import glob import os import sys import struct import time import datetime import utm import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import requests import dateutil.parser clear = lambda: os.system('cls') times = [] tides = [] noTides = -1 min_e = min_n = 99.0 max_e = max_n = 0.0 start_t = stop_t = -1 lastidt = 0 outfile = 0 # Version 2 of MRZ can contain seabed image from pings of different frequencies. # This is one way to separate them. freqs = [] # Files used to store different seabed images from different frequencies. freqfilewrites = [] activeOnOff=0 stdstr = "" #Receive an array of all tokens from a seabedimage-file #Return a string in csv-format def makeStringFromSeabedImage(tokval): no = len(tokval) # Interpolate between positions. First I skip the samples outside center # sample on each side prevX = "" prevY = "" thisX = "" thisY = "" prevIdx = -1 retval = "" for i in range(no): found = tokval[i].find('(') if (found >= 0): nxt = tokval[i + 1].find(')') if (nxt < 0): return "error" if (len(thisY) < 1): prevY = tokval[i] prevX = tokval[i + 1] prevIdx = i + 2 #First valid value thisX = prevX thisY = prevY else: thisY = tokval[i] thisX = tokval[i + 1] #Then interpolate the values between prevIdx and i; i-1 being the last #value #First convert string to float, then to utm px = float(prevX[:-1]) py = float(prevY[1:]) tx = float(thisX[:-1]) ty = float(thisY[1:]) u = utm.from_latlon(py, px) x1 = u[0] y1 = u[1] u = utm.from_latlon(ty, tx) x2 = u[0] y2 = u[1] noSamp = i - prevIdx xd = float(x2 - x1) / float(noSamp) yd = float(y2 - y1) / float(noSamp) for s in range(noSamp): samp = float(tokval[prevIdx + s]) * 0.1 x = x1 + xd * s y = y1 + yd * s str = "%.2f %.2f 0.0 %.1f\n" % (x,y,samp) retval += str break_me_here = 0 #debug purposes prevX = thisX prevY = thisY prevIdx = i + 2 #Then add the outer samples. Mirror the second (last) position to find the #direction and interpolation distance #You can change the output order if necessary to get a nice output in the #csv-file first = -1 for i in range(no): a = tokval[i].find('(') if (a >= 0): first = i break second = -1 for i in range(no): a = tokval[i].find('(') if (a >= 0): if (i != first): second = i break last = -1 for i in range(no): a = tokval[no - 1 - i].find('(') if (a >= 0): last = i break second_last = -1 for i in range(no): a = tokval[no - 1 - i].find('(') if (a >= 0): if (i != last): second_last = i break last = no - last - 1 second_last = no - second_last - 1 px = float(tokval[first + 1][:-1]) py = float(tokval[first][1:]) firstu = utm.from_latlon(py, px) firstx = firstu[0] firsty = firstu[1] px = float(tokval[second + 1][:-1]) py = float(tokval[second][1:]) secondu = utm.from_latlon(py, px) secondx = secondu[0] secondy = secondu[1] fxd = (secondx - firstx) / (second - first - 2) fyd = (secondy - firsty) / (second - first - 2) px = float(tokval[last + 1][:-1]) py = float(tokval[last][1:]) lastu = utm.from_latlon(py, px) lastx = lastu[0] lasty = lastu[1] px = float(tokval[second_last + 1][:-1]) py = float(tokval[second_last][1:]) second_lastu = utm.from_latlon(py, px) second_lastx = second_lastu[0] second_lasty = second_lastu[1] lxd = (second_lastx - lastx) / (second_last - last - 2) lyd = (second_lasty - lasty) / (second_last - last - 2) for i in range(no): if (i == first): break samp = float(tokval[i]) * 0.1 x = firstx - i * fxd # use - as we are moving outwards from second through first and beyond y = firsty - i * fyd str = "%.2f %.2f 0.0 %.1f\n" % (x,y,samp) retval += str for i in range(no): k = no - 1 - i if (k == last + 1): break samp = float(tokval[last + i + 2]) * 0.1 x = lastx + i * lxd y = lasty + i * lyd str = "%.2f %.2f 0.0 %.1f\n" % (x,y,samp) retval += str return retval def openTidefile(minn, mine, maxn, maxe, mint, maxt): global times global tides global noTides middle_n = minn + ((maxn - minn) / 2.0) middle_e = mine + ((maxe - mine) / 2.0) fromtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mint) totime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(maxt) rfrom = fromtime.isoformat() ttime = totime.isoformat() strs = '' % (middle_n, middle_e, rfrom, ttime) try: r = requests.get(strs) root = ET.fromstring(r.text) for tidelevel in root.iter('waterlevel'): tide = tidelevel.attrib.get('value') time = tidelevel.attrib.get('time') yourdate = dateutil.parser.parse(time) # Tide in SIS is negative; ADD tide to get to correct level. tides.append(float(tide) * -0.01) times.append(int(yourdate.timestamp())) except: print(strs) print("Failed.\n\n") noTides = len(times) def getTide(secSinceEpoch): global lastidt global times global tides global noTides if (noTides <= 0): #print("Cannot read tidefile") return 999999 maxtime = times[noTides - 1] if (secSinceEpoch < times[0] or secSinceEpoch > maxtime): return 999999 p = lastidt while (times[p] >= secSinceEpoch): p = p - 1 while (times[p] <= secSinceEpoch): p = p + 1 n = p - 1 if (times[n] <= secSinceEpoch and times[p] >= secSinceEpoch): atime = float(times[n]) btime = float(times[p]) atide = float(tides[n]) btide = float(tides[p]) ntide = atide + (secSinceEpoch - atime) * (btide - atide) / (btime - atime) lastidt = n return ntide return 999999 # Process one depth datagram, #MRZ # lengtha and chunk are from processDatagram, see below # millisec is decoded from the header, so I send it in as a parameter here def processDepthDatagram2(millisec, lengtha, chunk): global outfile global min_e global min_n global max_e global max_n global start_t global stop_t global stdstr global freqs # Frequencies used in MF-mode global freqfiles global activeOnOff # Headersize is 4 bytes smaller than in the headerfile, remember that the 4 # bytes with the length has been dropped headersize = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 partitionsize = 2 + 2 commonsize = 2 + 2 + 8 common = struct.Struct('HHBBBBBBBB') numBytesCmnPart, pingCnt, rxFansPerPing, rxFanIndex, swathsPerPing, swathAlongPosition, \ txTransducerInd, rxTransducerInd, numRxTransducers, algorithmType = common.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize) pinginfo_size = 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 11 * 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 6 * 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 8 pinginfo = struct.Struct('HHfBBBBBBHfffffffffffhhBBHIfffHHfHHffffffBBBBddf') numBytesInfoData, padding0, pingRate_Hz, beamSpacing, depthMode,\ subDepthMode, distanceBtwSwath, detectionMode, pulseForm, \ padding01, frequencyMode_Hz, freqRangeLowLim_Hz, \ freqRangeHighLim_Hz, maxTotalTxPulseLength_sec, \ maxEffTxPulseLength_sec, maxEffTxBandWidth_Hz, \ absCoeff_dBPerkm, portSectorEdge_deg, \ starbSectorEdge_deg, portMeanCov_deg, \ starbMeanCov_deg, portMeanCov_m, \ starbMeanCov_m, modeAndStabilisation, \ runtimeFilter1, runtimeFilter2,\ pipeTrackingStatus, transmitArraySizeUsed_deg,\ receiveArraySizeUsed_deg, transmitPower_dB,\ SLrampUpTimeRemaining, padding1,\ yawAngle_deg, numTxSectors, numBytesPerTxSector,\ headingVessel_deg, soundSpeedAtTxDepth_mPerSec,\ txTransducerDepth_m, z_waterLevelReRefPoint_m, \ x_txTransducerArm_SCS_m, y_txTransducerArm_SCS_m,\ latLongInfo, posSensorStatus, attitudeSensorStatus,\ padding2, latitude_deg, longitude_deg,\ ellipsoidHeightReRefPoint_m = pinginfo.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize) # Bug in Python, fix it (binary alignments not correct) latlon = struct.Struct("d") klat = latlon.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124) klon = latlon.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8) ellheight = struct.Struct("f") ellipsheight = ellheight.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8) latitude_deg = klat[0] longitude_deg = klon[0] ellipsoidHeightReRefPoint_m = ellipsheight[0] # Changed in Version 1 bsCorrectionOffset_dB = ellheight.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8 + 4)[0] byterec = struct.Struct("B") lambertsLawApplied = byterec.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4)[0] iceWindow = byterec.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 1)[0] shortrec = struct.Struct("H") # The padding is in version 2 used for activeModes. # Remember that this is just an indication that MF is in use; we must look at the # actual frequencyMode_Hz used and the pulsetype to determine which seabed image to use activeModes = shortrec.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 1)[0] sec = int(millisec / 1000) # Pointer offset to sectorInfo sectorInfo_offset = headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + pinginfo_size # Changed from version 0 sectorInfo = struct.Struct('BBBBfffffffBBHfff') sectorInfo_size = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 * 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 i = 0 while (i < numTxSectors): txSectorNumb, txArrNumber, txSubArray, padding0,\ sectorTransmitDelay_sec, tiltAngleReTx_deg,\ txNominalSourceLevel_dB, txFocusRange_m,\ centreFreq_Hz, signalBandWidth_Hz, \ totalSignalLength_sec, pulseShading, signalWaveForm,\ padding1, highVoltageLevel_dB, sectorTrackingCorr_dB, effectiveSignalLength_sec = sectorInfo.unpack_from(chunk, sectorInfo_offset + i * sectorInfo_size) i+=1 rxInfo_offset = sectorInfo_offset + numTxSectors * sectorInfo_size rxInfo = struct.Struct('HHHHffffHHHH') rxInfo_size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 numBytesRxInfo, numSoundingsMaxMain, numSoundingsValidMain, numBytesPerSounding, \ WCSampleRate, seabedImageSampleRate, BSnormal_dB, BSoblique_dB, \ extraDetectionAlarmFlag, numExtraDetections, numExtraDetectionClasses, \ numBytesPerClass = rxInfo.unpack_from(chunk, rxInfo_offset) extraDetClassInfo_offset = rxInfo_offset + rxInfo_size extraDetectionSize = 2 + 1 + 1 extraDetectionStruct = struct.Struct('HBB') sounding_offset = extraDetClassInfo_offset + numExtraDetectionClasses * extraDetectionSize soundingStruct = struct.Struct('HBBBBBBBBHffffffHHffffffffffffffffffHHHH') sounding_size = 2 + 8 + 2 + 6 * 4 + 2 + 2 + 18 * 4 + 4 * 2 #Offset to seabed image seabedImageStart = sounding_offset + (sounding_size * (numSoundingsMaxMain + numExtraDetections)) seabedStruct = struct.Struct('h') sbed_len = lengtha + 4 - seabedImageStart - 4 tot_no_sbed = sbed_len / 2 verify_length = tot_no_sbed * 2 lenStruct = struct.Struct('I') dgmlenver = seabedImageStart + sbed_len dgmlen = lenStruct.unpack_from(chunk,dgmlenver - 4)[0] # should be 4 more then lengtha outputstr = "\n%.8f %.8f %.2f %.2f %d\n" % (latitude_deg, longitude_deg, ellipsoidHeightReRefPoint_m, z_waterLevelReRefPoint_m, millisec) outfile.write(outputstr) sbed_start = seabedImageStart # This is the pointer to the start of the seabed image for current beam no_sbed_found = 0 i = 0 stdstr = "" while(i < numSoundingsMaxMain): soundingIndex, txSectorNumb, detectionType, \ detectionMethod, rejectionInfo1, rejectionInfo2, \ postProcessingInfo, detectionClass, detectionConfidenceLevel, \ padding, rangeFactor, qualityFactor, \ detectionUncertaintyVer_m, detectionUncertaintyHor_m, \ detectionWindowLength_sec, echoLength_sec, \ WCBeamNumb, WCrange_samples, WCNomBeamAngleAcross_deg, \ meanAbsCoeff_dBPerkm, reflectivity1_dB, reflectivity2_dB, \ receiverSensitivityApplied_dB, sourceLevelApplied_dB, \ BScalibration_dB, TVG_dB, beamAngleReRx_deg, \ beamAngleCorrection_deg, twoWayTravelTime_sec, \ twoWayTravelTimeCorrection_sec, deltaLatitude_deg, \ deltaLongitude_deg, z_reRefPoint_m, y_reRefPoint_m, \ x_reRefPoint_m, beamIncAngleAdj_deg, realTimeCleanInfo, \ SIstartRange_samples, SIcentreSample, \ SInumSamples = soundingStruct.unpack_from(chunk, sounding_offset + i * sounding_size) i+=1 # THIS IS IT. This is where we output xyz-points # Depths are referred to the reference point. To get it to the waterline, # SUBSTRACT the distance from # Error estimates are also available: detectionUncertaintyVer_m and # detectionUncertaintyHor_m waterlevel = z_reRefPoint_m - z_waterLevelReRefPoint_m plat = latitude_deg + deltaLatitude_deg plon = longitude_deg + deltaLongitude_deg outputstr = " %.8f %.8f %.2f %.2f %.2f" % (deltaLatitude_deg, deltaLongitude_deg, z_reRefPoint_m, detectionUncertaintyVer_m, detectionUncertaintyHor_m) outfile.write(outputstr) n = float(latitude_deg) e = float(longitude_deg) t = int(millisec) if (start_t < 0 or t < start_t): start_t = t if (t > stop_t): stop_t = t if (min_e > e): min_e = e if (min_n > n): min_n = n if (e > max_e): max_e = e if (n > max_n): max_n = n next_sbd_start = sbed_start + (2 * SInumSamples) if (y_reRefPoint_m < 0): # Reverse the output of the samples, see documentation sbed_start = next_sbd_start - 2 center_samp = SInumSamples - SIcentreSample else: center_samp = SIcentreSample for n in range(0, SInumSamples): no_sbed_found += 1 if (n == center_samp): # Put in position of center sample outputstr = " (%.8f %.8f) " % (plat, plon) str11 = stdstr + outputstr stdstr = str11 sbed_sample = seabedStruct.unpack_from(chunk, sbed_start)[0] outputstr = " %d" % (sbed_sample) str11 = stdstr + outputstr stdstr = str11 if (y_reRefPoint_m < 0): sbed_start -= 2 else: sbed_start += 2 # jump 2 bytes (short) forwards sbed_start = next_sbd_start # There are 9 samples per extra detection, and there may be 2 bytes padding # at the end if (i > 398): break_me_here = 0 # for debugging purposes snstr = makeStringFromSeabedImage(stdstr.split()) outw = outfileSBD if (activeModes == 1): middlefreq = int(frequencyMode_Hz)#Get rid of commas # Select file to open and write to if (activeOnOff == 0): activeOnOff = 1 print("Active mode found") found = 0 fcnt = 0 for fmd in freqs: fcnt = fcnt + 1 if (fmd == middlefreq): found = 1 outw = freqfilewrites[fcnt - 1] if (found == 0): # New entry fname = file + "_"+str(middlefreq)+".seabed.csv" freqs.append(middlefreq) freqfilewrites.append(open(fname,'w', encoding='utf-8')) outw = freqfilewrites[len(freqfilewrites)-1] outw.write(snstr) #outfileSBD.write(snstr) # Process one depth datagram, #MRZ # lengtha and chunk are from processDatagram, see below # millisec is decoded from the header, so I send it in as a parameter here def processDepthDatagram1(millisec, lengtha, chunk): global outfile global min_e global min_n global max_e global max_n global start_t global stop_t global stdstr # Headersize is 4 bytes smaller than in the headerfile, remember that the 4 # bytes with the length has been dropped headersize = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 partitionsize = 2 + 2 commonsize = 2 + 2 + 8 common = struct.Struct('HHBBBBBBBB') numBytesCmnPart, pingCnt, rxFansPerPing, rxFanIndex, swathsPerPing, swathAlongPosition, \ txTransducerInd, rxTransducerInd, numRxTransducers, algorithmType = common.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize) pinginfo_size = 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 11 * 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 6 * 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 8 pinginfo = struct.Struct('HHfBBBBBBHfffffffffffhhBBHIfffHHfHHffffffBBBBddf') numBytesInfoData, padding0, pingRate_Hz, beamSpacing, depthMode,\ subDepthMode, distanceBtwSwath, detectionMode, pulseForm, \ padding01, frequencyMode_Hz, freqRangeLowLim_Hz, \ freqRangeHighLim_Hz, maxTotalTxPulseLength_sec, \ maxEffTxPulseLength_sec, maxEffTxBandWidth_Hz, \ absCoeff_dBPerkm, portSectorEdge_deg, \ starbSectorEdge_deg, portMeanCov_deg, \ starbMeanCov_deg, portMeanCov_m, \ starbMeanCov_m, modeAndStabilisation, \ runtimeFilter1, runtimeFilter2,\ pipeTrackingStatus, transmitArraySizeUsed_deg,\ receiveArraySizeUsed_deg, transmitPower_dB,\ SLrampUpTimeRemaining, padding1,\ yawAngle_deg, numTxSectors, numBytesPerTxSector,\ headingVessel_deg, soundSpeedAtTxDepth_mPerSec,\ txTransducerDepth_m, z_waterLevelReRefPoint_m, \ x_txTransducerArm_SCS_m, y_txTransducerArm_SCS_m,\ latLongInfo, posSensorStatus, attitudeSensorStatus,\ padding2, latitude_deg, longitude_deg,\ ellipsoidHeightReRefPoint_m = pinginfo.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize) # Bug in Python, fix it (binary alignments not correct) latlon = struct.Struct("d") klat = latlon.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124) klon = latlon.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8) ellheight = struct.Struct("f") ellipsheight = ellheight.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8) latitude_deg = klat[0] longitude_deg = klon[0] ellipsoidHeightReRefPoint_m = ellipsheight[0] # Changed in Version 1 bsCorrectionOffset_dB = ellheight.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8 + 4)[0] byterec = struct.Struct("B") lambertsLawApplied = byterec.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4)[0] iceWindow = byterec.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 1)[0] shortrec = struct.Struct("H") padding4 = shortrec.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 1)[0] sec = int(millisec / 1000) # Pointer offset to sectorInfo sectorInfo_offset = headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + pinginfo_size # Changed from version 0 sectorInfo = struct.Struct('BBBBfffffffBBHfff') sectorInfo_size = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 * 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 i = 0 while (i < numTxSectors): txSectorNumb, txArrNumber, txSubArray, padding0,\ sectorTransmitDelay_sec, tiltAngleReTx_deg,\ txNominalSourceLevel_dB, txFocusRange_m,\ centreFreq_Hz, signalBandWidth_Hz, \ totalSignalLength_sec, pulseShading, signalWaveForm,\ padding1, highVoltageLevel_dB, sectorTrackingCorr_dB, effectiveSignalLength_sec = sectorInfo.unpack_from(chunk, sectorInfo_offset + i * sectorInfo_size) i+=1 rxInfo_offset = sectorInfo_offset + numTxSectors * sectorInfo_size rxInfo = struct.Struct('HHHHffffHHHH') rxInfo_size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 numBytesRxInfo, numSoundingsMaxMain, numSoundingsValidMain, numBytesPerSounding, \ WCSampleRate, seabedImageSampleRate, BSnormal_dB, BSoblique_dB, \ extraDetectionAlarmFlag, numExtraDetections, numExtraDetectionClasses, \ numBytesPerClass = rxInfo.unpack_from(chunk, rxInfo_offset) extraDetClassInfo_offset = rxInfo_offset + rxInfo_size extraDetectionSize = 2 + 1 + 1 extraDetectionStruct = struct.Struct('HBB') sounding_offset = extraDetClassInfo_offset + numExtraDetectionClasses * extraDetectionSize soundingStruct = struct.Struct('HBBBBBBBBHffffffHHffffffffffffffffffHHHH') sounding_size = 2 + 8 + 2 + 6 * 4 + 2 + 2 + 18 * 4 + 4 * 2 #Offset to seabed image seabedImageStart = sounding_offset + (sounding_size * (numSoundingsMaxMain + numExtraDetections)) seabedStruct = struct.Struct('h') sbed_len = lengtha + 4 - seabedImageStart - 4 tot_no_sbed = sbed_len / 2 verify_length = tot_no_sbed * 2 lenStruct = struct.Struct('I') dgmlenver = seabedImageStart + sbed_len dgmlen = lenStruct.unpack_from(chunk,dgmlenver - 4)[0] # should be 4 more then lengtha outputstr = "\n%.8f %.8f %.2f %.2f %d\n" % (latitude_deg, longitude_deg, ellipsoidHeightReRefPoint_m, z_waterLevelReRefPoint_m, millisec) outfile.write(outputstr) sbed_start = seabedImageStart # This is the pointer to the start of the seabed image for current beam no_sbed_found = 0 i = 0 stdstr = "" while(i < numSoundingsMaxMain): soundingIndex, txSectorNumb, detectionType, \ detectionMethod, rejectionInfo1, rejectionInfo2, \ postProcessingInfo, detectionClass, detectionConfidenceLevel, \ padding, rangeFactor, qualityFactor, \ detectionUncertaintyVer_m, detectionUncertaintyHor_m, \ detectionWindowLength_sec, echoLength_sec, \ WCBeamNumb, WCrange_samples, WCNomBeamAngleAcross_deg, \ meanAbsCoeff_dBPerkm, reflectivity1_dB, reflectivity2_dB, \ receiverSensitivityApplied_dB, sourceLevelApplied_dB, \ BScalibration_dB, TVG_dB, beamAngleReRx_deg, \ beamAngleCorrection_deg, twoWayTravelTime_sec, \ twoWayTravelTimeCorrection_sec, deltaLatitude_deg, \ deltaLongitude_deg, z_reRefPoint_m, y_reRefPoint_m, \ x_reRefPoint_m, beamIncAngleAdj_deg, realTimeCleanInfo, \ SIstartRange_samples, SIcentreSample, \ SInumSamples = soundingStruct.unpack_from(chunk, sounding_offset + i * sounding_size) i+=1 # THIS IS IT. This is where we output xyz-points # Depths are referred to the reference point. To get it to the waterline, # SUBSTRACT the distance from # Error estimates are also available: detectionUncertaintyVer_m and # detectionUncertaintyHor_m waterlevel = z_reRefPoint_m - z_waterLevelReRefPoint_m plat = latitude_deg + deltaLatitude_deg plon = longitude_deg + deltaLongitude_deg outputstr = " %.8f %.8f %.2f %.2f %.2f" % (deltaLatitude_deg, deltaLongitude_deg, z_reRefPoint_m, detectionUncertaintyVer_m, detectionUncertaintyHor_m) outfile.write(outputstr) n = float(latitude_deg) e = float(longitude_deg) t = int(millisec) if (start_t < 0 or t < start_t): start_t = t if (t > stop_t): stop_t = t if (min_e > e): min_e = e if (min_n > n): min_n = n if (e > max_e): max_e = e if (n > max_n): max_n = n next_sbd_start = sbed_start + (2 * SInumSamples) if (y_reRefPoint_m < 0): # Reverse the output of the samples, see documentation sbed_start = next_sbd_start - 2 center_samp = SInumSamples - SIcentreSample else: center_samp = SIcentreSample for n in range(0, SInumSamples): no_sbed_found += 1 if (n == center_samp): # Put in position of center sample outputstr = " (%.8f %.8f) " % (plat, plon) str11 = stdstr + outputstr stdstr = str11 sbed_sample = seabedStruct.unpack_from(chunk, sbed_start)[0] outputstr = " %d" % (sbed_sample) str11 = stdstr + outputstr stdstr = str11 if (y_reRefPoint_m < 0): sbed_start -= 2 else: sbed_start += 2 # jump 2 bytes (short) forwards sbed_start = next_sbd_start # There are 9 samples per extra detection, and there may be 2 bytes padding # at the end if (i > 398): break_me_here = 0 # for debugging purposes snstr = makeStringFromSeabedImage(stdstr.split()) outfileSBD.write(snstr) # Process one depth datagram, #MRZ # lengtha and chunk are from processDatagram, see below # millisec is decoded from the header, so I send it in as a parameter here def processDepthDatagram(millisec, lengtha, chunk): global outfile global min_e global min_n global max_e global max_n global start_t global stop_t global stdstr # Headersize is 4 bytes smaller than in the headerfile, remember that the 4 # bytes with the length has been dropped headersize = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 partitionsize = 2 + 2 commonsize = 2 + 2 + 8 common = struct.Struct('HHBBBBBBBB') numBytesCmnPart, pingCnt, rxFansPerPing, rxFanIndex, swathsPerPing, swathAlongPosition, \ txTransducerInd, rxTransducerInd, numRxTransducers, algorithmType = common.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize) pinginfo_size = 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 11 * 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 6 * 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 8 + 4 pinginfo = struct.Struct('HHfBBBBBBHfffffffffffhhBBHIfffHHfHHffffffBBBBddf') numBytesInfoData, padding0, pingRate_Hz, beamSpacing, depthMode,\ subDepthMode, distanceBtwSwath, detectionMode, pulseForm, \ padding01, frequencyMode_Hz, freqRangeLowLim_Hz, \ freqRangeHighLim_Hz, maxTotalTxPulseLength_sec, \ maxEffTxPulseLength_sec, maxEffTxBandWidth_Hz, \ absCoeff_dBPerkm, portSectorEdge_deg, \ starbSectorEdge_deg, portMeanCov_deg, \ starbMeanCov_deg, portMeanCov_m, \ starbMeanCov_m, modeAndStabilisation, \ runtimeFilter1, runtimeFilter2,\ pipeTrackingStatus, transmitArraySizeUsed_deg,\ receiveArraySizeUsed_deg, transmitPower_dB,\ SLrampUpTimeRemaining, padding1,\ yawAngle_deg, numTxSectors, numBytesPerTxSector,\ headingVessel_deg, soundSpeedAtTxDepth_mPerSec,\ txTransducerDepth_m, z_waterLevelReRefPoint_m, \ x_txTransducerArm_SCS_m, y_txTransducerArm_SCS_m,\ latLongInfo, posSensorStatus, attitudeSensorStatus,\ padding2, latitude_deg, longitude_deg,\ ellipsoidHeightReRefPoint_m = pinginfo.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize) # Bug in Python, fix it (binary alignments not correct) latlon = struct.Struct("d") klat = latlon.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124) klon = latlon.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8) ellheight = struct.Struct("f") ellipsheight = ellheight.unpack_from(chunk, headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + 124 + 8 + 8) latitude_deg = klat[0] longitude_deg = klon[0] ellipsoidHeightReRefPoint_m = ellipsheight[0] sec = int(millisec / 1000) # Pointer offset to sectorInfo sectorInfo_offset = headersize + partitionsize + commonsize + pinginfo_size sectorInfo = struct.Struct('BBBBfffffffBBH') sectorInfo_size = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 * 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 i = 0 while (i < numTxSectors): txSectorNumb, txArrNumber, txSubArray, padding0,\ sectorTransmitDelay_sec, tiltAngleReTx_deg,\ txNominalSourceLevel_dB, txFocusRange_m,\ centreFreq_Hz, signalBandWidth_Hz, \ totalSignalLength_sec, pulseShading, signalWaveForm,\ padding1 = sectorInfo.unpack_from(chunk, sectorInfo_offset + i * sectorInfo_size) i+=1 rxInfo_offset = sectorInfo_offset + numTxSectors * sectorInfo_size rxInfo = struct.Struct('HHHHffffHHHH') rxInfo_size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 numBytesRxInfo, numSoundingsMaxMain, numSoundingsValidMain, numBytesPerSounding, \ WCSampleRate, seabedImageSampleRate, BSnormal_dB, BSoblique_dB, \ extraDetectionAlarmFlag, numExtraDetections, numExtraDetectionClasses, \ numBytesPerClass = rxInfo.unpack_from(chunk, rxInfo_offset) extraDetClassInfo_offset = rxInfo_offset + rxInfo_size extraDetectionSize = 2 + 1 + 1 extraDetectionStruct = struct.Struct('HBB') sounding_offset = extraDetClassInfo_offset + numExtraDetectionClasses * extraDetectionSize soundingStruct = struct.Struct('HBBBBBBBBHffffffHHffffffffffffffffffHHHH') sounding_size = 2 + 8 + 2 + 6 * 4 + 2 + 2 + 18 * 4 + 4 * 2 #Offset to seabed image seabedImageStart = sounding_offset + (sounding_size * (numSoundingsMaxMain + numExtraDetections)) seabedStruct = struct.Struct('h') sbed_len = lengtha + 4 - seabedImageStart - 4 tot_no_sbed = sbed_len / 2 verify_length = tot_no_sbed * 2 lenStruct = struct.Struct('I') dgmlenver = seabedImageStart + sbed_len dgmlen = lenStruct.unpack_from(chunk,dgmlenver - 4)[0] # should be 4 more then lengtha outputstr = "\n%.8f %.8f %.2f %.2f %d\n" % (latitude_deg, longitude_deg, ellipsoidHeightReRefPoint_m, z_waterLevelReRefPoint_m, millisec) outfile.write(outputstr) sbed_start = seabedImageStart # This is the pointer to the start of the seabed image for current beam no_sbed_found = 0 i = 0 stdstr = "" while(i < numSoundingsMaxMain): soundingIndex, txSectorNumb, detectionType, \ detectionMethod, rejectionInfo1, rejectionInfo2, \ postProcessingInfo, detectionClass, detectionConfidenceLevel, \ padding, rangeFactor, qualityFactor, \ detectionUncertaintyVer_m, detectionUncertaintyHor_m, \ detectionWindowLength_sec, echoLength_sec, \ WCBeamNumb, WCrange_samples, WCNomBeamAngleAcross_deg, \ meanAbsCoeff_dBPerkm, reflectivity1_dB, reflectivity2_dB, \ receiverSensitivityApplied_dB, sourceLevelApplied_dB, \ BScalibration_dB, TVG_dB, beamAngleReRx_deg, \ beamAngleCorrection_deg, twoWayTravelTime_sec, \ twoWayTravelTimeCorrection_sec, deltaLatitude_deg, \ deltaLongitude_deg, z_reRefPoint_m, y_reRefPoint_m, \ x_reRefPoint_m, beamIncAngleAdj_deg, realTimeCleanInfo, \ SIstartRange_samples, SIcentreSample, \ SInumSamples = soundingStruct.unpack_from(chunk, sounding_offset + i * sounding_size) i+=1 # THIS IS IT. This is where we output xyz-points # Depths are referred to the reference point. To get it to the waterline, # SUBSTRACT the distance from # Error estimates are also available: detectionUncertaintyVer_m and # detectionUncertaintyHor_m waterlevel = z_reRefPoint_m - z_waterLevelReRefPoint_m plat = latitude_deg + deltaLatitude_deg plon = longitude_deg + deltaLongitude_deg outputstr = " %.8f %.8f %.2f %.2f %.2f" % (deltaLatitude_deg, deltaLongitude_deg, z_reRefPoint_m, detectionUncertaintyVer_m, detectionUncertaintyHor_m) outfile.write(outputstr) n = float(latitude_deg) e = float(longitude_deg) t = int(millisec) if (start_t < 0 or t < start_t): start_t = t if (t > stop_t): stop_t = t if (min_e > e): min_e = e if (min_n > n): min_n = n if (e > max_e): max_e = e if (n > max_n): max_n = n next_sbd_start = sbed_start + (2 * SInumSamples) if (y_reRefPoint_m < 0): # Reverse the output of the samples, see documentation sbed_start = next_sbd_start - 2 center_samp = SInumSamples - SIcentreSample else: center_samp = SIcentreSample for n in range(0, SInumSamples): no_sbed_found += 1 if (n == center_samp): # Put in position of center sample outputstr = " (%.8f %.8f) " % (plat, plon) str11 = stdstr + outputstr stdstr = str11 sbed_sample = seabedStruct.unpack_from(chunk, sbed_start)[0] outputstr = " %d" % (sbed_sample) str11 = stdstr + outputstr stdstr = str11 if (y_reRefPoint_m < 0): sbed_start -= 2 else: sbed_start += 2 # jump 2 bytes (short) forwards sbed_start = next_sbd_start # There are 9 samples per extra detection, and there may be 2 bytes padding # at the end if (i > 398): break_me_here = 0 # for debugging purposes snstr = makeStringFromSeabedImage(stdstr.split()) outfileSBD.write(snstr) # What happens in processDatagram? Read the documentation of the kmall-format. # This is the processing of the datagram to find out what datagram type this # is. # The processing of each datagram type takes place in specific routines def processDatagram(lengtha, chunk): header_without_length = struct.Struct('ccccBBHII') dgm_type0,dgm_type1,dgm_type2,dgm_type3,dgm_version,sysid,emid,sec,nsec = header_without_length.unpack_from(chunk,0) dgm_type = dgm_type0 + dgm_type1 + dgm_type2 + dgm_type3 # Decode time nanosec = sec nanosec *= 1E9 nanosec += nsec millisec = nanosec millisec /= 1E6 strk = dgm_type.decode() if (strk == '#MRZ'): if (dgm_version == 0): processDepthDatagram(millisec, lengtha, chunk) if (dgm_version == 1): processDepthDatagram1(millisec, lengtha, chunk) if (dgm_version == 2): processDepthDatagram2(millisec, lengtha, chunk) if (dgm_version == 3): processDepthDatagram2(millisec, lengtha, chunk) def processOneFile(filename): print("") # I shall not humiliate any developer by documenting this main program. # The processing of the datagram takes place in the routine processDatagram. clear() files = glob.glob('*.kmall') for file in files: try: activeOnOff = 0 f = open(file, 'rb') nfile = file + ".pings" outfile = open(nfile,'w', encoding='utf-8') nfile = file + ".seabed.csv" outfileSBD = open(nfile,'w', encoding='utf-8') freqs = [] for g in freqfilewrites: g.close() freqfilewrites = [] except Exception: print('File',file,'not opened.') sys.exit(0) print(file) # Process the file:, 2) file_size = f.tell(), 0) remaining = file_size # Read all datagrams and process each of them while (remaining > 0): # First read 4 bytes that contains the length of the chunk lengthb = struct.unpack("I", remaining -= 4 # Then read the chunk. Note that the length read includes the 4 bytes in the # integer. dgmsize = lengthb[0] - 4 chunk = remaining -= dgmsize # Then process this chunk processDatagram(dgmsize, chunk) f.close() outfile.close() outfileSBD.close() # Remove empty seabed image files filelist = glob.glob('*.seabed.csv') for file in filelist: if (os.stat(file).st_size == 0): os.remove(file) aatime = int(start_t / 1e3) - (24 * 60 * 60) bbtime = int(stop_t / 1e3) + (24 * 60 * 60) openTidefile(min_n, min_e, max_n, max_e, aatime, bbtime) filelist = glob.glob('*.pings') for file in filelist: try: f = open(file) nfile = file + ".tidecorrected.utm.csv" outfile = open(nfile,'w', encoding='utf-8') except Exception: print('File',file,'not opened.') #sys.exit(0) print(file) if (len(times) <= 0): print("no tides, depths not corrected for tide") line = f.readline() while (line): toks = line.split() if (len(toks) == 5): n = float(toks[0]) e = float(toks[1]) tm = int(int(toks[4]) / 1e3) tide = getTide(tm) if (tide > 9999): tide = 0 toWlev = float(toks[3]) + tide else: cnt = 0 while(cnt < len(toks)): lat = n + float(toks[cnt]) lon = e + float(toks[cnt + 1]) dpt = float(toks[cnt + 2]) + toWlev u = utm.from_latlon(lat, lon) outputstr = "%.2f %.2f %.2f\n" % (u[0], u[1], dpt * -1.0) outfile.write(outputstr) cnt += 5 line = f.readline() f.close()