Removing the EK80 operating software
If you wish to replace your Processor Unit with a new model, or simply do not wish to use the EK80 system any longer, you can remove the software.
This procedure is made for the Microsoft® Windows® 7 operating system. It is assumed that you are familiar with this operating system. Operation in Microsoft® Windows® 10 is very similar.
Removal of the software is done using functionality provided by the operating system.
1 Turn on the computer.
2 In the bottom-left corner of your desktop, select the Windows® Start button.
3 On the right-hand side of the Start menu, select Control Panel.
Observe that the Control Panel opens.
4 Uninstall the program.
a In the top right corner of the Control Panel, select Category view.
b Under Programs, select Uninstall a program.
c On the list of programs, locate the program you want to remove.
d Select the program, and then select Uninstall.
e Follow the instructions provided by the wizard.
5 Click the [X] in the top right corner to close the Control Panel.