Top bar overview
The top bar is located at the top of the display presentation and stretches from the far left to the far right. The top bar gives you fast access to key functionality and navigational information. It provides buttons for hiding and showing the menu, making screen captures, opening the Messages dialog box, and opening context-sensitive help. And more importantly, from the top bar you can see when data recording is active.
A Logo and product name
This information identifies the brand and the product.
B Menu button
Select this button to hide or show the menu.
C Screen Capture / Event / Record
Select Screen Capture to make a copy of the entire display presentation. Select Event to initiate an event annotation on the echogram. The Record indicator shows you when recording is active.
D Information panes
Each information pane is opened and closed from the top bar.
E Navigational information
These fields are separate read-outs. They present information related to the navigation of the vessel and operation of the EK80 system. The information shown on the top bar must not be used for vessel navigation.
F Messages button
By flashing, Messages shows you that the EK80 system has issued a message. The colour of the triangle reflects the severity of the most serious message. Select to open the Messages dialog box.
G Operating system buttons
Select to open the context-sensitive help, to minimize and maximize the presentation window, and to close the EK80 program.