Installing towed body transducers
The transducers you want to use with the EK80 system must be "installed" as a part of the software configuration. Transducer(s) mounted in a towed body are supported. Which transducers to use depends on the number of transceivers in your system, and the licenses you have for these.
It is assumed that the EK80 software has been installed, and that all relevant license strings have been applied. You need to know the type and serial number of each transducer that you wish to install.
The towed body must include a suitable depth sensor providing the current depth in an NMEA DPT datagram. In this datagram, the second depth value (offset, in meters) must contain the towed body depth. The sensor is connected to a communication port on the computer.
Each transducer is added using the Transducer Installation page. The Transducer Installation page is located in the Installation dialog box.
You can only choose a transducer from the Model list. The list is generated from a system file on your computer. It contains all the transducers that are compatible with the transceiver(s) you have. The list also includes technical specifications for each transducer. You can not see this information, but it is used by the EK80 system to set up the operational parameters. This allows each transceiver to optimise its performance for the individual transducer models.
If you cannot find your transducer in the list, contact you dealer, agent or Kongsberg Maritime to upgrade the relevant software component.
Just making changes and selecting OK at the bottom of the page will not install anything. Select what to install, define the relevant parameters, and then select Add.
1 Open the Setup menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Installation.
Observe that the Installation dialog box opens. This dialog box contains a number of pages selected from the menu on the left side.
3 On the left side of the Installation dialog box, select Transducer Installation.
4 Select the transducer you wish to install from the Model list.
Make sure that you select a transducer that is supported by your current license.
5 Insert the serial number.
This serial number is very important, because you will need it as a reference identification when the EK80 system is calibrated. Transducers with built-in "intelligence" will automatically provide this serial number.
6 Type the name you wish to use into the Custom Name box.
Type any name that you wish to use to identify the transducer. The name you select will only be used to identify the transducer in other dialog boxes. It is not used in the echo data that you export. If you do not have a computer keyboard connected to your EK80 system, select the Keyboard button to open an on-screen keyboard.
7 Set Mounting to Towed.
8 Set Orientation to Vertical.
9 Set the vertical installation offset (Z Offset) to the distance between the transducer and the depth sensor in the towed body.
10 Select Add to save the information you have provided.
The transducer is added to the list in the Installed Transducers box.
11 Repeat for each transducer that you want to install.
12 Set up the interface to the depth sensor in the towed body.
a On the left side of the Installation dialog box, select I/O Setup.
b Set up the relevant serial or Ethernet (LAN) communication parameters.
c At the bottom of the page, select Apply to save your settings.
d On the left side of the Installation dialog box, select Sensor Installation.
e Select sensor type External Depth.
f Set up the relevant parameters, and select datagram DPT.
g Select Add to save the new sensor interface you have defined.
h On the left side of the Installation dialog box, select Sensor Configuration.
i Define the priority of the datagrams, and set up relevant configuration parameters.
j At the bottom of the page, select Apply to save your settings.
13 Continue your work in the Installation dialog box, or select OK to close it.
Once a transducer has been installed, it is listed in the Installed Transducers box. To see the information you have collected about the transducer, select the relevant transducer in the list.
The Edit functionality on the Transducer Installation page makes it possible to change the information you have provided for the transducer. You cannot change the model identification and the serial number. The custom name is used several places in the user interface, and it can be changed.
The Remove functionality on the Transducer Installation page makes it possible to delete the information you have provided for the transducer. There is no "undo" functionality.