Accessing and retrieving message log files
The EK80 system uses messages as a part of the built-in diagnostic system. The messages offer information about the operational status of the EK80 system. Whenever the EK80 system issues a message, it is shown in the Messages dialog box. Simultaneously, all messages are stored in a number of log files on the hard disk. If you experience abnormal behaviour, and wish to consult support, these log files are very useful.
You need a USB flash drive, a portable hard disk, or another storage device to keep the log files. It is assumed that you are familiar with the Microsoft®  operating system utilities for file handling.
1 Prepare a data storage device.
2 If you have a computer keyboard connected, press ⊞ Win+E to open the file manager.
3 Without a keyboard:
a Observe the Screen Captures tab at the bottom of the display presentation.
b Select the Screen Captures tab to open the screen capture browser.
c In the browser, select Open Image Folder to open the operating system folder.
4 Navigate to the folder with the log files.
5 Copy the files to the USB flash drive.
6 Close the file manager utility.
7 Send the file(s) by e-mail to your support contact.