Selecting the horizontal scale in the ADCP views
The horizontal scale controls how fast the ADCP data move from right towards left across the EK80 presentation You can change the horizontal scale on the Horizontal Axis page in the ADCP View Settings dialog box.
ADCP data such as velocity, percent good, back scatter and echograms to mention a few, travel from right towards the left across the ADCP presentation. On the Horizontal Axis page you can choose the horizontal scale of the ADCP data. This controls the “speed” of the ADCP data being presented.
•  Distance: The horizontal scale is based on sailed distance. Select resolution and unit.
•  Time: The horizontal scale is based on time. Select resolution and unit.
•  Ping: The horizontal scale is based on the number of transmissions (“pings”) made. Select View Size to specify that the number of horizontal pixels shall define the number of displayed horizontal pings using one ping per pixel.
•  Speed: The horizontal scale is based on the relative speed you choose. Select speed with the ruler.
This is a visual enhancement. The choice you make has no effect on the overall performance of the EK80 system.
1 Click once in the view that you wish to change.
The view is activated. It is identified with a thick border.
2 Open the Active menu.
3 Select ADCP View Settings to open the dialog box.
4 Select Horizontal Axis to open the page.
5 Select the horizontal scale you want to use.
6 Apply the change you have made.
a Select Apply to apply the chosen setting only to the currently active view.
b Select Apply To All Channels to use the chosen settings on all the views in the ADCP presentation.
c Select OK to close the dialog box.