/* WaMoS II initialisation and configuration file */ WRITTENBY sigma S6 WaMoSŪ II - Version (8311) CC sigma S6 WaMoSŪ II version number LASTCHG 09-26-2018 23.10.56 CC Date and time of last change WATCHDOGTYPE 0 CC 3 = NET-device, 0 = no watchdog WDCOMPORT 1 CC Watchdog comport number WATCHDOGTIME 1380.0 CC S6SERVERNAME Local CC Default S6 Server Name BACKUP 0 CC backup of configuration file : 0: off, 1: on TSBKP 0 CC additional time series backup : 0: off, 1: on BPATH CC backup path TOWER SR_Wamos CC Full station name RIGID tst CC Identification of the station USERTEXT CC Radar type information CALCPGN 0 CC 0 = use calcwave.exe, 1 = use wamos_inv.exe COLORMODE 0 CC Night Display On = 1 , Off = 0 WINDOWRESIZE 1 CC 0 = No resizing , 1 = Allow resizing SHOWERRORBOX 1 CC Big error box 1 = ON , 0 = Off RELAYOFF 0 CC Use alarm relay for FR1944 power on SMERRBOXOFF 0 CC Small error box 1 = ON , 0 = Off SCREENSHOT 0 CC 1 = 0n , 0 = Off LATITUDE 999°00.000 S CC Position north or south LONGITUDE 999°00.000 W CC Position east or west WATERDEPTH 300 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 CC Constant waterdepth : global, for box1, for box2, ... DATAPATHTEMP e:\WaMoS\Temp\ CC Data path for saving temporary data DATAPATH e:\WaMoS\ CC Data path for saving data DATAPATHRESULTS e:\WaMoS\RESULTS\ CC Data path for saving result data DRIVELIST e: CC List of drives for storing data DRIVEMINSPACE 100 CC Minimum space in MBytes before switching to next drive LASTDRIVEMINSPACE 5000 CC Minimum space in MBytes on last drive before automatic deletion (recommended: 15% of last drive's capacity) AUTOCOMPRESSPOL 0 CC Compression mode for polar files: 0 = no comression, 1=zip NUMBOXES 2 CC Number of cartesian boxes CARTHIMAGES 32 CC Number of cart images to save XLEN 256 CC Size of cartesian box in X-length YLEN 256 CC Size of cartesian box in Y-length RANGE2BOX 270 CC Distance of cartesian boxes ANGLE2BOX 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 CC Direction of box1, box2, ... DIFFCRSALLWD 10 CC Allowed difference of course per second in frame data section, 0 : no check INVERT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CC Invert box1, box2, ... ? SAMPLEFREQ 40.00 CC Sampling frequency SYNCDIV 1 CC Sync Pulse Divisor in [1..16]; SAM: 1 FIFOLEN 1286 CC Samples per Beam > value 256..2048; SAM: 1..1024 VID1 6 CC Video detection VID2 4 CC Video detection POSITIONFROM 1 CC 0 = Constant, 1 = NMEA WDEPTHFROM 0 CC 0 = Constant, 1 = NMEA, 2 = Cartesian box SYNCMODE 0 CC Invert Sync pulse = 1,Not invert = 0 VIDEOGAIN 0 CC Video gain level > value 0..255 VIDEOMODE 0 CC Invert Video Signal = 1,Not invert = 0 VIDEOOFFSET 0 CC Video Signal Offset > value 0...63 BEARINGDIV 4 CC Bearing Pulse Divisor in [1..16]; SAM: 1 HEADINGMODE 0 CC Invert Heading Pulse = 1, Not invert = 0 BEAMAVE 1 CC Beam Averaging > value 1..8 SYNCTIMING 0 CC Sync delay in meter; SAM: 0 BUZZEROFF 0 CC Watchdog buzzer On = 1, Off = 0 LOGNMEA 0 CC Create NMEA log file, 0 = Off, 1..sec UNREL 0 CC < NOT USED > DEADRANGE 180 CC Dead range of the recorded data S6RANGEEND 5002 CC Only for Sigma S6 : Range end used in sigma S6 WaMoSŪ II in m AHEIGHT 18 CC Height of the antenna above sea level OFFSETDEPTH 0 CC Offset of water depth from NMEA TX_STBY 0 CC WIBA motor switch 0 = Touch key, 1 = Switch ASDPW 1 CC Assume deep water on failure : 0=off, 1=on KEEPWDONFAIL 0 CC Keep water depth value on failure and same position: 0=off, 1=on MINBEAMS 2500 CC Min PRF in Hz SIGMAS6MODE 1 CC get sigma s6 data out of: 0:B-scan, 1:data stream S6IPADDRESS CC IP address for S6 streaming S6PICTUREPORT 1374 CC Port number used for S6 streaming S6PACKETSIZE 4096 CC Packet size used for S6 streaming WAMOSNETDEBUGMODE -1 CC -1 = automatic, 0 = off, 1 = only serial, 2 = only network, 3 = both TERMINALRESISTOR 0 CC Termination of the video transmission line 0 = 50[Ohm], 1 = 75[Ohm], 2 = infinite PICTUREPORTWAMOSLAN 50001 CC Port number for the video data connection COMMANDPORTWAMOSLAN 50000 CC Port number for the control connection WAMOSLANIPADDRESS CC IP address for both connections WAMOSLANSUBNETMASK CC Subnet mask for both connections WAMOSLANGATEWAY CC Gateway < NOT USED > WAMOSLANTCPUDPMODE 0 CC Protocol for the video data socket connection 0 = TCP, 1 = UDP SAMMFDID 1 CC Multi Function Display ID for emulation [1..64] SAMTXID 2 CC Transceiver ID (radar) [1..16] SAMMFDBEHAVIOR 0 CC MFD behavior: 0 = active MFD, 1 = passive MFD SAMRANGEINDEX 1 CC Sweep range from 3 km (= 0) to 189,6 km (= 6) [0..6] SAMTESTIMAGE 0 CC 0 = No test image (normal); 1 = ARPA training image; 2 = rings SAMIMAGEPORT 62101 CC Image receiving port [1..65535] SAMTXTOMFDPORT 60100 CC Messages from radar to PC port [1..65535] SAMMFDTOTXPORT 60200 CC Messages from PC to radar port [1..65535] SAMAUTOIMAGEPORT 1 CC 1 = image port is calculated by Transceiver ID, 0 = manual SAMIPMFDTOTX CC Multicast IP Messages from PC -> Transceiver (Control) SAMIPTXTOMFD CC Multicast IP Messages from Transceiver -> PC (Control) SAMIPIMAGE CC Multicast IP Messages from Transceiver -> PC (Images) SAMINTERFERENCEFILTER 0 CC 0 = interference filter off; 1 = interference filter on SAMRADARIMAGEALIGNMENT 0 CC 0 = Relative to bow; 1 = Relative to north GYROCOMPASS -1 CC 0...360 Fix compass, -1 = NMEA input ANTENNAHDG 348 CC Bow to radar 0...360 degree PICTUREHDG 0 CC < NOT USED > Offset of picture heading CMPOFFSET 0 CC Offset for NMEA compass information EXPECTEDRPT 1.33 CC Expected antenna RPT in seconds RINGBUFFERSAFETY 10 CC TIMEINTERVAL 1 CC Minutes between recording cycles NMEAN 1 CC Minimum length of a recording cycle in minutes ANALM 1 CC Analysis interval mode ( 0:continous, 1:sequential, 2:interval ) AMINT 1 CC Analysis interval time in minutes BEARC 1 CC Consider bearing information : 0: no, 1: yes HDFULLWARN 1 CC Hard disk space warning > 1 = On , 0 = Off HOURSKEEPDATA 24 CC Hours to keep polar and result data files at minimum EMULMODE 0 CC Selected WaMoS operation EMULSOURCE 1 CC Source of emulation : 1=file EMULPATH c:\wamos\emul\ CC Demo files directory USETESTGEN 0 CC Test generator Off = 0 , On = 1 ALARMHEIGHT 0 CC Sea state alarm parameters ALARMLENGTH 0 CC Sea state alarm parameters ALARMENCOUNT 0 CC Sea state alarm parameters ALHEIGHTVAL 0.0 CC Sea state alarm parameters ALLENGTHVAL 0 CC Sea state alarm parameters ALLENRANGE 0 CC Sea state alarm parameters ALLENHEIGHT 0.0 CC Sea state alarm parameters ALENCOUNTVAL 0 CC Sea state alarm parameters ALENCRANGE 0 CC Sea state alarm parameters ALENCHEIGHT 0.0 CC Sea state alarm parameters PERMWSPEED 0 CC Measurement event handling PERMWHEIGHT 0 CC Measurement event handling PERMWLENGTH 0 CC Measurement event handling PERMENCOUNT 0 CC Measurement event handling PERMWINDVAL 0.0 CC Measurement event handling PERMWAVEVAL 0.0 CC Measurement event handling PERMWLENVAL 0 CC Measurement event handling PERMWLENRANG 0 CC Measurement event handling PERMWLENHEI 0.0 CC Measurement event handling PERMENCVAL 0 CC Measurement event handling PERMENCRANG 0 CC Measurement event handling PERMENCHEI 0.0 CC Measurement event handling REDUCWSPEED 0 CC Increased interval measurement REDUCWHEIGHT 0 CC Increased interval measurement REDUCWINDVAL 0.0 CC Increased interval measurement REDUCWAVEVAL 0.0 CC Increased interval measurement REDUCMINUTES 30 CC Increased time between measurement REDUCDURATION 0 CC Increased measurement duration WINDSENSHEIGHT 24 CC Offset wind sensor height NMEANOCHECKSUM 1 CC Ignore checksum of NMEA-string SERCOMNUM 32 CC Max serial ports to handle COMPORT COM1 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM2 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM3 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM4 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM5 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM6 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM7 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM8 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM9 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM10 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM11 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM12 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM13 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM14 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM15 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM16 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM17 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM18 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM19 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM20 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM21 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM22 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM23 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM24 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM25 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM26 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM27 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM28 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM29 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM30 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM31 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information COMPORT COM32 4800 8 0 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN1 4001 1 CC Port information LANPORT LAN2 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN3 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN4 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN5 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN6 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN7 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN8 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN9 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN10 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN11 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN12 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN13 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN14 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN15 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN16 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN17 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN18 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN19 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN20 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN21 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN22 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN23 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN24 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN25 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN26 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN27 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN28 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN29 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN30 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN31 4001 0 CC Port information LANPORT LAN32 4001 0 CC Port information NMEASERVICES 5 CC Number of activated NMEA services NMEAENABLED 1 CC Service activated = 1, disabled = 0 NMEATYPE 1 CC Used numbers 0, 1, ...8, 9 NMEAFIELD 1 CC Selected field for information NMEAADDRESS ??HDT CC Name of the NMEA string NMEAFORMAT Direction[deg] CC Format of the NMEA data NMEACOMPORT LAN1 CC Used incoming COM port NMEACHECKMODE 0 CC 0=NoValidCheck, 1 = CheckByValidString, 2 = CheckByInvalidList NMEAVALIDFIELD 2 CC Field position of valid flag in NMEA string NMEAVALIDSTRING A CC Valid value of valid flag NMEAINVALIDSTRING CC Invalid value of service field NMEAENABLED 1 CC Service activated = 1, disabled = 0 NMEATYPE 0 CC Used numbers 0, 1, ...8, 9 NMEAFIELD 2 CC Selected field for information NMEAADDRESS ??GGA CC Name of the NMEA string NMEAFORMAT a.b,N,c.d,W CC Format of the NMEA data NMEACOMPORT LAN2 CC Used incoming COM port NMEACHECKMODE 0 CC 0=NoValidCheck, 1 = CheckByValidString, 2 = CheckByInvalidList NMEAVALIDFIELD 2 CC Field position of valid flag in NMEA string NMEAVALIDSTRING A CC Valid value of valid flag NMEAINVALIDSTRING CC Invalid value of service field NMEAENABLED 1 CC Service activated = 1, disabled = 0 NMEATYPE 2 CC Used numbers 0, 1, ...8, 9 NMEAFIELD 5 CC Selected field for information NMEAADDRESS ??VTG CC Name of the NMEA string NMEAFORMAT Speed[m/s] CC Format of the NMEA data NMEACOMPORT LAN2 CC Used incoming COM port NMEACHECKMODE 0 CC 0=NoValidCheck, 1 = CheckByValidString, 2 = CheckByInvalidList NMEAVALIDFIELD 2 CC Field position of valid flag in NMEA string NMEAVALIDSTRING A CC Valid value of valid flag NMEAINVALIDSTRING CC Invalid value of service field NMEAENABLED 1 CC Service activated = 1, disabled = 0 NMEATYPE 4 CC Used numbers 0, 1, ...8, 9 NMEAFIELD 7 CC Selected field for information NMEAADDRESS ??MWD CC Name of the NMEA string NMEAFORMAT Speed[m/s] CC Format of the NMEA data NMEACOMPORT LAN3 CC Used incoming COM port NMEACHECKMODE 0 CC 0=NoValidCheck, 1 = CheckByValidString, 2 = CheckByInvalidList NMEAVALIDFIELD 2 CC Field position of valid flag in NMEA string NMEAVALIDSTRING A CC Valid value of valid flag NMEAINVALIDSTRING CC Invalid value of service field NMEAENABLED 1 CC Service activated = 1, disabled = 0 NMEATYPE 5 CC Used numbers 0, 1, ...8, 9 NMEAFIELD 1 CC Selected field for information NMEAADDRESS ??MWD CC Name of the NMEA string NMEAFORMAT True Wind[deg] CC Format of the NMEA data NMEACOMPORT LAN3 CC Used incoming COM port NMEACHECKMODE 0 CC 0=NoValidCheck, 1 = CheckByValidString, 2 = CheckByInvalidList NMEAVALIDFIELD 2 CC Field position of valid flag in NMEA string NMEAVALIDSTRING A CC Valid value of valid flag NMEAINVALIDSTRING CC Invalid value of service field NMEAEBDIFF 120 CC Minimum time difference in seconds between error messages of a NMEA service USENMEABUF 1 CC NMEA buffering is used SOCKETWTRESTART 20 CC Wait time in s before socket restart USERNAME default CC Name of activated user display NMEAOUTPUTON 1 CC NMEA output active (see nmea.cfg for configuration) EOI ================================================================ /* END of WAMOS2.INI */ /* BEGIN of Para.cfg */ MTIME 20 CC [min] Averaging time INDEX 799 CC Control index for averaging if IQ > INDEX neglect data MULTI 0 CC Switch for multi window: 0 = one best window, 1 = all windows are kept CMAX 5.0 CC [m/s] Maximum current speed allowed: MaxCurrs (Current speed limit) FMIN 0.035 CC [Hz] Min frequency for calc. of min freq.plane:fmin (Frequency min) FMAX 0.350 CC [Hz] Fixed frequency range fmax >= 1/(2*rpt) (Frequency max) LMAX 500.0 CC [m] Max. wave length (Wave length max) SNR 4 CC SNR Signal to noise ratio definition (Hs calculation) CA 0.30000 CC Bias CB 0.02000 CC Slope POWER 1.0000 CC Tiltf. Exp. : Power (MTF) D_FRE 0.030 CC [HZ] Frequency dist : Twinpeak : delta_th (Frequency) D_DIR 25.0 CC [deg] Ang. resolution (Direction) ELOW 0.1000 CC [-] Energy threshhold : Twinpeak : elow (Energy) SLIM 9.0000 CC [s] Period threshold for Swell; 7 - 12 = fixed, -9 = variable period with wind HSMAX 0 CC Enable HMax Display NKX 64 CC [m] Number of spectral pixel in Kx of d2s NKY 64 CC [m] Number of spectral pixel in Ky of d2s CAR 0 CC Switch to keep CAR files: 1: keep, 0: delete CIN 0 CC Switch to write CIN file (.ci*) : 0: never, 1: cartesian box dependent, 2: always AMP 0 CC Switch to write AMP file (.pw*) IWA 0 CC Use Individual Wave Analysis (w... .ci*) RSCIN 0 CC Rescaling : 0: none, 1: pointwise rescale Hs, 2: rescale backscatter in cartesian box, 3: both PHASE 0.00 CC Add phase shift x*pi rad, x in [-1..1] EOP ================================================================ /* END of Para.cfg */ /* BEGIN of QUALI.cfg */ QON 1 CC 0 = no qualify, 1 = quality control on (Quality Control) GMAX1 10 CC < Gmax grey level: minimum (Grey level) GMAX2 255 CC > Gmax maximum GDIFF 255 CC > Gdif grey level difference maximum (Difference) GMEAN 0 CC < GMEAN mean grey level minimum (Mean Grey Level) VAR1 1.000e+000 CC < Gvar grey level variance: minimum (Variance) VAR2 5.000e+004 CC > Gvar maximum EMIN 5.000e-008 CC < Emin spectrum energy: minimum (Energy) EMAX 4.000e+006 CC > Emax maximum NBGN1 1 CC < NBGN number of background noise: minimum (BGN level) NBGN2 40000 CC > NBGN maximum NSIG1 2 CC < nsig number of signal points: minimum (Signals) NSIG2 30000 CC > nsig maximum NVAL1 3 CC < NVAL number of spectram point: minimum (Fit Number) NVAL2 500 CC > NVAL maximum MVARI 2.000e-001 CC max RPT deviation of single rpt entry (Max Single) MVAR 1.000e-001 CC max RPT variation (Max All) DDIFF 10 CC > DDIFF PDir check deviation maximum (PDir Check dev) RAINB 0 CC Minimum percentage of pixels with no rain ( < noise floor ), 0: no rain filtering NSFLR -9 CC Gray value (noise floor) for Rain check, -9: use radar configuration value in polar header EOQ ================================================================ /* END of QUALI.cfg */ /* BEGIN of Hrc.cfg */ HRCCALC 1 CC Analysis : 0: no analysis, 1: sea state, 2: hrc, 3: sea state and hrc HRCANALM 1 CC HRC Analysis interval mode ( 1:sequential, 2:interval ) HRCAMINT 5 CC HRC Analysis interval time in minutes HRCBOXSIZE 128 CC Size of analysis box in cpo pixels : 64, 128 HRCOFFSET 64 CC Spatial resolution in cpo pixels HRCRADAROUT 0 CC Radar output : 0: no, 1: yes HRCDEPTHFIT 0 CC Depth fit : 0: no depth fit ( deep water ), 1: depth fit ( shallow water ) HRCNT 32 CC Number of images to use : 32, 64 HRCORI 1 CC Orientation of cpo files : not yet used --> north orientation is assumed HRCANGLE 0 CC not yet used HRCCPO 1 CC Deletion of cpo files : 0: keep cpo, 1: delete cpo HRCCUTOFF 0.01 CC Cut off HRCMAXCUR 5.00 CC Maximum current speed HRCMAXWDEPTH 20.00 CC Maximum water depth HRCPOSR 0 CC Range of observation point HRCPOSP 0 CC Direction of observation point relative to north HRCALP1 0 CC Start degree of blanking sector ( relative to north ) HRCALP2 0 CC End degree of blanking sector ( relative to north ) HRCMINFREQ 0.05 CC Minimum frequency EOHRC ================================================ /* END of Hrc.cfg */