Menu system
To select operating parameters on the EK80 system, use the menu system. The menu system is by default located on the right side of the display presentation. The menus are organized in a tree structure with a main menu, a set of secondary menus, and several menu buttons. Some of the menu buttons open dialog boxes or submenus to offer additional choices.
To change operational settings in the EK80 system, observe the menu system and its tree structure. It offers a main menu, a set of secondary menus, and several menu buttons. Each button shows the purpose of the button. Some of them also display the current setting.
The Main menu is located at the top of the menu structure. It offers the most common functions for efficient use of the EK80 system. Unless you hide the entire menu system, the Main menu is visible at all times, even if you close the secondary menus.
Below the Main menu, a set of dedicated icons are used to open the secondary menus.
A Operation menu: The Operation menu allows you to control the operating mode, the recording functionality, and how the EK80 system transmits audio pulses ("ping") into the water.
B Display menu: The Display menu provides basic functions related to the screen behaviour and presentation of data.
C Setup menu: The Setup menu provides basic functions related to the installation parameters and the communication with peripheral systems.
D Active menu: The Active menu offers parameters related to current views and data presentations provided by the EK80 system.
E Extras menu: The Extras menu is - in spite of its name and location - not a menu at all. This "menu" opens a small view to monitor key operational parameters.
Unless you need to make frequent changes to the operating parameters, you may want to hide the menu from the display presentation. This gives you more space for echo information. To hide the menu, select Menu on the top bar. To retrieve the menu, select Menu one more time. When the menu is hidden, it is temporarily shown on the left or right side of the display presentation if you move the cursor to that position.