Information pane
The EK80 system offers several information panes to provide additional and detailed data from the presentations. The information panes are opened and closed from the top bar.
Before you open an information pane, you must first click in an echogram view to make it "active". By doing this you select the channel. In this context, the term channel is used as a common term to identify the combination of transceiver, transducer and operating frequency. Select the relevant information pane on the top bar to open it. In most cases, the data in the information pane is only valid for the selected channel. To close the information pane, select it one more time on the top bar. You can also select Close in the top right corner of the pane.
The EK80 system offers the following information panes (from left):
The History information pane allows you to view previously recorded echogram sequences. Do not confuse this function with the recording functionality. The History function saves the echogram images automatically on the hard disk The information in the History presentation is the same as on the original echogram presentation.
Colour Scale
The  Colour Scale information pane allows you to view the current colour scale in use, and to make changes to the echo levels it presents.
The Depth information pane provides the water depth in the current echogram view. If you have several echogram views open, you can place one pane in each view.
Bottom Hardness
The Bottom Hardness information pane shows you the current bottom reflectivity. This indicates what type of bottom you have under your keel. The value is calculated using the bottom echo strength in the current ping.
TS Histogram
The TS Histogram information pane presents a histogram with the echoes from single fish. The histogram presents the actual size of the fish by weight, length or echo strength (shown in dB).
Target Position
The Target Position information pane shows the position of the detected single fish echoes. The three circles in the information pane identify the operational frequencies. The echoes are seen from above. The colours indicate the echo strength. The Target Position information pane only works when you use of a split-beam transducer.
The TS(f) information pane offers an analysis of the target strength for single targets versus frequency. The algorithms use settings from the Single Target Detection dialog box. The information pane can only be opened when the EK80 system operates with FM ("chirp") transmissions.
The Biomass information pane displays an index of the biomass in the current view. The biomass index is the sA value, or Nautical area scattering coefficient (NASC), measured with unit m2/nmi2.
The Sv(f) information pane shows you the volume backscatter as a function of the frequency. The information is provided as a plot that shows the how the echo strength for a group of targets (for example a school of fish) change with the operational frequency. This functionality allows you to identify the nature of the schools, and discriminate between them. The information pane can only be opened when the EK80 system operates with FM ("chirp") transmissions.
The Numerical information pane offers a numerical and graphical presentation of all the various parameters applicable for the current mode and operation. Information about transducer, environment and current layers are included. The currently active layer is identified with red text.
The Zoom information pane allows you to magnify a chosen area of the current echogram.
Transceiver Power Supply
The transceiver may be powered by an external power source. If the transceiver runs of a battery, you must monitor the supply voltage. The Transceiver Power Supply information pane shows you the current supply voltage provided to the transceiver.
The ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler) information pane displays the velocities of the water currents in the horizontal and vertical directions. Horizontal water velocities are shown in a 360-degrees presentation resembling a compass rose. This information pane is available only when ADCP functionality is activated.
External Sensors
The External Sensors information pane presents data from different kind of sensors connected to the EK80 system. This includes information not only from the navigation sensors, but also from sensors such as motion and temperature. The purpose of the information pane is to present the sensor data with larger numbers. You can adjust the size of the numbers yourself, and thus read key information even if the display is far away.
You can easily change the physical size and shape of each information pane. Click in its lower right corner, and drag to a new size. The Transparency function allows you to adjust how much you are able to see "through" the information panes you have opened. The Transparency function is located on the Display menu.
You can easily change the physical size and shape of each information pane. Click in its lower right corner, and drag to a new size. The Transparency function allows you to adjust how much you are able to see "through" the information panes you have opened. The Transparency function is located on the Display menu.