Defining the serial and Ethernet (LAN) port parameters
For any sensor interface to work, the communication parameters must be set up correctly. The EK80 software automatically scans the Processor Unit to locate and identify the available communication ports. Once the software has established a list of valid interfaces, you can set up and control the communication parameters.
This procedure assumes that:
•  You have a vacant interface port on your Processor Unit.
•  You are familiar with NMEA and other relevant datagram formats.
•  You know how to set up the parameters for serial and local area network (LAN) communication.
•  The relevant communication parameters required for the sensor interface are known.
The I/O Setup page provides two lists; one for serial ports and one for Ethernet (LAN) ports. Each list is supported with a set of functions to set up and monitor the communication ports. Select the port you want to work with and then select one of the buttons below the list.
The Sensors page in the Diagnostics dialog box provides an overview of all the communication lines and sensors in use. All relevant status information is provided. You open the Diagnostics dialog box from the Setup menu.
When you work in the Installation dialog box, you must always select Apply to save the changes made on a page. You must do this before you continue working on a different page.
1 Open the Setup menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Installation.
Observe that the Installation dialog box opens. This dialog box contains a number of pages selected from the menu on the left side.
3 On the left side of the Installation dialog box, select I/O Setup.
4 Observe that the available serial and network interface ports on the Processor Unit are listed.
5 Set up the relevant serial or Ethernet (LAN) communication parameters.
a Select the interface port you want to set up.
b Select Setup to open the Serial Port Setup or LAN Port Setup dialog box.
c Set up the relevant serial or Ethernet (LAN) communication parameters.
The communication parameters defined for NMEA 0183 are:
•  Baud rate: 4800 bit/s
•  Data bits: 8
•  ParityEven
•  Stop bits: 1
Some instruments may provide other parameters and/or options. You must always check the relevant technical documentation supplied by the manufacturer.
d Select OK to save the selected settings and close the dialog box.
6 At the bottom of the page, select Apply to save your settings.
7 Repeat for any other communication ports that you need to set up.
8 Close the Installation dialog box.