Turning on the EK80 system
To use the EK80 system, you must first turn it on. You must first turn on the display, the Processor Unit, the transceiver(s) and the Ethernet switch (if applicable).After this you can start the EK80 software.
The EK80 system is installed as specified in the Installation Manual. Minimum one transceiver with one or more transducers has been connected. All relevant navigation sensors are operational.
You must never set the EK80 system to "ping" unless the transducer is submerged in water. Most transducers are damaged beyond repair if they transmit in open air. Prevent inadvertent use of the EK80 system whenever a transducer is not submerged.
1 Make sure that each transceiver is turned on.
2 Turn on the display and the Processor Unit, and start the EK80 program.
3 Once the program has started, observe that the display presentation fills the entire screen.
4 On the Main menu in the top right corner of the presentation, select User Settings, and then choose the default settings.
5 At the bottom of the Main menu, observe that the Operation icon is flashing.
The icon is flashing to indicate that even if the EK80 system is turned on, "pinging" is disabled. Ping is set to Off to prevent transmission ("pinging"). This is for safety reasons.