Display description
A display is a required part of the EK80 system. For best readability, the display must be protected from glare and have the correct height and angle.
Any commercial display can be used with the EK80 system, provided that the display meets the minimum requirements.
You may wish to see many echogram channels simultaneously. A large display with high resolution is then useful. The EK80 software supports all display sizes. The visual quality of the presentation depends on the quality of your graphic adapter and display.
The display is not a standard part of the delivery. This is a commercial item that can be purchased locally.
The chosen display must be designed for maritime use, and it must meet the minimum performance specifications. You must also make sure that the chosen display supports the video formats provided by the computer. Kongsberg Maritime may provide a suitable display.
The EK80 system supports the use of multiple displays, with a maximum of three. You may find it useful to have more than one display connected to the EK80 system. The number of displays must be chosen to fit the preferences of the crew. With more than one display connected, use the operating system functionality to control the presentations.