Horizontal Axis page
The echoes travels from right towards left across the echogram presentation. Use the Horizontal Axis to choose the horizontal scale of the echogram. This controls the "speed" of the echoes.
This page is not available when ADCP is activated.
How to open
This page is located in the Echogram dialog box. The Echogram dialog box is located on the Active menu.
The horizontal scale controls how "fast" the echoes move from right towards left across the presentation.
Before you can change a setting related to a echogram, you must click inside the echogram to activate it. The setting is by default only applied to currently selected echogram. Select Apply to All if you wish to use the chosen settings on all the echograms of the same type.
Horizontal Axis
The echoes travels from right towards left across the echogram presentation. Use the Horizontal Axis to choose the horizontal scale of the echogram. This controls the "speed" of the echoes.
•  Distance: The horizontal scale is based on sailed distance. Select resolution and unit.
•  Time: The horizontal scale is based on time. Select resolution and unit.
•  Ping: The horizontal scale is based on the number of transmissions (“pings”) made. Select View Size to specify that the number of horizontal pixels shall define the number of displayed horizontal pings using one ping per pixel.
•  Speed: The horizontal scale is based on the relative speed you choose. Select speed with the ruler.
Small labels are shown in the bottom left and right corners of the view. These labels can contain time or distance to identify the horizontal axis of the echogram. You can hide the labels from view.
•  None: The labels are hidden
•  Auto: The horizontal scale is set automatically
•  Time: The horizontal scale is defined by time. The time shown in the bottom right corner of the echogram is then the current time (now).
•  Distance: The horizontal scale is defined by distance. The distance shown in the bottom right corner of the echogram is then 0 nautical miles (starting point).
Apply to All
Select Apply to All if you wish to use the chosen settings on all the echograms of the same type.