Selecting Normal mode to start pinging
In order to transmit ("ping") you must set the EK80 system to Normal operating mode.
The Operation function controls the operating mode of the EK80 system. You can set it to Normal, Replay or Inactive. Normal mode allows the EK80 system to transmit ("ping") through the water, and to receive the echoes.
The transmission ("pinging") can be turned on or off. The Ping function enables or disables the transmissions into the water. Once pinging is On, use Ping Mode to choose how often the EK80 system shall transmit. Use the Ping Interval function to choose the time (in milliseconds) between each transmission ("ping") when the Transmission Mode is set to Interval.
You must never set the EK80 system to "ping" unless the transducer is submerged in water. Most transducers are damaged beyond repair if they transmit in open air. Prevent inadvertent use of the EK80 system whenever a transducer is not submerged.
1 Open the Operation menu.
2 Set Operation to Normal.
The EK80 system is now ready for use.
3 Set Ping to On.
The Ping function enables or disables the transmissions into the water. Once pinging is On, use Ping Mode to choose how often the EK80 system shall transmit. Use the Ping Interval function to choose the time (in milliseconds) between each transmission ("ping") when the Ping Mode is set to Interval.
4 Set Ping Mode to Interval.
5 Select either side of the button to choose a value.
Specify the ping rate that has been defined for the survey.
The EK80 system is now transmitting acoustic pulses ("pinging") into the water.
Further requirements
When the EK80 system starts, it is very important that it detects the bottom correctly. In most cases this will take place automatically. However, we have experienced that large schools of fish or difficult bottom conditions have deceived the EK80 system to display the wrong depth. In these cases the sounder may display the bottom at 0.0 metres at the top of the fish school. In order to aid the EK80 system to locate the correct depth, you must adjust to bottom maximum and minimum ranges according to the actual bottom depth.