Creating a ping group
Transducers are assigned a ping group and will accomplish various tasks based on your configuration settings.
•  One or more ping must have been saved previously.
•  The EK80 is running in Normal or Inactive operating mode.
•  All transducers used in an advanced sequence must be installed in the EK80.
A ping group defines the properties of each transmission ("ping") for each transducer. You can define multiple ping groups for each advanced sequence Each ping group is defined with a name that you choose. Ping groups can be collected in Ensembles.
1 Select Advanced Sequencing.
Advanced Sequencing is located in the Setup menu.
2 Select Ping Group in the far left list in the Advanced Sequencing dialog box.
Observe that the Created Ping Groups and Ping Group fields are displayed to the right of the dialog box.
The Created Ping Groups list displays all previously created ping groups as well as the option of creating a new.
In the Ping Group field displays information regarding a ping group.
3 Select New.
New is displayed at the top of the Created Ping Groups list.
4 Enter the parameters for the ping group.
a Type a name for the ping group.
When you provide a name, you can save your setup.
b Select Ping Mode.
Use Ping Mode to control how often the EK80 system shall transmit its energy into the water.
The EK80 system transmits (pings) with a fixed time interval. Ping Interval permits you to choose the time (in milliseconds) between each transmission (ping). If you choose Maximum, the EK80 system will transmit (ping) continuously and as often as possible.
5 Select a ping to include in the ping group.
You select and add pings to the current ping group one by one.
a Select a ping from the Available Pings list by clicking on it.
b Click on the button next to the Available Pings list.
The selected ping will appear in the Current Ping Group Pings list. Details of the ping will also appear at the bottom of the Ping Group field. Click on the arrow next to the name to expand the information.
6 Select Add to save.