Modifying the properties of an existing depth layer
You can create as many depth layers as you want on the EK80. Once a depth layer has been made you can change its properties using the Layer Properties dialog box.
When a layer is established, it is drawn with two horizontal lines in the echograms. The lines identify the upper and lower depth settings. If you have only one layer, it will always be "active", and shown with red lines. If you have more than two layers, the "active" layer is shown with red lines, while the others are shown with black lines.
The Layer Properties dialog box is used to change the current properties of the chosen ("active") depth layer. If you only wish to change the Start Relative Surface, Start Relative Bottom or Range settings, select the border lines in the "active" layer and drag them up and down.
The Numerical information pane is the best tool for controlling your depth layers. All layers are listed, even those that may be located outside your current echogram presentation. The different layers can easily be activated by clicking the list of numerical data.
1 Select an "active" layer.
This is not relevant if you have only one layer, because it will always be "active". If you have two or more layers, there are two ways to do this:
a Click between the two layer indicator lines in the echogram.
The line colours change to red.
b Select the relevant layer information in the Numerical information pane.
The colour of the layer data changes to red.
2 If you only wish to change the Start Relative Surface, Start Relative Bottom or Range settings, select the border lines in the "active" layer and drag them up and down.
If you need to make other types of changes, you must open the Layer Properties dialog box.
3 Open the Active menu.
4 Select Layer Properties.
Observe that the Layer Properties dialog box opens.
5 Select New Layer.
Observe that the New Layer dialog box opens.
6 Select layer type.
•  Surface: The range settings for the layer are referenced to the surface. The layer is downwards limited by the detected bottom depth if this value is shallower than the specified lower range limit for the layer. "Pings" without a bottom detection are ignored in the calculations.
•  Pelagic: The range settings for the layer are referenced to the surface. The layer is not downwards limited by the detected bottom depth.
•  Bottom: The range settings for the layer are referenced to the bottom. The layer is downwards limited by the detected bottom depth.
7 Define the start depth and the depth range of the layer.
•  Start Relative Surface: When a Surface or Pelagic layer is chosen, this setting controls the depth at the upper boundary of the layer relative to the surface depth.
•  Start Relative Bottom: When a Bottom layer is chosen, this setting controls the depth at the upper boundary of the layer relative to the bottom.
•  Range: This parameter controls the vertical depth range for the layer. Positive values are always downwards. A start range relative to bottom of for example -10 m means 10 m above the bottom.
8 Set up the Integration parameters to match your requirements.
9 Select OK to save the selected settings and close the dialog box.