Combined View Settings
The Sv(f) information pane shows you the volume backscatter as a function of the frequency. The information is provided as a plot that shows the how the echo strength for a group of targets (for example a school of fish) change with the operational frequency. In order to collect information from more than one channel in the Sv(f) information pane, you can use the Combined View Settings functionality to "combine" echo data from several channels.
The dialog box can only be opened if you have more than one channel in your EK80 presentation. In this context, the term channel is used as a common term to identify the combination of transceiver, transducer and operating frequency.
How to open
You open this dialog box from the Active menu.
The Combined View Settings dialog box lists all your current channels. When activated, a dedicated view is created to hold the information pane and one echogram.
On the left side of the dialog box, select which channels to be included in the combined Sv(f) information pane. On the right side, select which channel to be included in the dedicated channel view.