About this manual
The purpose of this publication is to provide the descriptions, procedures and detailed parameter explanations required to allow for safe and efficient use of the EK80 system. The publication also provides you with a thorough understanding of the parameters and adjustments provided by the EK80 system.
Target audience
This publication is intended for all users of the EK80 system. Due to the nature of the descriptions and the level of detail provided by this publication, it is well suited for those who are - or wish to be - expert users. This manual is a reference book, and as such it is not intended for sequential reading. Use the table of content, the index, the search functionality as well as the interactive links to seek out the information you need when you need it.
A good understanding of system functions and controls is essential to fully take advantage of the functionality provided. Sea conditions vary, sometimes drastically. The acoustic conditions are also changing. Temperature and salinity layers differ from one day to the next, and from one position to another. It is not possible to identify settings that will provide the best data at all times. A careful study of the information in this manual is highly recommended, preferably while exploring the functionality offered by the EK80 system.
We assume that you are familiar with the basic acoustic principles of sound in water. We also expect that you have some experience with multibeam, split-beam and/or single-beam echo sounders in scientific applications.
Use the Help button
Installed on your EK80 system you will find a comprehensive context-sensitive online help system. Everything you can read in this publication can also be found in the online help. To open the context sensitive on-line help, select Help on the top bar, or the Help button in one of the dialog boxes.
Online information
All end-user manuals provided for operation and installation of your EK80 system can be downloaded from our website.
Our website also provides information about other products from Kongsberg Maritime.
License information
The EK80 system is a licensed product. To obtain a license, contact your local dealer.
Software version
This EK80 Reference Manual complies with software version 21.15.
Registered trademarks
Observe the registered trademarks that apply.
Simrad®, SIMRAD® and the Simrad® logo are either registered trademarks, or trademarks of Kongsberg Maritime AS in Norway and other countries.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
We want your feedback
We always want to improve our products. We also want our end-user documentation to be comprehensive and relevant. You can help. Please provide comments, suggestions or constructive criticism to any of our support offices.