Selecting velocity measurement (ADCP) views using the bottom bar
The bottom bar in the display presentation allows you to select which presentations you wish to see, and how these are organized. The bottom bar provides separate tabs for velocity measurement (ADCP) and echogram views.
The bottom bar is available all the time. The tabs on the bottom bar allows you to choose channel and presentation mode. The bottom bar provides separate tabs for velocity measurement (ADCP) and echogram views. Using several ADCP views simultanously can be useful if you want to compare data using different settings.
The Docking Views function provided by the EK80 system allows you to rearrange the physical positions of the views, and to change their sizes. Once the Docking Views function is activated, the various views are placed in named windows, and docking positions for these windows are shown. The docking positions show you where to drag and drop the selected view. Any view can selected, and then repositioned as indicated by the docking positions. This function is opened from the Display menu.
The views are organized in presentation modes. Which presentation mode to use is selected with the tabs at the bottom of the EK80 presentation. The phrase presentation mode is used to describe the combination of views that are shown when the mode is selected at the bottom of the display presentation.
The bottom bar also shows you the current echogram colour scale, as well as the time and date for the last ping.
1 Observe the bottom bar at the bottom of the display presentation.
2 Select the appropriate tab to open the velocity measurement (ADCP) views.