Obtaining and installing the software license for EC150-3C
To operate the EK80 with an ADCP transceiver you need a valid software license. Before you can use the EK80 system you must obtain a "license string" and install it on your computer. Without a license you will not be able to communicate with the transceiver.
This procedure assumes that the operating software has been successfully installed on the computer.
The software license is a 32 character hexadecimal string based on the transceiver’s serial number. It defines several key parameters that control the functionality and behaviour of the transceiver(s) you use. Each software license code "unlocks" one transceiver for operational use with a set of predefined properties.
The software license is not linked to the physical computer. You can therefore easily move the software from one computer to another, just remember to make a copy of the license string.
Once you receive your software license string(s), do not lose them. We suggest that you copy the information into a text file (for example Notepad), and add relevant information. Place the text file on the computer desktop, and make sure that backup copies are made.
In order to obtain a software license you must contact one of our dealers or distributors. You can also use the request form on our website, or contact our support department directly.
This information is only valid if your EK80 is meant to operate with one (or more) of the following transceivers:
•  EC150-3C
1 Obtain the necessary information about your transceiver(s) and transducer(s). Write down:
a The serial number for each transceiver.
b The beam type.
c Which transducers you have connected to each transceiver.
2 Send the information to one of our dealers or distributors.
You can also use the request form on our website, or contact our support department directly.
You can use the following e-mail address:
Once the software license string(s) have been returned to you (most likely by e-mail), you can install the licenses into the software.
3 On the Setup menu, select Installation.
Observe that the Installation menu opens. This dialog box contains a number of pages selected from the menu on the left side.
4 On the left side of the Installation dialog box, select Software License.
Observe that the Software License page opens.
5 Select Type License String, and type the license string into the dialog box.
If you do not have a computer keyboard connected to your EK80 system, select the Keyboard button to open an on-screen keyboard. If you have received the license string on an electronic format (e-mail or text file), you can copy the string from the source document and paste it into the Type License String dialog box.
6 Select OK to save the license string and close the Type License String dialog box.
7 Verify that the license string is placed in the Currently active licenses list.
If necessary, select the license string on the left side, and click the arrow button [>] to move it to the Currently active licenses list.
8 Select Apply and then Close to save all the parameters and close the Installation dialog box.