17 Monitoring the survey operations from a client computer
By means of the EK80 Client application, you can monitor the survey operations made on the EK80.
In order to monitor the survey operations, you need a computer. The computer must be connected to the same local area network as the EK80 Processor Unit. The computer must be operational with the EK80 Client program.
The communication between the EK80 Client application and the EK80 can be made using the vessel’s local area network.
In this context the EK80 Processor Unit is regarded as the "server". The computer that runs the EK80 client application is the "client".
To establish the communication, the Client computer must know the Ethernet address of the Server computer.
1 On the Setup menu, select Installation.
2 On the left side of the Installation dialog box, select Client Server Configuration.
3 Select Run as Server to activate the EK80 Processor Unit as the "Server".
4 Select the IP Address.
This is the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the Ethernet interface adapter located in your computer. In most cases, each Ethernet adapter has a unique IP address, even when it supports multiple sockets. If you have more than one Ethernet adapter, you are provided with a list of the available addresses.
Choose which Ethernet adapter you will use on the Processor Unit to communicate with the Client computer. When the EK80 Client application starts, this Ethernet address will appear in the opening dialog box, and you can establish contact.
5 Select Apply and then Close to save all the parameters and close the Installation dialog box.
6 Start the EK80 Client program on your computer.
7 When the program starts, select the IP Address for the EK80 Processor Unit to establish contact.