Simrad EC150-3C
The Simrad EC150-3C is a 150 kHz phased-array transducer designed for current profiling applications. It offers 3 degrees beamwidth for accurate current profiling and 2.5 degrees beamwidth when applied as a split-beam echo sounder transducer. The EC150-3C housing includes the required transceiver circuitry.
The EC150-3C is delivered with a power supply unit and an open-ended cable. The transducer cable is 40 metres long. One end of the cable is connected to the transducer. The other end is terminated in the power supply.
The EC150-3C is a dual purpose unit. It can be used either as an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) instrument to measure water current or as a split-beam echo sounder. It can not operate these two functions simultaneously.