Investigating the bottom characteristics
The Bottom Hardness information pane shows you the current bottom reflectivity. This gives an indication to how hard the bottom is. The value is calculated using the bottom echo strength in the current ping.
The bottom hardness shown in the information pane was detected by the latest ping in the selected view.
1 Click in the view you want to activate.
The setting(s) are only applied to the currently active echogram.The active view is identified with a thicker border.
2 On the top bar, select the appropriate information pane to open it.
3 Click the bottom right corner of the information pane, and drag to requested size.
4 Select a Transparency setting that fits your requirements.
The chosen transparency percentage is used on all open information panes.
5 Investigate the information provided by the information pane.
The colours on the left side of the scale indicate a soft bottom, while the colours on the right hand side indicate a harder bottom. The vertical line in the hardness colour scale positions the latest ping. The current reflectivity is also shown measured in dB.
6 Select Close in the top right corner to close the information pane.