@ECHO OFF REM This file is run after logging on a line has stopped SET FILEEXT=%~x1 ECHO EXT is %FILEEXT% REM This program creates coverage and shiptrack files for the given line. REM echo CovTrackIdx.exe Start > c:\temp\ProcLine.log REM echo %* >> c:\temp\ProcLine.log REM timeout 1 REM CovTrackIdx.exe %* REM echo CovTrackIdx.exe done >> c:\temp\ProcLine.log REM Enable to sort file when closed REM if %FILEEXT%==.kmall SortFile.exe -F %1 if NOT %FILEEXT%==.kmall_frag GOTO :DONE REM This program merges any fragmented #MWC and #MRZ datagrams ECHO Start Mergefiles with args -R -F %1 MergeFiles.exe -R -F %1 >> c:\temp\ProcLine.log echo Mergefiles.exe done >> c:\temp\ProcLine.log :DONE