843572 with ratio = 1.794022 Rejected refabs at time 286.847047 with ratio = 1.794022 Rejected refabs at time 286.850523 with ratio = 1.797618 Rejected refabs at time 286.853986 with ratio = 1.794022 Rejected refabs at time 286.857461 with ratio = 1.794022 Rejected refabs at time 286.860937 with ratio = 1.794022 Rejected refabs at time 286.864413 with ratio = 1.797618 Rejected refabs at time 286.867875 with ratio = 1.794022 Rejected refabs at time 286.871351 with ratio = 1.794022 Rejected refabs at time 286.874826 with ratio = 1.794022 Rejected refabs at time 286.940798 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 286.944274 with ratio = 2.132206 Rejected refabs at time 286.947736 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 286.951212 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 286.954687 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 286.958163 with ratio = 2.132206 Rejected refabs at time 286.961626 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 286.965102 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 286.968577 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 286.972052 with ratio = 2.132206 Rejected refabs at time 286.975515 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 286.978991 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 286.982466 with ratio = 2.132206 Rejected refabs at time 286.985929 with ratio = 2.127942 Rejected refabs at time 292.513712 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 292.763709 with ratio = 1.714489 Rejected refabs at time 292.767185 with ratio = 1.717925 Rejected refabs at time 292.770648 with ratio = 1.714489 Rejected refabs at time 292.774123 with ratio = 1.714489 Rejected refabs at time 292.777599 with ratio = 1.714489 Rejected refabs at time 292.781074 with ratio = 1.717925 Rejected refabs at time 292.784537 with ratio = 1.714489 Rejected refabs at time 292.788013 with ratio = 1.714489 Rejected refabs at time 292.843570 with ratio = 0.487463 Rejected refabs at time 292.847046 with ratio = 0.487463 Rejected refabs at time 292.850521 with ratio = 0.488440 Rejected refabs at time 292.853984 with ratio = 0.487463 Rejected refabs at time 292.857460 with ratio = 0.487463 Rejected refabs at time 292.860935 with ratio = 0.488440 Rejected refabs at time 292.864398 with ratio = 0.487463 Rejected refabs at time 292.888714 with ratio = 1.002295 Rejected refabs at time 292.892177 with ratio = 1.000290 Rejected refabs at time 292.895653 with ratio = 1.000290 Rejected refabs at time 292.899128 with ratio = 1.000290 Rejected refabs at time 292.902604 with ratio = 1.002295 Rejected refabs at time 292.906067 with ratio = 1.000290 Rejected refabs at time 292.909542 with ratio = 1.000290 Rejected refabs at time 292.913018 with ratio = 1.000290 Rejected refabs at time 292.916493 with ratio = 1.002295 Rejected refabs at time 292.919956 with ratio = 1.000290 Rejected refabs at time 292.951210 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 292.954686 with ratio = 0.200401 Rejected refabs at time 292.958149 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 292.968575 with ratio = 0.200401 Rejected refabs at time 293.024120 with ratio = 1.518747 Rejected refabs at time 293.027596 with ratio = 1.518747 Rejected refabs at time 293.031071 with ratio = 1.518747 Rejected refabs at time 293.034547 with ratio = 1.521790 Rejected refabs at time 293.038010 with ratio = 1.518747 Rejected refabs at time 293.041485 with ratio = 1.518747 Rejected refabs at time 293.044961 with ratio = 1.518747 Rejected refabs at time 293.048436 with ratio = 1.521790 Rejected refabs at time 293.051899 with ratio = 1.518747 Rejected refabs at time 293.482459 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 293.485935 with ratio = 0.200401 Rejected refabs at time 294.097044 with ratio = 0.200401 Rejected refabs at time 294.100507 with ratio = 0.199601 Rejected refabs at time 294.294959 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 294.590099 with ratio = 0.199601 Rejected refabs at time 296.531065 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 296.822730 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 296.826205 with ratio = 0.199601 Rejected refabs at time 297.857459 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 297.864398 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 297.867873 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 297.892176 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 298.628290 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 299.871347 with ratio = 0.200401 Rejected refabs at time 300.597034 with ratio = 1.124936 Rejected refabs at time 300.600509 with ratio = 1.124936 Rejected refabs at time 300.603985 with ratio = 1.124936 Rejected refabs at time 300.607460 with ratio = 1.127190 Rejected refabs at time 300.610923 with ratio = 1.124936 Rejected refabs at time 300.614399 with ratio = 1.124936 Rejected refabs at time 300.617874 with ratio = 1.127190 Rejected refabs at time 300.621337 with ratio = 1.124936 Rejected refabs at time 300.624813 with ratio = 1.124936 Rejected refabs at time 300.906064 with ratio = 1.178855 Rejected refabs at time 300.909539 with ratio = 1.178855 Rejected refabs at time 300.913015 with ratio = 1.181218 Rejected refabs at time 300.916478 with ratio = 1.178855 Rejected refabs at time 300.919953 with ratio = 1.178855 Rejected refabs at time 300.923429 with ratio = 1.178855 Rejected refabs at time 300.926904 with ratio = 1.181218 Rejected refabs at time 301.003290 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.006765 with ratio = 1.876955 Rejected refabs at time 301.010228 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.013704 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.017179 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.020654 with ratio = 1.876955 Rejected refabs at time 301.024117 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.027593 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.031068 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.034544 with ratio = 1.876955 Rejected refabs at time 301.038006 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.041482 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.044958 with ratio = 1.876955 Rejected refabs at time 301.048420 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.051896 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.055372 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.058847 with ratio = 1.876955 Rejected refabs at time 301.062310 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.065786 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.069261 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.072737 with ratio = 1.876955 Rejected refabs at time 301.076199 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.079675 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.083150 with ratio = 1.869463 Rejected refabs at time 301.086626 with ratio = 1.876955 Rejected refabs at time 301.090089 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.093564 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.097040 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.100516 with ratio = 1.876955 Rejected refabs at time 301.103978 with ratio = 1.873202 Rejected refabs at time 301.392180 with ratio = 0.200401 Rejected refabs at time 301.437312 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 301.440787 with ratio = 0.200000 There are 26 segments for position integration. Optimization iteration 1 of 5 Segment 1 of 26 Time range: 286.67344 to 286.84358 Index range: 2 through 50 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 49 -0.323 0.007 0.001 -0.337 -0.310 -2.18 2.03 7 4 2 49 1.544 0.011 0.002 1.519 1.577 -2.35 3.05 2 10 Segment 2 of 26 Time range: 286.87829 to 286.94080 Index range: 61 through 78 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 19 -1.025 0.006 0.001 -1.035 -1.015 -1.62 1.75 18 0 2 19 3.222 0.006 0.001 3.211 3.235 -1.84 2.21 0 18 Segment 3 of 26 Time range: 286.98941 to 292.51371 Index range: 93 through 1683 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 1591 -3.085 0.273 0.007 -3.575 -2.641 -1.79 1.63 895 19 2 1591 4.996 0.084 0.002 4.819 5.139 -2.10 1.70 789 1590 Segment 4 of 26 Time range: 292.51718 to 292.76370 Index range: 1685 through 1755 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 71 -1.144 0.012 0.001 -1.173 -1.119 -2.34 2.00 0 48 2 71 5.835 0.006 0.001 5.823 5.852 -1.87 2.74 2 47 Segment 5 of 26 Time range: 292.79149 to 292.84357 Index range: 1764 through 1778 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 14 -2.218 0.010 0.003 -2.234 -2.200 -1.66 1.92 12 0 2 14 6.122 0.010 0.003 6.111 6.142 -1.13 2.11 5 13 Segment 6 of 26 Time range: 292.86788 to 292.88871 Index range: 1786 through 1791 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 -10.361 0.014 0.006 -10.382 -10.341 -1.53 1.53 0 3 2 6 13.413 0.021 0.009 13.387 13.451 -1.20 1.73 5 0 Segment 7 of 26 Time range: 292.92344 to 292.95121 Index range: 1802 through 1809 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 8 -24.920 0.009 0.003 -24.938 -24.903 -1.92 1.80 7 0 2 8 10.058 0.004 0.002 10.049 10.064 -2.15 1.35 1 7 Segment 8 of 26 Time range: 292.96163 to 292.96858 Index range: 1813 through 1814 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 -29.168 0.001 0.001 -29.169 -29.167 -1.00 1.00 1 0 2 2 12.270 0.001 0.001 12.269 12.271 -1.00 1.00 0 1 Segment 9 of 26 Time range: 292.97204 to 293.02412 Index range: 1816 through 1830 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 15 -30.588 0.010 0.003 -30.607 -30.569 -1.83 1.80 3 9 2 15 12.991 0.008 0.002 12.980 13.006 -1.43 1.87 7 12 Segment 10 of 26 Time range: 293.05538 to 293.48245 Index range: 1840 through 1962 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 122 -31.680 0.051 0.005 -31.774 -31.597 -1.86 1.66 121 17 2 122 13.851 0.010 0.001 13.834 13.873 -1.74 2.30 121 21 Segment 11 of 26 Time range: 293.48940 to 294.09705 Index range: 1965 through 2139 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 175 -34.824 0.083 0.006 -34.967 -34.691 -1.72 1.60 152 0 2 175 12.344 0.019 0.001 12.312 12.396 -1.73 2.81 158 87 Segment 12 of 26 Time range: 294.10398 to 294.29495 Index range: 2142 through 2196 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 55 -35.523 0.050 0.007 -35.601 -35.425 -1.56 1.95 54 4 2 55 12.477 0.012 0.002 12.454 12.495 -1.98 1.56 53 2 Segment 13 of 26 Time range: 294.29843 to 294.59010 Index range: 2198 through 2281 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 85 -35.658 0.058 0.006 -35.747 -35.574 -1.54 1.45 72 2 2 85 12.451 0.013 0.001 12.427 12.471 -1.87 1.58 83 11 Segment 14 of 26 Time range: 294.59356 to 296.53107 Index range: 2283 through 2840 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 559 -36.004 0.176 0.007 -36.296 -35.640 -1.67 2.07 288 554 2 559 12.421 0.047 0.002 12.341 12.522 -1.71 2.16 198 549 Segment 15 of 26 Time range: 296.53455 to 296.82273 Index range: 2842 through 2924 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 83 -35.586 0.064 0.007 -35.680 -35.481 -1.46 1.63 21 70 2 83 12.537 0.014 0.002 12.514 12.566 -1.69 2.09 14 81 Segment 16 of 26 Time range: 296.82969 to 297.85745 Index range: 2927 through 3222 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 295 -35.500 0.108 0.006 -35.762 -35.314 -2.42 1.72 289 88 2 295 12.584 0.021 0.001 12.541 12.632 -2.09 2.31 1 188 Segment 17 of 26 Time range: 297.86093 to 297.86440 Index range: 3224 through 3224 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 -35.739 0.005 0.003 -35.744 -35.734 -1.00 1.00 0 1 2 2 12.566 0.002 0.001 12.565 12.568 -1.00 1.00 1 0 Segment 18 of 26 Time range: 297.87134 to 297.89218 Index range: 3227 through 3232 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 -35.743 0.005 0.002 -35.753 -35.737 -1.84 1.07 5 0 2 6 12.567 0.002 0.001 12.564 12.571 -1.25 1.98 2 5 Segment 19 of 26 Time range: 297.89566 to 298.62829 Index range: 3234 through 3444 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 210 -35.962 0.128 0.009 -36.207 -35.724 -1.91 1.86 207 2 2 210 12.521 0.024 0.002 12.470 12.569 -2.08 1.98 206 12 Segment 20 of 26 Time range: 298.63176 to 299.87134 Index range: 3446 through 3802 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 357 -36.083 0.182 0.010 -36.327 -35.699 -1.34 2.11 97 354 2 357 12.589 0.034 0.002 12.512 12.659 -2.28 2.04 0 353 Segment 21 of 26 Time range: 299.87481 to 300.59704 Index range: 3804 through 4011 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 208 -35.610 0.063 0.004 -35.738 -35.500 -2.05 1.76 19 187 2 208 12.650 0.013 0.001 12.615 12.676 -2.79 2.09 207 43 Segment 22 of 26 Time range: 300.62829 to 300.90607 Index range: 4021 through 4100 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 81 -33.953 0.035 0.004 -34.032 -33.888 -2.25 1.84 9 75 2 81 11.075 0.009 0.001 11.047 11.094 -3.11 1.97 30 14 Segment 23 of 26 Time range: 300.93037 to 301.00329 Index range: 4108 through 4128 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 20 -31.238 0.016 0.004 -31.258 -31.214 -1.27 1.46 0 19 2 20 10.706 0.007 0.002 10.696 10.724 -1.40 2.43 9 16 Segment 24 of 26 Time range: 301.10745 to 301.39218 Index range: 4159 through 4240 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 82 -30.161 0.021 0.002 -30.244 -30.123 -3.94 1.80 39 36 2 82 4.591 0.011 0.001 4.567 4.643 -2.17 4.64 39 37 Segment 25 of 26 Time range: 301.39565 to 301.43732 Index range: 4242 through 4253 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 12 -28.729 0.005 0.002 -28.738 -28.721 -1.71 1.31 1 10 2 12 3.645 0.005 0.002 3.637 3.653 -1.52 1.46 2 7 Segment 26 of 26 Time range: 301.44427 to 301.79843 Index range: 4256 through 4357 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 101 -26.247 0.021 0.002 -26.284 -26.201 -1.70 2.17 12 97 2 101 1.879 0.010 0.001 1.848 1.899 -3.25 2.16 99 21 Optimization iteration 2 of 5 Segment 1 of 26 Time range: 286.67344 to 286.84358 Index range: 2 through 50 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 49 0.001 0.006 0.001 -0.011 0.015 -2.12 2.31 7 4 2 49 -0.018 0.008 0.001 -0.030 0.017 -1.65 4.46 2 10 Segment 2 of 26 Time range: 286.87829 to 286.94080 Index range: 61 through 78 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 19 0.007 0.005 0.001 -0.003 0.017 -2.00 1.83 4 10 2 19 -0.009 0.007 0.002 -0.018 0.005 -1.40 1.96 16 5 Segment 3 of 26 Time range: 286.98941 to 292.51371 Index range: 93 through 1683 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 1591 0.337 0.055 0.001 0.230 0.438 -1.94 1.86 895 19 2 1591 0.125 0.005 0.000 0.107 0.143 -4.04 3.85 1497 1489 Segment 4 of 26 Time range: 292.51718 to 292.76370 Index range: 1685 through 1755 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 71 -0.025 0.007 0.001 -0.043 -0.011 -2.63 2.03 43 48 2 71 -0.009 0.005 0.001 -0.022 0.004 -2.59 2.53 70 47 Segment 5 of 26 Time range: 292.79149 to 292.84357 Index range: 1764 through 1778 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 14 0.012 0.003 0.001 0.006 0.019 -2.25 2.17 12 0 2 14 -0.004 0.008 0.002 -0.013 0.013 -1.17 2.20 5 13 Segment 6 of 26 Time range: 292.86788 to 292.88871 Index range: 1786 through 1791 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 0.000 0.014 0.006 -0.021 0.021 -1.53 1.52 0 3 2 6 0.000 0.021 0.009 -0.026 0.037 -1.20 1.73 5 0 Segment 7 of 26 Time range: 292.92344 to 292.95121 Index range: 1802 through 1809 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 8 0.009 0.005 0.002 -0.000 0.017 -2.00 1.56 7 0 2 8 -0.001 0.004 0.001 -0.010 0.004 -2.16 1.11 1 7 Segment 8 of 26 Time range: 292.96163 to 292.96858 Index range: 1813 through 1814 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 -1.00 1.00 1 0 2 2 0.000 0.001 0.001 -0.001 0.001 -1.00 1.00 0 1 Segment 9 of 26 Time range: 292.97204 to 293.02412 Index range: 1816 through 1830 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 15 0.005 0.011 0.003 -0.012 0.026 -1.68 1.91 3 9 2 15 -0.009 0.005 0.001 -0.019 -0.000 -1.90 1.51 7 0 Segment 10 of 26 Time range: 293.05538 to 293.48245 Index range: 1840 through 1962 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 122 0.049 0.018 0.002 0.014 0.090 -1.91 2.20 121 18 2 122 0.012 0.004 0.000 -0.005 0.026 -3.68 3.04 58 118 Segment 11 of 26 Time range: 293.48940 to 294.09705 Index range: 1965 through 2139 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 175 0.096 0.026 0.002 0.039 0.141 -2.21 1.74 152 4 2 175 0.027 0.009 0.001 -0.000 0.078 -3.08 5.85 90 87 Segment 12 of 26 Time range: 294.10398 to 294.29495 Index range: 2142 through 2196 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 55 0.053 0.017 0.002 0.025 0.100 -1.66 2.66 54 4 2 55 0.016 0.007 0.001 0.005 0.032 -1.51 2.35 26 33 Segment 13 of 26 Time range: 294.29843 to 294.59010 Index range: 2198 through 2281 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 85 0.046 0.018 0.002 0.016 0.084 -1.67 2.06 72 2 2 85 0.013 0.003 0.000 0.005 0.020 -2.23 2.11 27 34 Segment 14 of 26 Time range: 294.59356 to 296.53107 Index range: 2283 through 2840 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 559 0.181 0.054 0.002 0.084 0.300 -1.79 2.22 288 554 2 559 0.013 0.004 0.000 0.003 0.028 -2.34 3.49 517 86 Segment 15 of 26 Time range: 296.53455 to 296.82273 Index range: 2842 through 2924 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 83 -0.051 0.020 0.002 -0.092 -0.010 -2.03 2.03 21 70 2 83 -0.014 0.005 0.001 -0.024 -0.001 -2.01 2.67 14 81 Segment 16 of 26 Time range: 296.82969 to 297.85745 Index range: 2927 through 3222 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 295 0.006 0.036 0.002 -0.091 0.083 -2.69 2.15 289 88 2 295 -0.034 0.006 0.000 -0.051 -0.013 -2.90 3.47 125 138 Segment 17 of 26 Time range: 297.86093 to 297.86440 Index range: 3224 through 3224 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 0.000 0.005 0.003 -0.005 0.005 -1.00 1.00 0 1 2 2 0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.002 0.002 -1.00 1.00 1 0 Segment 18 of 26 Time range: 297.87134 to 297.89218 Index range: 3227 through 3232 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 -0.000 0.005 0.002 -0.010 0.006 -1.84 1.07 5 0 2 6 -0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.003 0.004 -1.25 1.98 2 5 Segment 19 of 26 Time range: 297.89566 to 298.62829 Index range: 3234 through 3444 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 210 0.152 0.041 0.003 0.062 0.238 -2.17 2.09 207 2 2 210 0.040 0.005 0.000 0.024 0.055 -3.29 3.03 135 37 Segment 20 of 26 Time range: 298.63176 to 299.87134 Index range: 3446 through 3802 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 357 -0.091 0.063 0.003 -0.182 0.054 -1.44 2.28 97 354 2 357 -0.064 0.005 0.000 -0.087 -0.050 -4.95 3.01 307 353 Segment 21 of 26 Time range: 299.87481 to 300.59704 Index range: 3804 through 4011 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 208 -0.067 0.027 0.002 -0.129 -0.007 -2.30 2.21 67 43 2 208 -0.004 0.008 0.001 -0.030 0.030 -3.10 3.94 117 205 Segment 22 of 26 Time range: 300.62829 to 300.90607 Index range: 4021 through 4100 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 81 -0.040 0.018 0.002 -0.086 0.002 -2.58 2.33 9 75 2 81 0.003 0.009 0.001 -0.025 0.020 -3.15 1.90 30 14 Segment 23 of 26 Time range: 300.93037 to 301.00329 Index range: 4108 through 4128 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 20 -0.018 0.010 0.002 -0.033 -0.004 -1.60 1.47 8 13 2 20 0.005 0.007 0.002 -0.005 0.023 -1.28 2.54 9 16 Segment 24 of 26 Time range: 301.10745 to 301.39218 Index range: 4159 through 4240 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 82 -0.001 0.016 0.002 -0.077 0.045 -4.71 2.90 39 36 2 82 0.007 0.011 0.001 -0.021 0.056 -2.51 4.45 39 37 Segment 25 of 26 Time range: 301.39565 to 301.43732 Index range: 4242 through 4253 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 12 -0.003 0.004 0.001 -0.010 0.002 -1.97 1.31 1 6 2 12 0.001 0.006 0.002 -0.008 0.009 -1.56 1.29 2 9 Segment 26 of 26 Time range: 301.44427 to 301.79843 Index range: 4256 through 4357 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 101 -0.026 0.006 0.001 -0.046 -0.010 -3.41 2.65 100 97 2 101 0.012 0.005 0.001 -0.005 0.024 -3.09 2.23 99 21 Optimization iteration 3 of 5 Segment 1 of 26 Time range: 286.67344 to 286.84358 Index range: 2 through 50 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 49 0.000 0.006 0.001 -0.012 0.014 -2.12 2.36 7 4 2 49 0.000 0.008 0.001 -0.013 0.035 -1.66 4.46 2 10 Segment 2 of 26 Time range: 286.87829 to 286.94080 Index range: 61 through 78 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 19 0.001 0.006 0.001 -0.010 0.011 -2.01 1.74 4 10 2 19 0.000 0.007 0.002 -0.010 0.014 -1.40 1.96 16 5 Segment 3 of 26 Time range: 286.98941 to 292.51371 Index range: 93 through 1683 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 1591 0.084 0.006 0.000 0.064 0.106 -3.38 3.70 1413 1496 2 1591 -0.001 0.005 0.000 -0.019 0.018 -3.91 3.96 1497 1489 Segment 4 of 26 Time range: 292.51718 to 292.76370 Index range: 1685 through 1755 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 71 -0.006 0.007 0.001 -0.026 0.007 -2.92 1.98 43 10 2 71 0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.013 0.013 -2.58 2.54 70 47 Segment 5 of 26 Time range: 292.79149 to 292.84357 Index range: 1764 through 1778 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 14 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.008 -1.87 2.19 12 13 2 14 0.000 0.008 0.002 -0.009 0.017 -1.17 2.20 5 13 Segment 6 of 26 Time range: 292.86788 to 292.88871 Index range: 1786 through 1791 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 0.000 0.014 0.006 -0.021 0.021 -1.54 1.52 0 3 2 6 0.000 0.021 0.009 -0.026 0.037 -1.20 1.73 5 0 Segment 7 of 26 Time range: 292.92344 to 292.95121 Index range: 1802 through 1809 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 8 0.004 0.005 0.002 -0.003 0.010 -1.51 1.39 7 5 2 8 0.000 0.004 0.001 -0.009 0.005 -2.16 1.11 1 7 Segment 8 of 26 Time range: 292.96163 to 292.96858 Index range: 1813 through 1814 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 -1.00 1.00 0 1 2 2 0.000 0.001 0.001 -0.001 0.001 -1.00 1.00 0 1 Segment 9 of 26 Time range: 292.97204 to 293.02412 Index range: 1816 through 1830 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 15 0.001 0.011 0.003 -0.016 0.022 -1.63 1.94 3 9 2 15 0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.010 0.008 -1.90 1.49 7 0 Segment 10 of 26 Time range: 293.05538 to 293.48245 Index range: 1840 through 1962 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 122 0.024 0.008 0.001 0.005 0.049 -2.57 3.18 1 59 2 122 -0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.017 0.013 -3.67 3.00 58 118 Segment 11 of 26 Time range: 293.48940 to 294.09705 Index range: 1965 through 2139 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 175 0.043 0.007 0.001 0.013 0.059 -4.03 2.22 55 133 2 175 -0.000 0.009 0.001 -0.027 0.051 -3.08 5.84 90 87 Segment 12 of 26 Time range: 294.10398 to 294.29495 Index range: 2142 through 2196 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 55 0.023 0.007 0.001 0.014 0.048 -1.46 3.54 14 4 2 55 -0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.011 0.016 -1.52 2.34 26 33 Segment 13 of 26 Time range: 294.29843 to 294.59010 Index range: 2198 through 2281 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 85 0.020 0.006 0.001 0.003 0.038 -2.84 2.81 8 2 2 85 -0.000 0.004 0.000 -0.008 0.007 -2.18 2.13 27 11 Segment 14 of 26 Time range: 294.59356 to 296.53107 Index range: 2283 through 2840 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 559 0.080 0.006 0.000 0.059 0.097 -3.84 2.94 1 550 2 559 -0.000 0.004 0.000 -0.010 0.015 -2.37 3.38 171 86 Segment 15 of 26 Time range: 296.53455 to 296.82273 Index range: 2842 through 2924 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 83 -0.022 0.006 0.001 -0.040 -0.008 -2.89 2.13 21 35 2 83 0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.010 0.013 -2.02 2.68 14 81 Segment 16 of 26 Time range: 296.82969 to 297.85745 Index range: 2927 through 3222 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 295 0.004 0.008 0.000 -0.028 0.033 -3.82 3.39 106 88 2 295 0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.017 0.021 -2.89 3.48 125 138 Segment 17 of 26 Time range: 297.86093 to 297.86440 Index range: 3224 through 3224 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 0.000 0.005 0.003 -0.005 0.005 -1.00 1.00 0 1 2 2 0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.002 0.002 -1.00 1.00 1 0 Segment 18 of 26 Time range: 297.87134 to 297.89218 Index range: 3227 through 3232 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 -0.000 0.005 0.002 -0.010 0.006 -1.84 1.07 5 0 2 6 0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.003 0.004 -1.25 1.98 2 5 Segment 19 of 26 Time range: 297.89566 to 298.62829 Index range: 3234 through 3444 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 210 0.071 0.006 0.000 0.053 0.088 -2.90 2.62 59 161 2 210 -0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.016 0.014 -3.31 3.06 135 37 Segment 20 of 26 Time range: 298.63176 to 299.87134 Index range: 3446 through 3802 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 357 -0.049 0.007 0.000 -0.074 -0.029 -3.83 3.04 307 24 2 357 0.001 0.005 0.000 -0.021 0.016 -4.76 3.17 307 353 Segment 21 of 26 Time range: 299.87481 to 300.59704 Index range: 3804 through 4011 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 208 -0.043 0.013 0.001 -0.087 0.033 -3.44 5.98 67 43 2 208 0.000 0.008 0.001 -0.026 0.033 -3.08 3.91 117 205 Segment 22 of 26 Time range: 300.62829 to 300.90607 Index range: 4021 through 4100 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 81 -0.025 0.011 0.001 -0.053 0.002 -2.64 2.56 9 75 2 81 -0.000 0.009 0.001 -0.028 0.017 -3.15 1.90 30 14 Segment 23 of 26 Time range: 300.93037 to 301.00329 Index range: 4108 through 4128 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 20 -0.010 0.007 0.001 -0.024 -0.000 -2.09 1.47 8 13 2 20 -0.000 0.007 0.002 -0.009 0.019 -1.29 2.54 9 16 Segment 24 of 26 Time range: 301.10745 to 301.39218 Index range: 4159 through 4240 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 82 -0.002 0.015 0.002 -0.075 0.048 -4.73 3.29 39 36 2 82 -0.000 0.011 0.001 -0.028 0.049 -2.51 4.46 39 37 Segment 25 of 26 Time range: 301.39565 to 301.43732 Index range: 4242 through 4253 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 12 -0.002 0.003 0.001 -0.008 0.003 -1.94 1.41 1 6 2 12 -0.000 0.006 0.002 -0.009 0.008 -1.56 1.29 2 9 Segment 26 of 26 Time range: 301.44427 to 301.79843 Index range: 4256 through 4357 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 101 -0.008 0.005 0.001 -0.036 0.004 -5.39 2.19 100 2 2 101 -0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.017 0.012 -3.10 2.24 99 21 Optimization iteration 4 of 5 Segment 1 of 26 Time range: 286.67344 to 286.84358 Index range: 2 through 50 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 49 -0.000 0.006 0.001 -0.012 0.014 -2.12 2.36 7 4 2 49 -0.000 0.008 0.001 -0.013 0.035 -1.66 4.46 2 10 Segment 2 of 26 Time range: 286.87829 to 286.94080 Index range: 61 through 78 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 19 -0.000 0.006 0.001 -0.011 0.010 -2.01 1.74 4 10 2 19 -0.000 0.007 0.002 -0.010 0.014 -1.40 1.96 16 5 Segment 3 of 26 Time range: 286.98941 to 292.51371 Index range: 93 through 1683 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 1591 0.002 0.006 0.000 -0.019 0.023 -3.80 3.76 1413 1496 2 1591 -0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.018 0.018 -3.91 3.96 1497 1489 Segment 4 of 26 Time range: 292.51718 to 292.76370 Index range: 1685 through 1755 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 71 0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.020 0.013 -2.92 1.98 43 10 2 71 -0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.013 0.013 -2.58 2.54 70 47 Segment 5 of 26 Time range: 292.79149 to 292.84357 Index range: 1764 through 1778 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 14 -0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.004 0.004 -1.87 2.19 12 13 2 14 -0.000 0.008 0.002 -0.009 0.017 -1.17 2.20 5 13 Segment 6 of 26 Time range: 292.86788 to 292.88871 Index range: 1786 through 1791 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 0.000 0.014 0.006 -0.021 0.021 -1.54 1.52 0 3 2 6 0.000 0.021 0.009 -0.026 0.037 -1.20 1.73 5 0 Segment 7 of 26 Time range: 292.92344 to 292.95121 Index range: 1802 through 1809 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 8 -0.000 0.005 0.002 -0.007 0.006 -1.51 1.39 7 5 2 8 -0.000 0.004 0.001 -0.009 0.005 -2.16 1.11 1 7 Segment 8 of 26 Time range: 292.96163 to 292.96858 Index range: 1813 through 1814 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 -1.00 1.00 0 1 2 2 -0.000 0.001 0.001 -0.001 0.001 -1.00 1.00 0 1 Segment 9 of 26 Time range: 292.97204 to 293.02412 Index range: 1816 through 1830 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 15 -0.000 0.011 0.003 -0.017 0.021 -1.63 1.94 3 9 2 15 -0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.010 0.008 -1.90 1.49 7 0 Segment 10 of 26 Time range: 293.05538 to 293.48245 Index range: 1840 through 1962 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 122 0.000 0.008 0.001 -0.020 0.024 -2.57 3.18 1 59 2 122 -0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.017 0.014 -3.67 3.00 58 118 Segment 11 of 26 Time range: 293.48940 to 294.09705 Index range: 1965 through 2139 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 175 0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.030 0.016 -4.03 2.22 55 133 2 175 -0.000 0.009 0.001 -0.027 0.052 -3.08 5.84 90 87 Segment 12 of 26 Time range: 294.10398 to 294.29495 Index range: 2142 through 2196 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 55 0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.010 0.024 -1.46 3.54 14 4 2 55 -0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.011 0.016 -1.52 2.34 26 33 Segment 13 of 26 Time range: 294.29843 to 294.59010 Index range: 2198 through 2281 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 85 0.000 0.006 0.001 -0.018 0.017 -2.84 2.80 8 2 2 85 -0.000 0.004 0.000 -0.008 0.007 -2.18 2.13 27 11 Segment 14 of 26 Time range: 294.59356 to 296.53107 Index range: 2283 through 2840 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 559 0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.022 0.017 -3.86 2.93 1 550 2 559 -0.000 0.004 0.000 -0.010 0.015 -2.37 3.38 171 86 Segment 15 of 26 Time range: 296.53455 to 296.82273 Index range: 2842 through 2924 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 83 0.000 0.006 0.001 -0.018 0.013 -2.90 2.13 21 35 2 83 -0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.010 0.013 -2.02 2.68 14 81 Segment 16 of 26 Time range: 296.82969 to 297.85745 Index range: 2927 through 3222 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 295 -0.000 0.008 0.000 -0.032 0.029 -3.80 3.40 106 88 2 295 -0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.017 0.021 -2.89 3.48 125 138 Segment 17 of 26 Time range: 297.86093 to 297.86440 Index range: 3224 through 3224 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 0.000 0.005 0.003 -0.005 0.005 -1.00 1.00 0 1 2 2 0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.002 0.002 -1.00 1.00 1 0 Segment 18 of 26 Time range: 297.87134 to 297.89218 Index range: 3227 through 3232 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 0.000 0.005 0.002 -0.010 0.006 -1.84 1.07 5 0 2 6 -0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.003 0.004 -1.25 1.98 2 5 Segment 19 of 26 Time range: 297.89566 to 298.62829 Index range: 3234 through 3444 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 210 0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.018 0.017 -2.90 2.62 59 161 2 210 -0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.016 0.015 -3.31 3.06 135 37 Segment 20 of 26 Time range: 298.63176 to 299.87134 Index range: 3446 through 3802 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 357 0.000 0.007 0.000 -0.025 0.020 -3.74 2.98 307 24 2 357 -0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.022 0.015 -4.76 3.17 307 353 Segment 21 of 26 Time range: 299.87481 to 300.59704 Index range: 3804 through 4011 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 208 0.000 0.013 0.001 -0.044 0.076 -3.44 5.98 67 43 2 208 -0.000 0.008 0.001 -0.026 0.033 -3.08 3.91 117 205 Segment 22 of 26 Time range: 300.62829 to 300.90607 Index range: 4021 through 4100 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 81 -0.000 0.011 0.001 -0.028 0.027 -2.63 2.56 9 75 2 81 -0.000 0.009 0.001 -0.028 0.017 -3.15 1.90 30 14 Segment 23 of 26 Time range: 300.93037 to 301.00329 Index range: 4108 through 4128 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 20 -0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.014 0.010 -2.09 1.47 8 13 2 20 -0.000 0.007 0.002 -0.009 0.019 -1.29 2.54 9 16 Segment 24 of 26 Time range: 301.10745 to 301.39218 Index range: 4159 through 4240 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 82 -0.000 0.015 0.002 -0.072 0.050 -4.73 3.29 39 36 2 82 -0.000 0.011 0.001 -0.028 0.049 -2.51 4.46 39 37 Segment 25 of 26 Time range: 301.39565 to 301.43732 Index range: 4242 through 4253 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 12 -0.000 0.003 0.001 -0.006 0.005 -1.94 1.41 1 6 2 12 -0.000 0.006 0.002 -0.009 0.008 -1.56 1.29 2 9 Segment 26 of 26 Time range: 301.44427 to 301.79843 Index range: 4256 through 4357 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 101 -0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.028 0.011 -5.39 2.20 100 2 2 101 -0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.017 0.012 -3.10 2.24 99 21 Optimization iteration 5 of 5 Segment 1 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 1 of 26 Time range: 286.67344 to 286.84358 Index range: 2 through 50 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 49 0.000 0.006 0.001 -0.012 0.014 -2.12 2.36 7 4 2 49 0.000 0.008 0.001 -0.013 0.035 -1.66 4.46 2 10 Segment 2 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 2 of 26 Time range: 286.87829 to 286.94080 Index range: 61 through 78 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 19 0.000 0.006 0.001 -0.011 0.010 -2.01 1.74 4 10 2 19 0.000 0.007 0.002 -0.010 0.014 -1.40 1.96 16 5 Segment 3 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 3 of 26 Time range: 286.98941 to 292.51371 Index range: 93 through 1683 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 1591 -0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.021 0.021 -3.80 3.76 1413 1496 2 1591 0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.018 0.018 -3.91 3.96 1497 1489 Segment 4 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 4 of 26 Time range: 292.51718 to 292.76370 Index range: 1685 through 1755 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 71 -0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.020 0.013 -2.92 1.98 43 10 2 71 0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.013 0.013 -2.58 2.54 70 47 Segment 5 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 5 of 26 Time range: 292.79149 to 292.84357 Index range: 1764 through 1778 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 14 0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.004 0.004 -1.87 2.19 12 13 2 14 0.000 0.008 0.002 -0.009 0.017 -1.17 2.20 5 13 Segment 6 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 6 of 26 Time range: 292.86788 to 292.88871 Index range: 1786 through 1791 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 0.000 0.014 0.006 -0.021 0.021 -1.54 1.52 0 3 2 6 0.000 0.021 0.009 -0.026 0.037 -1.20 1.73 5 0 Segment 7 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 7 of 26 Time range: 292.92344 to 292.95121 Index range: 1802 through 1809 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 8 0.000 0.005 0.002 -0.007 0.006 -1.51 1.39 7 5 2 8 0.000 0.004 0.001 -0.009 0.005 -2.16 1.11 1 7 Segment 8 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 8 of 26 Time range: 292.96163 to 292.96858 Index range: 1813 through 1814 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 -1.00 1.00 0 1 2 2 0.000 0.001 0.001 -0.001 0.001 -1.00 1.00 0 1 Segment 9 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 9 of 26 Time range: 292.97204 to 293.02412 Index range: 1816 through 1830 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 15 0.000 0.011 0.003 -0.017 0.021 -1.63 1.94 3 9 2 15 0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.010 0.008 -1.90 1.49 7 0 Segment 10 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 10 of 26 Time range: 293.05538 to 293.48245 Index range: 1840 through 1962 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 122 -0.000 0.008 0.001 -0.020 0.024 -2.57 3.18 1 59 2 122 0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.017 0.014 -3.67 3.00 58 118 Segment 11 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) 293.79496 -14 52 Segment 11 of 26 Time range: 293.48940 to 294.09705 Index range: 1965 through 2139 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 175 -0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.030 0.016 -4.03 2.22 55 133 2 175 0.000 0.009 0.001 -0.027 0.052 -3.08 5.84 90 87 Segment 12 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 12 of 26 Time range: 294.10398 to 294.29495 Index range: 2142 through 2196 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 55 -0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.010 0.024 -1.46 3.54 14 4 2 55 0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.011 0.016 -1.52 2.34 26 33 Segment 13 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 13 of 26 Time range: 294.29843 to 294.59010 Index range: 2198 through 2281 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 85 -0.000 0.006 0.001 -0.018 0.017 -2.84 2.80 8 2 2 85 0.000 0.004 0.000 -0.008 0.007 -2.18 2.13 27 11 Segment 14 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 14 of 26 Time range: 294.59356 to 296.53107 Index range: 2283 through 2840 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 559 -0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.022 0.016 -3.86 2.93 1 550 2 559 0.000 0.004 0.000 -0.010 0.015 -2.37 3.38 171 86 Segment 15 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 15 of 26 Time range: 296.53455 to 296.82273 Index range: 2842 through 2924 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 83 -0.000 0.006 0.001 -0.018 0.013 -2.90 2.13 21 35 2 83 0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.010 0.013 -2.02 2.68 14 81 Segment 16 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 16 of 26 Time range: 296.82969 to 297.85745 Index range: 2927 through 3222 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 295 0.000 0.008 0.000 -0.032 0.029 -3.80 3.40 106 88 2 295 0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.017 0.021 -2.89 3.48 125 138 Segment 17 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 17 of 26 Time range: 297.86093 to 297.86440 Index range: 3224 through 3224 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 2 0.000 0.005 0.003 -0.005 0.005 -1.00 1.00 0 1 2 2 0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.002 0.002 -1.00 1.00 1 0 Segment 18 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 18 of 26 Time range: 297.87134 to 297.89218 Index range: 3227 through 3232 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 6 -0.000 0.005 0.002 -0.010 0.006 -1.84 1.07 5 0 2 6 -0.000 0.002 0.001 -0.003 0.004 -1.25 1.98 2 5 Segment 19 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 19 of 26 Time range: 297.89566 to 298.62829 Index range: 3234 through 3444 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 210 -0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.018 0.016 -2.90 2.62 59 161 2 210 0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.016 0.015 -3.31 3.06 135 37 Segment 20 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 20 of 26 Time range: 298.63176 to 299.87134 Index range: 3446 through 3802 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 357 -0.000 0.007 0.000 -0.025 0.020 -3.74 2.98 307 24 2 357 0.000 0.005 0.000 -0.022 0.015 -4.76 3.17 307 353 Segment 21 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) 300.02759 76 22 Segment 21 of 26 Time range: 299.87481 to 300.59704 Index range: 3804 through 4011 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 208 -0.000 0.013 0.001 -0.044 0.076 -3.44 5.98 67 43 2 208 0.000 0.008 0.001 -0.026 0.033 -3.08 3.91 117 205 Segment 22 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 22 of 26 Time range: 300.62829 to 300.90607 Index range: 4021 through 4100 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 81 0.000 0.011 0.001 -0.028 0.027 -2.63 2.56 9 75 2 81 0.000 0.009 0.001 -0.028 0.017 -3.15 1.90 30 14 Segment 23 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 23 of 26 Time range: 300.93037 to 301.00329 Index range: 4108 through 4128 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 20 0.000 0.007 0.001 -0.014 0.010 -2.09 1.47 8 13 2 20 0.000 0.007 0.002 -0.009 0.019 -1.29 2.54 9 16 Segment 24 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) 301.23246 50 30 301.23592 38 49 301.24287 -72 -28 Segment 24 of 26 Time range: 301.10745 to 301.39218 Index range: 4159 through 4240 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 82 0.000 0.015 0.002 -0.072 0.050 -4.73 3.29 39 36 2 82 0.000 0.011 0.001 -0.028 0.049 -2.51 4.46 39 37 Segment 25 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 25 of 26 Time range: 301.39565 to 301.43732 Index range: 4242 through 4253 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 12 0.000 0.003 0.001 -0.006 0.005 -1.94 1.41 1 6 2 12 0.000 0.006 0.002 -0.009 0.008 -1.56 1.29 2 9 Segment 26 of 26 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 26 of 26 Time range: 301.44427 to 301.79843 Index range: 4256 through 4357 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 101 0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.028 0.011 -5.39 2.20 100 2 2 101 0.000 0.005 0.001 -0.017 0.012 -3.10 2.24 99 21 seg i0 i1 n nfix 1 2 51 49 49 2 61 79 18 19 3 93 1684 1591 1591 4 1685 1756 71 71 5 1764 1779 15 14 6 1786 1792 6 6 7 1802 1810 8 8 8 1813 1815 2 2 9 1816 1831 15 15 10 1840 1963 123 122 11 1965 2140 175 175 12 2142 2197 55 55 13 2198 2282 84 85 14 2283 2841 558 559 15 2842 2925 83 83 16 2927 3223 296 295 17 3224 3225 1 2 18 3227 3233 6 6 19 3234 3445 211 210 20 3446 3803 357 357 21 3804 4012 208 208 22 4021 4101 80 81 23 4108 4129 21 20 24 4159 4241 82 82 25 4242 4254 12 12 26 4256 4358 102 101 seg t0 t1 x0 x1 y0 y1 stdx stdy n_fix 1 286.67344 286.84358 -117.3121 -117.2917 32.6881 32.9539 5 9 49 2 286.87829 286.94080 -117.2986 -117.4443 32.9705 33.1948 5 8 19 3 286.98941 292.51371 -117.4605 -118.0719 33.2137 33.3398 5 5 1591 4 292.51718 292.76370 -118.0568 -117.7573 33.3466 33.4914 6 6 71 5 292.79149 292.84357 -117.7680 -117.9885 33.4942 33.5855 2 8 14 6 292.86788 292.88871 -118.0698 -118.0789 33.6584 33.6665 13 24 6 7 292.92344 292.95121 -118.2243 -118.3558 33.6330 33.6412 4 5 8 8 292.96163 292.96858 -118.3981 -118.4261 33.6633 33.6778 0 1 2 9 292.97204 293.02412 -118.4403 -118.4522 33.6849 33.8790 10 6 15 10 293.05538 293.48245 -118.4625 -119.1556 33.8876 33.5695 7 5 122 11 293.48940 294.09705 -119.1848 -120.3599 33.5549 32.9938 7 10 175 12 294.10398 294.29495 -120.3648 -121.0326 32.9955 32.6564 6 8 55 13 294.29843 294.59010 -121.0326 -121.7150 32.6564 32.3226 6 4 85 14 294.59356 296.53107 -121.7150 -121.4427 32.3226 33.2439 5 5 559 15 296.53455 296.82273 -121.4427 -120.7556 33.2440 33.5781 6 5 83 16 296.82969 297.85745 -120.7556 -121.8431 33.5781 33.8166 8 6 295 17 297.86093 297.86440 -121.8431 -121.8432 33.8165 33.8166 4 2 2 18 297.87134 297.89218 -121.8432 -121.8432 33.8166 33.8165 5 2 6 19 297.89566 298.62829 -121.8432 -123.8944 33.8165 32.8036 6 5 210 20 298.63176 299.87134 -123.8947 -121.5482 32.8040 34.7217 6 5 357 21 299.87481 300.59704 -121.5483 -120.5044 34.7217 34.4637 12 9 208 22 300.62829 300.90607 -120.4894 -119.8120 34.4482 34.3974 10 10 81 23 300.93037 301.00329 -119.7856 -119.4377 34.3937 34.2788 6 8 20 24 301.10745 301.39218 -119.4272 -118.9217 34.2178 33.5853 14 12 82 25 301.39565 301.43732 -118.9078 -118.7531 33.5759 33.4641 3 6 12 26 301.44427 301.79843 -118.7287 -117.2469 33.4466 32.6209 5 6 101