File Info

Filetype, always SoundVelocity for Kongsberg .asvp-files.

1.0 for the time being, has been for many years.

Optional id for this svp, usually not used and set to 0.

Time when this file was created, should be around the time when the svp was measured.

Latitude where the svp was measured, desimal degrees, negative south of the Equator.

Longitude where the svp was measured, desimal degrees, negative west of the 0 meridian.

Thinning factor used for thinning a SVP profile, between 0.01 and 1.0.

Radius of a circle where this svp is valid, in meters.

Time (YYYYMMDDHHmmSS) when this svp is valid from.

Time (YYYYMMDDHHmmSS) when this svp is valid to.

Source of profile: (e.g. probe name,database name,editors name etc.)

History of profile (P=probe, E=edited, M=merged, N=new)

Number of samples in the profile.

User given comments from svp (should not contain '*' or ',' or CR/LF)


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Sound Velocity Table
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