Graph interaction


Open the SVP-file.
The standard filter is .asvp, but all defined filters are available. If there already is one SVP open, the selected SVP will become SVP 2 in the editor.

Save as...

Save the SVP in a new file. Even the filename postfix can be changed.

Save SVP

Save the SVP to the file it was read from. This overwrites the file.

Send SVP to SIS

Send the SVP to SIS. Note that it is the file the SVP was read from that is actually sent, so the SVP must be saved to file before this action is carried out.

Close SVP

Close all SPVs.

Reset selections

Resets selections in the SVP.

Show raypath for angle

Computes the raypath using SVP 1 and SVP 2 (if available) for the given beam pointing angle.

Check profile

Check if the profile is valid for use in SIS.

Fix profile

Fix the profile so that it can be used in SIS:

Extend profile with this file...

Select an SVP from a file and use it to extend the current SVP down to 12000 meters. The current SVP will be used as is, but the remaining values down to 12000 meters will be taken from the file selected.

Extend profile

Extend the profile from 0 meters to 12000 meters using the default profile.

Extend using temp. and salinity

Enter expected temperature and salinity to create an SVP that will be used to extend the profile down to 12000 meters.

Thin profile

Remove unnecessary entries in the SVP. This makes raypath-calculations faster.

MDM 500

Distribute SVP

Send the SVP in the file to other systems. The SVP must be saved before this action is called.


Redraw the SVP.

Delete filter

Delete the selected filter.

Save filter

Save the new filter:

Get filters

Get all filters from the database.

Update table

Update the table with the data in the current SVP.

Update graph

Update the SVP with the current values in the table and redraw the graph.

Delete selected

Delete the selected lines in the table.

Hide table

Hide the table.