Moving the software license from one computer to another
Without a license you will not be able to communicate with the transceiver. The software license for the EK80 system is not linked to the physical computer. If necessary, you can therefore easily move the software from one computer to another.
This procedure assumes that:
•  Your existing EK80 system is operational with all necessary software licenses installed.
•  You have a new computer.
•  The EK80 system software has been installed on the new computer.
•  The new computer is connected to the transceiver(s).
In order to do this task you will need a small text editor (for example the Microsoft® Notepad) running on both computers. You will also need a USB flash drive.
The software license is a 32 character hexadecimal string based on the transceiver’s serial number. It defines several key parameters that control the functionality and behaviour of the transceiver(s) you use. Each software license code "unlocks" one transceiver for operational use with a set of predefined properties.
1 Start the EK80 system on the "old" computer.
2 Open the Setup menu.
3 On the Setup menu, select Installation.
Observe that the Installation dialog box opens. This dialog box contains a number of pages selected from the menu on the left side.
4 On the left side of the Installation dialog box, select Software License.
5 Copy all the current license strings to a text file on the USB flash drive.
a Move all the software licenses to the Currently active licenses list.
b Insert a USB flash drive on your computer.
c Open a small text editor.
d For each software license string:
1 Click on the license string to select it.
2 Select Copy to copy the license string to the computer’s clipboard.
3 Activate the text editor, and paste in the license string.
e When all the software license strings have been pasted into the text file, save it to the USB flash drive.
f Remove the USB flash drive, and insert it on the "new" computer.
6 Start the EK80 system on the "new" computer.
7 Install the license strings using copy/paste from the text file.