Selecting Advanced Sequencing mode
In order to use an advanced sequence you must set the EK80 to Advanced Sequencing operating mode.
An advanced sequence has been created and saved previously.
The Operation function controls the operating mode of the EK80 system. The Advanced Sequencing mode allows the EK80 to transmit ("ping") through the water according to a defined sequnce.
The transmission ("pinging") can be turned on or off. The Ping function enables or disables the transmissions into the water. The pings included in the advanced sequence define how often the EK80 will transmit.
You must never set the EK80 system to "ping" unless the transducer is submerged in water. Most transducers are damaged beyond repair if they transmit in open air. Prevent inadvertent use of the EK80 system whenever a transducer is not submerged.
1 Open the Operation menu.
2 Set Operation to Advanced Sequencing.
The EK80 system is now ready for use.
3 Open Select Sequence to select a sequence.
The advanced sequence is now ready to use.
The EK80 is now ready for activating the advanced sequencing operation.
Further requirements
To activate the advanced sequencing, pinging (transmission), must be switched “on”.