Disconnecting transceiver channels
In order to use the EK80 system, the computer must be connected to one or more transceivers, and each of them must in turn be connected to one or more transducers. A transceiver channel can be disconnected from the computer. This is typically useful if the transceiver is meant to be used by another computer on another echo sounder system. It is also useful if you have a large number of channels and want to reduce the number of echogram views in your presentation.
The Transceiver Installation parameters control the installation and disconnection of transceivers. Every time the page is opened, the EK80 system software automatically performs a search on the Ethernet network for transceivers.
The list in the upper part on the Transceiver Installation page shows you an overview of the transceivers and channels that are currently available. In this context, the term channel is used as a common term to identify the combination of transceiver, transducer and operating frequency. Each channel is identified by the transceiver type and serial number and the transducer(s) in use. The current status for each channel is also provided.
•  Busy: The channel is already in use, probably by another echo sounder on the same network. You cannot connect to this channel.
•  Installed: This channel is connected to your EK80 system.
•  Lost: This channel cannot be used.
•  Available: This channel is vacant and ready for use.
When you work in the Installation dialog box, you must always select Apply to save the changes made on a page. You must do this before you continue working on a different page.
1 Open the Setup menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Installation.
Observe that the Installation dialog box opens. This dialog box contains a number of pages selected from the menu on the left side.
3 On the left side of the Installation dialog box, select Transceiver.
4 Disconnect the requested frequency channels(s).
a Observe that the transceiver(s) you have connected to the computer are listed.
Each transceiver is identified with type and serial number. The available channels on each transceiver are listed separately.
b Write down which transducers you are using on each channel.
c For each channel you want to disconnect, set transducer to None.
d Observe that the status of the relevant frequency channels changes to Available.
5 At the bottom of the page, select Apply to save your settings.
6 Continue your work in the Installation dialog box, or select OK to close it.
You cannot use the disconnected channels. If you want to use them again, each must be reinstalled.