Operating procedures
Getting started
Choosing operating mode and key transmit parameters
Controlling the gain and range settings
Defining the environmental settings
Recording and replaying raw echo data
Recording and exporting processed echo data
Saving and recalling screen captures
Setting up the echogram presentation
Using the information panes to collect data from the echoes
Working with depth layers in the echogram views
Exploring water velocities using ADCP
Adjusting the ADCP quality parameters
Setting up the ADCP presentation
Working with advanced sequences
Working with pings, ping groups and ensembles
Setting up presentation modes and views
Defining settings related to user preferences and individual customizing
Saving, retrieving and handling user settings
Adjusting the transceiver parameters
Interfacing peripheral equipment
Installing transducers and transceiver channels in the user interface
Installing an ADCP transceiver in the user interface
Setting up the
system for synchronized operation
Installing and maintaining software
Maintaining the
Installing and troubleshooting Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Noise measurements at sea